Just finished episode 9.
I can't fucking believe the verdicts.
I need some time before I watch episode 10.
What did Sup Forums think of Making a Murderer and would you watch a season 2?
Sup Forums's thoughts
>netflix and shill episode
This came out
I thought they only made one episode and that's not Dennis in the picture
is this a goddamn comedy/parody?
what in the fuck
Wow, welcome to two years ago faggot
he did it, cops planted the key though
I will watch season 2. I think he may have done it. But the cops tried to frame him, tainted the entire case against him for a second time, and coerced testimony out of a retard and threw him in prison. The state has debased itself to the point where they almost certainly let a rapist/murderer off the hook in their first case against Avery, which probably resulted in the actual perpetrator raping and murdering other victims. The DA and PD very likely have blood on their hands and have completely discredited themselves in their handling of the second case against him. So we'll probably never know who killed the victim and Avery will probably eventually get out.
After watching the show, I don't know how anyone could think Avery murdered Halbach. What am I missing that leads you to conclude this?
yea im sure the police had this massive cover up and planted her ashes on his property....
Why not?
The ashes were moved into the property as explained by the expert.
Who cares about this redneck piece of shit honestly?
That he may have done it? Because she went to visit him then disappeared. He may not have done it, too. My main point was that we'll probably never know either way because the police fucked up the investigation so much. He may have done it. Her killer may be on the loose. I've also got a feeling like the FBI forensics testimony was bullshit, too.
The series leaves out some information and evidence. It's been awhile so I don't remember all the details.
>only take an interest in the criminal justice system after watching a Netflix documentary
>people think Avery is innocent
I don't even think the people making the documentary want people to think he didn't do it, the real subject was Dassey's involvement.
It's not like the exact same police officers already framed him for a crime he didn't commit once, letter a dangerous rapist off the hook for years.
they both did it. dassey was a victim too though because avery obviously forced him into whatever he did.
the cops just fucked up the investigation because they couldnt find the evidence they needed the first time - so they planted it.
*blocks your wrestlemania*
It's more plausible, to me, that a third party moved the ashes to Avery's property than the scenario where Avery moved his victim's ashes right behind his house in plain view.
Hello satan.
>is this a goddamn comedy/parody?
Well, duh.
this "show" was so fucking boring
jesus, this guy needs to be locked up for probably failing hundreds as an attorney
I agree, the first portion of the doc covers the framing with the rape case, and the shitty small town politics well
The 2nd part during the murder investigation and trial dragged on way too much and had a bunch of family filler BS needed better editing and to be less episodes
He most likely did it and should be put away.
However, cops should have went to jail for their blatant miscarriage of justice throughout the investigation and the prosecutor should also be locked up for his handling of everything. That's the biggest thing to take away from this - that when the gov't wants a verdict, they will break the law constantly in order to get it.
>absolutely no DNA evidence connecting either of them to the murder and alleged rape
>the horrific amount of intimidation and manipulation the two special agents used on a literally retarded kid to get him to confess to something that never happened
>the 100% confirmed lies that Bobby and Kayla told on the stand
whew, it's like you didn't even watch the series but feel compelled to weigh in on it!
This fucking scumbag
>blood status: boiling
Did anyone else fall in love with Dean and Jerry while watching this? I could listen to them talk about justice and life forever.
Isn't that dick drawer guy an actor? I think he was in 22 Jump Street.
Is it based on the life of Vinny from vinesauce?
is this a fucking joke?
this HAS to be a fucking joke right?
please tell me this is a joke and this is a fake trailer
Wait, what!?
Yes just like the key was placed in his house.
Who was he again? Was he the retarded kids lawyer? I remember him doing something which made no sense to me but I can't remember what
>make way for the far superior crime documentary, fuckers
I wonder if the brother's victim didn't do it..
He hired a private investigator that made the kid sign a paper admitting guilt iirc. Obviously the kid had no idea what he was signing. The lawyer wasn't even present.
Not enough douk or working deli