How does Star Wars fall so far that the prequels are actually holding up film wise and culturally wise.
The prequels are actually fond memories now.
How does Star Wars fall so far that the prequels are actually holding up film wise and culturally wise.
The prequels are actually fond memories now.
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it's just fanboys being contrarian. both the prequels and the new movies suck.
The prequels still are infinitely more watchable. Even fucking Mace Windu is cool
Only on Sup Forums do people act like Force Awakens and Rogue One are bad.Go outside.
I've seen numerous people claim that the newest Star Wars movies are the best ones.
The only thing I found impressive about TFA was the bread scene. Other than that it is bland as fuck and normies treat it as a social event and can't pinpoint faults with it on opening day otherwise they'd be ostracized by their friends.
You mean the type of """""people"""""" that give Baby Driver a 4.1 average rating on letterboxd or the """"""people""""""" that praise capeshit?
TFA is better as a film but the prequels are more artistically interesting
The prequels are already classics.
>fond memories
Rogue One was decent. TFA was boring as fuck, I fell asleep while watching it
Why didn't they use jedi speed to catch up to Maul?
none of that is true
Just thinking about this. Prequels feel like they were from a different time just like the OT does. It's becoming more of a snapshot of time then a classic movie though.
>TFA is better as a film
It's ANH 2.0 with characters nobody but numales could care about.
Hell look at the soundtrack. Its the worst in the saga because the entire story and film is garbage.
how stupid are you?
It's simple. Lucas wasn't incompetent enough to give the art department the go ahead to create this bullshit.
Dexs dinner is pure kino
>the prequels are actually holding up film wise and culturally wise.
Explain how are they holding up.
I liked TFA but you're right the bread scene is by far the best thing about it.
here's the thing though: name one human moment in the prequels that even comes close.
Lucas doesn't understand how to portray normal human dreams or emotions. he only deals in ridiculously soap operatic absolutes.
The prequels hold up as memes not as films.
>The prequels still are infinitely more watchable
As shit and re watchable as Rogue One and Force Awakens.
Take off your nostalgia googles.
>They thought this would rival Yoda in terms of cultural memory
Cast them into the sun!
>TFA's soundtrack
Don't remind me about that, I was happy John Williams was coming back but I was surprised how lazy the music felt and there wasn'y any memorable songs.
Did the diner influence all 50s diners everywhere in the future or is it really future diner modeled on past Earth?
TFA won't even be a meme
It was so forgettable
>It's simple. Lucas wasn't incompetent enough to give the art department the go ahead to create this bullshit.
Um... the art department that made Jarjar and Watto? That art department? Because all evidence points to "they did whatever they felt like doing with no oversight whatsoever".
puppet Yoda looked shit and ridiculous for the time too. Don't get me started on CGI Yoda. If you honestly defend shit like the Dooku fight scene you shouldn't be allowed on this board.
TFA a shit. I can't bear to watch it in full ever again. What a shitshow. Rogue One was better
Obviously all future 50's diners were ripping on dex
theres nothing even remotely german in that scene
It wasn't Williams' fault. Jj didn't direct or make a film that was interesting or had room to breathe for a soundtrack.
If the prequels are worse films how come they were able to do that film wise
At least Yoda was memorable.
I can't remember a single thing about the orange alien woman. I can't even remember her name!
No it isn't. It's infuriating bullshit just like the rest of Attack of the Clones.
>shits on muppets
hello highschool. go fuck yourself pleb.
>At least Yoda was memorable.
Thanks to the OT not the Prequels.
Stat wars is a space opera
Detective Obi-Wan is literally the only good thing about Clones.
I would watch an entire Quintology based around Detective Obi-Wan following leads and uncovering covert Sith operations across the galaxy.
>no politics in star wars
Lucas didn't direct Jedi asshole, he was stuck with that scene when it came to editing the new editions.
A rascist caricature of a Jew and Rastafarian are infinitely more cooler then an old expired crunchberry with goggles.
Muh force tree
>you only now notice he has a bushy moustache
Kamino and Jango Fett we're pretty neat. Also clones introduced LAATs so I'll give it a pass.
I always rewatch the sequels every half decade or so, don't think I could ever do that with the new cucked Disney movies
I think we can all agree when TFA turned to shit and it was when Finn met Rey at the market and it was before they got onto the falcon. Honestly, the movie feels pretty fine before that then Rey starts opening her mouth about how she doesn't need a man to protect her and all that bullshit while they are running for safety.
The fuck you say about Watto beach?
*record scratch*
Nostalgia doesn't make something good even if you have fond memories of it.
They had to make sure the audience knew she was a strong woman who don't need no man. As if the scene where Finn trys to help her from two aliens that she beats off by herself wasn't enough.
Some of the set pieces in the prequels were great, for example the Podrace and Duel of the Fates in TPM were damn good, the problem was character development and interaction.
Pretty much everyone I know agrees that TFA is absolute hot garbage and immensely derivative of ANH. Pretty sure they've never even heard of Sup Forums, either.
>Mass Effect dialogue wheel
Damn, nigga, that's a good joke.
wtf is that an anakin figure on the bottom?
and what does it? your opinion or the one from some paid "critics"?
you mean like Leia in the OT?
she also gets saved by men throughout the movie so it's not like they forced it or anything
>a Jew and Rastafarian
Really more of a caricature of a middle-eastern scrapyard owner, and a Hawaiian.
Usually, good taste and objectivity.
The only good things about that came out of prequels were the memes and a couple of video games.
>holding up film wise and culturally wise.
your opinion isn't an indicator of objective quality
paid critics have to think critically about movies for a living so yeah I'd rather trust someone who's trained in the art than some 14 year old faggot on an Indonesian kite enthusiast board.
Anakin built an Android out of junkyard scraps that is fluent with 6 million languages.
Indeed he will have space autism. And George brilliantly portrayed him dropping his spaghetti, like George himself wrote this scene with his own past relationship failings in mind. But since Anakin is space Chad, he gets a pass for spilling his spaghetti
I think so, it's hilarious.
Soundtrack by Williams and sound design by Burtt were pretty great you have to admit.
Episodes 2 and 3 had no memorable songs whatsoever
At least TFA had Rey's Theme
>Couple of video games
Was it me or did anyone else find The Phantom Menace playstation game ridiculously hard? I don't think I ever got beyond pod racing but I did enjoy it on some levels.
>the prequels are actually holding up film wise and culturally wise
They never have and never will. Just because TFA is shit doesn't make the prequels any better.
>mfw I can still hear the Battlefront II menu sound effects while this song plays in the background
>space autism
Don't think in memes and archetypes.
it only stifles your vocabulary, your brain and your communication with others.
Nu-wars is still better than the shitheaps that are the prequels, stop meming
Anakin, stop! Palpatine is the Sith!
When did Sup Forums turn on RedditLetterMemedia?
Episode 2 had the love theme and 3 had battle of heroes.
>good taste and objectivity
yeah, sure your have both of them, but who knows
and how do you know they are not being paid to write a good review?
Williams was in his prime for the prequels and harry potter
Reys theme is shit. Go look up Confrontation with Count Dooku and Finale from episode 2 and play it.
More like nu-male wars, amiright
>He was stuck with that scene
>Being this fucking new
Lucas literally spent a million dollars creating that horrible Jedi rocks sequence for the special editions. In the original movie that alien was just some puppet singing in the background for five seconds before they immediately cut to the twi'lek getting eaten by the rancor. How young are you that you don't know this?
>Reys theme is shit.
Ehh I'd say it's middle of the road for Star Wars, but you're right, the cuck is retarded because there are a handful of good songs from II and III.
around gamergate i believe
i still believe thats the worst thing that happened to Sup Forums
gamergate or people turning on rlm?
It was predictable though, aside from duel of the fates the prequel music was just as bland
The worst thing that ever happened over Sup Forums was that it was created
>and how do you know they are not being paid to write a good review?
the same reason I know you're a paranoid retard
I actually read reviews and watch movies and can see for myself the critical or positive points they're making, then agree/disagree based on my own personal persuasion.
You can also follow critics on twitter or youtube and get an overall impression of their taste. Most of the good ones hate studio interference (hence widespread rejection of bland corporate product) and praise artistic intention.
tl;dr - actually try reading critics before autistically screeching "SHILL".
A Sith WHAT?
The only songs people remember from the prequels are the ones that they shoved into the battlefront games
>being this new
>implying it wasn't O'Reilly calling Sup Forums "hackers on steroids"
>implying the summer ever ended
I saw TPM when it first came out when I was around 13. Didn't like it at all. Earlier this year I found a copy and I figured I'd gain a new appreciation by watching it as an adult.
It was worse than I remembered. The prequels are like Star Wars by way of the Disney Channel.
because although a lot of the complaints about the prequels are fair, they're not soulless cashgrabs by feminists and jews. they're a story thought out by the star wars creator, not a complete corporate rehash
you have to be a fanboy to think anything past ep 4 is passable
why didn't obi-wan force run, it was established earlier in the movie. Really my only complaint about episode 1 asides the shit humour.
>Confrontation with Count Dooku
>no melodic throughline
>no unique movements or identity
>paraphrases Imperial March and Force Theme and others
nigga it's a mini-symphony. It's nowhere near what Rey's Theme is, which is a contained piece that's tied to one character, adds dimension to that character and becomes her leitmotif.
get some taste.
>Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy
Any of Obi-wan's moments blow away all of TFA.
Holy shit what is a fucking medley.
You are such a pleb. Reys theme is forgettble and complete trash just like her character.
Sound design is still pretty innovating and great.
t. Young adult book reader
I understand what you are saying but you never know, you never know if they are being honest.
>Holy shit what is a fucking medley.
>You are such a pleb.
great so you admit that a collection of redcurrant themes that have already been established over 30 years isn't the same as an actual, newly written, unique theme.
>complete trash just like her character.
so you aren't even judging the music and are just hellbent on spreading your bias.
like I said, get some taste.