Fun, straightforward, action films like this one?

fun, straightforward, action films like this one?

Other urls found in this thread:

or this one

also this one, too bad the quality of the love interests kept going down and down in each sequel













Thanks for this thread fellas. These are the movies to watch with family alright



>almost made me cry with a 3 scene love story
i didn't sign up for this

also the sequels are great fun as well







ruined a few of the characters but was still good fun





almost forgot about this shit

more watchable than expected


what are the best movies in this thread? i can't watch them all






>he loves the romance subplots

>what are the best movies in this thread? i can't watch them all
Why not? I did.


>almost forgot about this shit
hahahaha, holy crap me too

"So... YOU are the Finger Chopper!"

o god my sides

i didn't love them, but just saying the first grill was the best grill


>it's an actor directing himself episode





I unironically love this movie. And dat Gemma....


This one unless you're a pussy who can't handle a bit of motion on screen

Hey OP, watch this one with your family.

I like the father and son dynamic, you rarely see it in kinos.

This is a good thread. Well done, OP, well done.



>And dat Gemma....
that slight retardation on her face just makes it better...

God I love Sofia Boutella

I miss this kind of comfy movies...

I did too. I liked the scenes with both Harris and Neeson a lot as well

sorry but Gemma is MINE

If I'm going in for some Mike Takshishi pure action, I think I actually prefer the DoA movies:

Jesus, this movie was terrible. I mean, holy shit, angels possessing people? Christ, there was a scene where a guy was put on an upside down cross. I mean, for God's sake, why would they demonize angels?

is posting this kind of movie cheating at this thread?

angels being kind of disturbing is a well established theme through mythological history, christianity has been very sanitized lately

>he doesn't know about Saint Peter's Cross
shaking my head desu

A single best thread at Sup Forums right now. Added a bunch of movies to a watchlist.

Just downloaded three I haven't seen yet. Thanks Sup Forums, I knew some of you guys actually watch movies.

a bit too heavy on the cliches for my taste but it is what it is

>I mean, for God's sake, why would they demonize angels?
For fun and profit.

easy mode, but it still fits

same with this one

>Gipsy Danger
Somebody thought that this name was a good idea.

oh, with so much easy posting almost forgot about this space action shit

Faggot names for mechs is kinda required though.

French Stewart will never be the same.

Actually a group of dangerous gipsies tried to rob me in real life. I chuckled with the movie.

Agreed. Pacific Rim felt EXACTLY like a shot-for-shot live action of an anime mecha series, with all the stupid tropes intact. Which I think was precisely the point.

it is a good idea. No one likes gypsies

a classic

Watching it now. She's fucking cute in this movie. And Jake Gyllenhaal is always worth watching.

Gipsy is a class of plane engine

Nice thread op.
Here's some of my contribution


Whoops replied to wrong person

Great flick

I'll fight you Nigger

This. Basically anything Tony Jaa has done is pure action kino.
Who else /Triple Threat/ here?

Have I told you about the Ngbaka?

Pure kino







Starship troopers

>tfw you'll never be quick enough on your feet to throw them Jaa flying - knees next fight you're in

Feels bad man

This was great