What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

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Back to r3ddit, faggot cunt. Now every day is 3 threads about that shit?

My favourite video is the one where he fucks the donkey on camera.

Pretty good critic. I really agree with his assessment on "A dogs purpose" not expressing that a dogs purpose is in fact as a sex slave. Great review.

i would like to see the movie where i punch this guy in the face

Why anyone would want a furry's serious film criticism or opinion on anything beside what's the sexiest dog is beyond me.

you all need to be lynched


Some of his YMS videos are good
His The Walking Dead series is good
His favorite film, The Holy Mountain is pretentious garbage. Same with his second favorite film: Synecdoche, New York
Top 10 Film videos are okay, as well

His argument for bestiality is retarded. His music is shit, as well.

He's probably literally autistic, if you watch some of his vids, you'll see how unironically autistic he is

well he is a fucking leaf.

he is pretty based

sorry adam "dogfuck" yourmoviessuck

im not him

He's pretty good, probably one of the best youtube critics. I don't care about him fucking animals

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you sexy bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in furaffinity, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on local kennels, and I have over 300 confirmed rapes. I am trained in canine infiltration and I’m the biggest faggot in the entire bad dragon user base. You are nothing to me but just another puppy. I will wipe your dogs anus the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on f-list, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with not donating to my patreon? Think again, cub. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of furfags across /trash/ and your dog is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, stud. The storm that wipes out the sexy little thing you call your dogs asshole. You’re fucking yiffed, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can penetrate your pets in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with peanut butter. Not only am I extensively trained in animal fellatio, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the bad dragon store and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your dogs miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon your dog, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. Your dog will shit cum all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

this I still watch this youtuber I like even though he got done for CP, so what?


Good at both serious and humorous reviews. Video game channel is fun, music is pretty cringy.
Overall, 7/10, would let him fuck my dog

>implying they're the same
He didn't even fucked a real dog

I don't think about him at all.

okay raping lower life forms is okay because they can't tell the police sorry I forgot

He gave Baby Driver a 9/10.


He was better before, now he's too much into himself. Like what the fuck, I'm not interested in what you though is creepy when you were a kid, I don't want 4 fucking videos on that topic, I want reviews of obscure films and jokes.
His lets plays with Mark are good, I enjoy them as a background noise.
Also, he's a dograpist.

>you sexy bitch

Can I get a quick rundown on his meme?

like I actually want to kill him.

From what I'm aware, he made a video saying the mistreatment of animals in slaughter houses meant morally it should be legal to fuck animals since they suffer legally to make meat. He then expanded on this on some forum and a shitstorm occurred, he ended up encouraging people to do sexual acts with animals to break the ice on the issue and then went silent about it after his fans expressed disgust with it.


>From what I'm aware, he made a video saying the mistreatment of animals in slaughter houses meant morally it should be legal to fuck animals since they suffer legally to make meat.
Post it.

there's a reddit thing and other forum posts but I don't have them saved

He's right, you know

>Can I get a quick rundown on his meme?
He literally and unironically advocates beastiality.

No your not Adam. It's textbook false equivalency and you're a disgrace to your family.

>something I believe is bad and disgusting is allowed to occur
>that means what i'm suggesting should also be allowed to occur is equally as repugnant
>this somehow makes it morally ok

How is he wrong?

By comparing it he's saying it's just as bad, but that some immoral things should be legal just because of how the law works. This both declares the law a moral and immoral force at the same time and destroys using it as an argument. He's just a horny weirdo and not actually intelligent.

Honestly that's not even half as bad as his maximum-pleb taste in film. He hates everything that came out more than twenty years ago because they have "bad special effects"

>It's another contrarian comes into the thread to say bestiality isn't wrong to stir up shit episode

>He hates everything that came out more than twenty years ago because they have "bad special effects"

do you even watch his videos bro

Yes, and I have never heard him say anything like that.

>he hasn't fucked a dog before
you guys are losers

what's the point of making these unfunny reddit threads

I feel like everybody here says he's shit but watch him anyways. I don't. He's just awful.

feeling good about yourself because you dont fuck your family dog and try justifying it

welcome to the thread adam

I rape my whining whimpering dog all the time

Damn, maybe you should start up a youtube channel

Use to really like him but just like everyone else from Youtube that gets popular enough he let his mental illness seep into his content. The guy is a dog fucking piece of shit. Also I think his brother beat him.

he also claimed that the fact you don't see the monkey's junk in the new planet of the apes movies was a major problem with it.