What happened to alien invasion kino?
What happened to alien invasion kino?
It's racist
i'm sad that spielberg WoW was so divergent from the book :(
Not safe enough. Much more acceptable to have the big leader be the bad guy, preferably if he's taken down by a strong independent woman - that way there won't be any bad press (read: 5 people) getting angry on Twitter.
you're one of those retards that refuses to acknowledge the setting of certain books is simply not possible to transfer to the big screen without losing money
That's fucked up, man.
I just want to see a proper adaption of the book. Early 20th century Britain, black smoke and HMS Thunderchild
The book sucked.
Back to Sup Forums, you nazi.
Like all sci-fi, it's really expensive to make with no guarantee of financial success. Too risky for studios to roll the dice on
The theme of the book can fit any time period, about the strongest country getting it's teeth kicked in by something much stronger.
Both movies have the Martians as being nigh unstoppable, Atomic weapons have no effect but in the book Tripods are taken down but conventional weaponry. There is a better feeling of Humanity fighting a losing battle rather than getting steamrolled.
That's a load of shit.
Taking out all cartoon talking animal movies, all the biggest successes of 2016 were sci-fi
It may not be a guaranteed success, but if you want to make a billion dollars, you do sci-fi
No black people would be in it too :DD
Aliens don't exist.
They'd just be deported.
What do you mean, what happened? We've just had another Independence Day last year, and alien invasion is a standard superhero movie plot.
It can fit any time period, but it'd be a lot more interesting if it were set in the original period.
It doesn't even need that much budget.
Look at what the BBC did with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrel.
Period piece with lots of CGI.
Looks great
id rather see an alien invasion movie from the perspective of the aliens like in the game destroy all humans
Yea, that's what I said. I want to see Thunderchild fuck up a tripod
yeah I'm sure Cowboys vs. Aliens was great, I'll take your word for it.
Nice try, NASA
What the fuck are you talking about?
Too bad the first movie was such shit.
This would have been cool to see on the big screen
25 replies and nobody posted a Trump yet?
Is there such thing as a joke too obvious for /tv??
we're above reddit-tier humor here
There is a difference between reptilians and aliens, mong.
Ironically the part he was most faithful to (the ending) is the part autistic spergs hate the most.
Bookfags will deny this
We've realized that humans will be the ones to invade other planets. Avatar-style
>watching crypto-xenophobic propaganda
All the aliens have realized there's no point in invading as Earth always wins.
>no alien invasion movie where the aliens release a genome-altering mutagen into the atmosphere, rendering most humans into slavish drone mutants
It's implausible. A highly advanced civilization aiming to colonize Earth and/or annihilate mankind wouldn't need to confront us face-to-face.
It became a reality, foreign barbarians are invading civilized western lands
If the aliens were buried on Earth the entire time, why were they defeated by bacteria they surely were aware of?
This is the worst bait I've ever seen. You need to make it at least believable.
The Spielberg TWoW is hokey trash with only the Tripod sounds and the ferry scene as salvaging parts.
The kids are just so fucking bad.
And Spielberg misses the point entirely with the alien design
>being a bookfag
As a film and a work of visual invention and artistry, Spielberg's movie is far superior.
This. Hopefully BBC will deliver in the TV adaptation.
>Implying Sup Forums isn't a Reddit colony.
>tfw we will never see the HMS Thunderchild on the big screen.
you can only do them if the "invasion" is actually beneficial (Arrival) or if the aliens are non humanoid and completely different to us in size and shape (Pacific Rim)
I haven't heard of that yet, sweet.
>tfw you realized Signs is the most plausible "alien invasion" movie
>or if the aliens are non humanoid and completely different to us in size and shape
The original War of the Worlds describes the aliens as bear sized globs of flesh.
>It will be interesting to see how and if the series addresses the politics of the novel’s era, and how they relate to the politics of England and Europe today.
This is mildly concerning.
>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
I mean nowadays
Independence Day Too had an intergalactic alliance or some shit that offered the humans advanced technology, so some aliens were good and the invasion was something beneficial at the end of the day
no it isn't
it is by FAR the dumbest, least likely out of all of them
It's the BBC, so they are obviously going to shoehorn some shit into it. I don't mind at all as long as they stay true to the original story (especially the philosophical elements).
It's the BBC, so.... Half the cast has to be black or otherwise brown
So get ready for the protagonist to be brown and the crazy guy in the basement to white as snow and ranting about "foreign devils ruining everything"
If I remember right, the final chapter of the novel describes how humanity starts reverse-engineering Martian technology. I get your point, but the novel contains all the things you described as being needed nowadays. Basically, I just want to see a faithful adaptation apart from the musical.
>"alien invasion" movie
Giant blue Lasers shooting into the sky killed them.
>hyper advanced aliens need to be navigated with fucking CROP CIRCLES because they literally can't coordinate any other way
>what are clearly water based life forms come to a big BLUE planet and are fucking allergic to WATER
diagnosis: severe plot autism
signs is the worst fucking ayyylmao movie of all time.
>hyper advanced aliens
What makes you think they're hyper-advanced?
Signs isn't even about aliens.
>Muh demons
Fuck off, Signs is shit and no amount of contrarianism will change that.
>he didnt get it
well they got to earth. period. we consider ourselves to be technologically competent and can't get to mars. let alone interstellar distances. they clearly mastered that to come from an entire other star system and were stealthy enough to fool us
He's clearly false flagging.
>What makes you think they're hyper-advanced?
The fact that they are here and not stuck in their home planet hundreds of light years away?
enlighten us Mr. Autist. What kind of bullshit explanation are you going to pull out of your ass in order to compensate for this shitty movie and all its plot holes?
>being a retard
you people speak of alien invasion as only possible in movies when it already happened before you were born
Plebeians get out
Perhaps they killed the people who had made the ships and took them.
Or a ship crashed onto their planet and they reversed engineered it while maintaining their primitive mindset.
Or they developed interstellar technology but still have a "primitive" way of thinking.
We think that if you are good at technology you have to be emotional logical beings. And that's a load of shit.
There's no reason why a people can be technologically advanced by emotionally "primitive".
The Signs aliens may have been using the invasion a ritualistic event. Go down naked in a harsh and dangerous environment and take over the planet. As a test. Or a game. Or a way to prove their worthiness to their gods.
I think it's a shitty movie and also know it's not actually aliens. Fuck you
I wrote my film thesis about this and it's a mix of things and unironically including this . Alien invasion movies deal with themes of nationalism, threat of a foreign invasion and aguably foreign policy. Aliens show up, kick earth's shit it. People rally together and humanity overcomes. The overall theme of alien invasion movie is being invaded and going to war with an enemy we simply cannot beat. These "aliens" are faceless monsters that destroy our homes and everything dear to us. A very real theme in regards to human civilization. War of the worlds in my opinion is the greatest alien invasion movie of all time. It perfectly captures not only our military strength failing to protect its on people, but the very collapse of society itself in the wake of it. Pic related is one of cinemas greatest scenes. Criminally underrated
Alien invasion movies however are cliche and played out at this point much like zombie movies. With that being said the next "alien invasion" movie that I would love to see is one where humans are the invaders.
>sometime in the future
>advance alien civilization on some distant planet.
>human refugees arrive from earth, after the planet is essentially destroyed from our own doings
>more and more humans arrive and we slowly start to bring our "culture" to this new alien planet
>aliens hosts try their best to accommodate us and deal with these human refugees
>our culture of war, consumerism, waste, individuality and disregard for the environment are at odds with our new alien hosts
>pro human policies are implemented as well as anti-alien policies
>movie is an allegory to refugee crisis in Europe
>movie ends when bulk of humanities military forces show up to a weakened and demoralized alien planet and we essentially take over their planet
>inb4 Sup Forums
It'll be kino and you fags know it
I listened to this album so many times growing up I can't think of War of the Worlds without this music.
>People rally together and humanity overcomes.
But that doesn't happen
no it's aliens bro. maybe there's some metaphorical reason behind them. but in literally sense, they're aliens.
and the movie is retarded nonsense.
UFOs =\= Aliens
It's retarded and makes no sense.
>dood district 9 but in reverse lmao XD
fuck off to redd1t
Because the only way humans could ever win is Deus ex Machina or something that makes no sense, like a computer virus made by a species that invented computers within the century destroying an alien mothership advanced enough for interstellar travel.
RIP HMS Thunderchild
>>our culture of war, consumerism, waste, individuality and disregard for the environment
many of those are mostly problems of western nations or the US
Only the tripods were buried, apparently. The Martians came down to Earth with a lightning storm.
Which is utterly retarded. The arrival of the Martians in the book makes much more sense.
Yes, it's a horrible ending. Everyone knows this.
>my film thesis
In high school I hope.
district 9 is about apartheid and prisoner camps you stupid faggot.
My proposed movie is clearly about refugee crisis and population replacement
>many of those are mostly problems of western nations or the US
Yes because brazil, Mexico and africa are peaceful clean utopias that don't have people killing eachother. Humans are savage monkeys
That's because in order to have that kind of culture, you need neocolonialism to keep the rest of the world shitty. Things don't just come from nowhere, lol.
Good god I.D.2 was shit.
I even gave it a second chance at home hoping it would be some comfy fun on a rewatch but it doesn't even do that because its so soulless and bland.
>disregard for the environment
China's #1 in all of those
It might have been the offensive movie I've ever seen.
It's like WotW on stupid steroids.
What does this picture imply?
This. That quote is probably taken way out of context where he is probably talking about American UFOs.
>I would love to see is one where humans are the invaders
the ending is fine, it just doesnt fit with the beginning of the film specifically
I fucking hope not or it will be full of fucking nigger transgender medieval peasants or what the fuck
Can't you read?