Why do people enjoy this show?

Why do people enjoy this show?

No shit, no troll. I watched all three seasons, so far, and I genuienly can't tell why it's entertaining, and why the internet is fucking exploding over this.

Can any of you stupid cunts explain?
>inb4 IT'S SO SMART!!!!11!!one

It's funny.

I only watched the first episode and that was enough for me not to waste anymore time with it. Though people keep telling me that the first episode is not as good as what comes after and I should keep watching. Maybe I will one day.

Also a lot of the fans I encounter are real dicks about anyone not liking it. That makes me want to watch it even less.

because im afraid ya got the 'tism, kid

maybe the humour is too complex for you, OP. Read Plato's Republic and a few other classic works, and combine that with a keen understanding of 21st century physics and metaphysics - and stop letting other men defile your wife with their superior wieners whilst you watch Grey's anatomy

'cos it's downright hilarious


If you don't like a show, you don't watch every episode. Nice bait.

>falling for bait too obvious to even be bait

>won't explain why
the humor is literal reddit tier


Why would I explain why something is funny to me? You sound like a faggot and a pushover

>watching 3 seasons of something you don't enjoy

We stopped taking shits like you seriously long ago. Why expend the effort?

the first episode is the weakest of the entire series.

Watch meeseks and destroy

They get defensive because they know it's bad.

They just self insert into rick (for their smug asshole wannabee intellectual side) and morty (for their beta, effeminate, loser nerd faggot side) so if you attack the shows quality you attack them personally. They'll literally lash out and defend it too death, posting all day about how much they like the show to make it seem like it's socially and normalfaggaly ok to watch the show even though no girls watch it.

It's a pretty funny show that has a consistent level of humor. It's not the funniest show but it's at least good all the time.
The fact that Sup Forums is so mad about this show is from circlejerking the fact that normal people are enjoying a show and gaining more entertainment out of it than the past 5 years of the average anons life. Stop caring about it and move on. I can't believe how depressing someone's life must be to focus so much time to a late night young adults cartoon show.

Based Rick and Morty living in your head rent free


What did he mean by this?

>I can't believe how depressing someone's life must be to focus so much time to a late night young adults cartoon show.

I've shitposted about this show for at most 3 hours. 3 seasons of R&M is like 10 hours, so you've wasted more time norman

>unironically using normie as an insult

I'd tell you to have sex but that doesn't seem likely

>I watched all three seasons
I'll take shit that never happened for 500, Alex.

>Has play watched all seasons
>doesnt think its entertaining
>has watched all seasons.

>3 hours
Why would you dedicate 3 hours of your life to a show you don't enjoy? Why are you making such terrible decisions in your life?

Ah, that explains it.

I've had sex. I raped one girl in the forest to lose my virginity, and fucked 5 different beautiful prostitutes in thailand.

Meanwhile you've at best layed fat, ugly girls after giving them tons of compliments. You are on Sup Forums and you watch rick and morty, you are at best a failed normie cuckold. You probably respect women lmfao, all women are whores buddy might as well treat them as such.

>o-oh no! I got insulted on the internet! Better h-hide behind irony so nobody can see how h-humiliated I am!

>g-g-guys, normal people watch rick and morty OK!
>w-we are not all fat nerds who spend our days on reddit while our girlfriends get fucked by Chad

literally lmaoing at how pathetic and defensive r&m retards are. literally proving my point that you spend all your time online defending it because an attack on r&m is an attack on your fedora personality

Sup Forums and Sup Forums liked it before reddit found it a year later when it first aired on AS.
so I guess, reddit.

you're forgetting that I have rewatched the show a couple times with friends and have been shitposting for a couple hours as well.

>watched all 3 seasons of a show he hates
Wtf bro? What is going on in your life?
I haven't even caught up yet and I think the show is decent

Given how you've watched all 3 seasons, I'm not sure what you're asking here.

Do you mean that you don't think the show is entertaining?

Or do you mean that you don't understand why you, personally, find it entertaining?

Sup Forums didn't like it unanimously though. There were always people who criticized the show

because its funny and its sci-fi and there is no cringe (basically rick and morty dont act like whimps)

I'm pretty sure it's a sign of autism why you can't understand why people like something. Understanding it is different from finding it funny yourself, but you actually need somebody to define it for you?

I would never employ irony when talking to r&m fags.

They cling to ironic nihilism to cope with their own weakness irl.

Only watched for multi world science adventures. Which this season has little of.


>people claim it's funny
>literally just some of the shittiest family guy humour but with science references

I think it's mildly entertaining, easy to watch, a few chuckles, delightfully absurd and immature. I have an MA in maths focusing on theoretical physics type stuff so maybe I have a blind-spot when it comes to popular understanding of science, but as far as I can tell the show is entirely Epic Science Nigger tier. Every 12 year old knows at least on a surface level what a wormhole / black hole / particle / quantum whatever is, right? I don't think there's any """deep science""" in the show.

It's popular because of its Lovecraftian themes


How big were their penises

You are trying WAY too hard to fit in

>no u

You literally took my substantiated claim that r&m fags only defend it to try to fit in irl and levied it against me.
Low iq insult low iq show, colour me surprised.

If I wanted to fit in I'd post anonymously, think about it for a second.

>"I raped a girl to lose my virginity"
>"I fucked trannies in Bangkok"
>"you fuck fat ugly girls"
>the normie cuck meme
>the respect women meme
>the whores meme

Holy shit, I don't think I've ever seen this much tryhard in a single post.


I find it mildly amusing? I don't find it particularly funny, but it's a good fun scifi cartoon.

And with Evil Morty back, this season should be pretty interesting.

You are literally regurgitating every Reddit and Memey meme from Sup Forums in order to fit in. You're either dumb as fuck or a newfag because most people here don't care for Rick and Morty. Also you have to be 18+ to post on here.

rather be a tryhard than a trysoft nihilistic depressed r&m watcher

>I watched all three seasons
>I genuienly can't tell why it's entertaining
What are you retarded?

Justin really is our guy

You watched every single episode of a series that you didn't like from the start?

Wow, what a fucking idiot.
Look everyone, OP is a massive fucking idiot.

oh sweet a tripcode i love filtering those. bye fag

Because it is, and the only people who don't find it entertaining are the people who are scared by the fact that the character of Rick accurately represents the self-loathing, conceited, people-hater that they take pride on being, and the show rightfully and consistently places him in a bad light so their only defense mechanism is to call the show BS

>Implying I'm a nihilist
>implying I listen to r&b