Good film?
Good film?
Relationship dramedy disguised as a quirky sci fi comedy.
Depends on what kind of movies you like.
>anne i always act the same hathaway
Yes. Lotta good power dynamics
interesting concept
Sup Forums doesn't get it. I'm sure some here did but quickly get drowned out by retards.
This movie was super shallow and slammed you over the head with theme, thats whats so patheritc about the poor discussion quality here.
I want to start a travelling PUA class where I charge 5$ for entry, play the entirety if the fireworks scene on a giant projector, just say "be this" and leave
falls apart in after the first half.
shit film
Anne is tall and fine and has a tight ass.
I like it
Anne is getting old and ugly as she approaches the horror of being 40, this movie is the proof.
You could charge a lot more than that.
It was all over the place.
>be together with a literal 10/10 Chad who actually also cares about her
>decided to party 24/7 and its implied that she cheated on him
>go to home town after he kicks her out
>instead of "working on herself" she befriends her highschool dude and his friends
>bangs one of them
>blow off ex-bf (we were on a break)
>guy finds out that she fucked his friend
>becomes abusive
>becomes violent
>keeps her from going back to Chad
>she goes back to Chad
Now pretend that his violence for her is personified by 2 giant Kaiju/Mecha and thats the film
I don't get why she didn't just shoot him after the first 20 minutes.
Instead it goes on for far to long him killing hundreds or thousands of people then her coming up with some bizarre convicted plan to kill him that involves her going to the other side of the world rather than down to the local walmart.
Other than that it was decent in a low budget movie sort of way.
But it's not a relationship drama at all. It's a thriller.
I don't know what point you're trying to make here.
Anne hathaway's story is pretty great
Jason sadkus story is shit and makes not much sense of why he does all this stuff
>female protagonist does a bunch of essentially unforgivable shit
>still sympathetic/heroic because she is cute
>le niceguy turns out to actually be crazy and evil twist
Yeah but her nipple game is on fucking point
She was also selfish as all hell. Instead of quiting as soon as she realizes she was the monster, she continued not only to become the monster, but to tell other people, thus allowing them to also become a monster
That is as bad as in live action death note when Lite imagay tells the chick he wants to fuck that he has the death note
He does it because he was a beta posing as the white knight nice guy. And when hottie Anne fucked his friend who went for a kiss, he was extremely jealous, as betas usually are.
Then the resentment and hatred finally came out of the beta and he made those decisions because it would hurt Anne.
Quite realistic actually.
Sudekis nailed the "seemingly likable, decent guy is actually a fucking monster" that white knights/friendzoned guys truly are.
Thats probably because youre dumb.
>Jason sadkus story is shit and makes not much sense of why he does all this stuff
The fireworks scene blatantly spells out his entire motivation. I thought the film was too obvious with its metaphors but it seems like idiots like you still didn't get it.
Anne is beautiful in this movie. I don't get the hate for her.
Interesting. I liked that it tried something new.
She'll never be ugly, unlike you and your personality.
>dickface gets left behind in life by someone who's superior to them in every way
>dickface LITERALLY sits on their ass for decades, waiting for the object of their butthurt to fall on hard times before circling in like a shark
This is isn't purely a "man vs. woman" dynamic. My own brother tried this shit with me some years ago: tried to get inside my head when I hit a rough patch. He was always jealous of me and seriously just sat around back at my dad's house for the better part of a decade doing jack shit while I was out trying to make a life for myself.
Now I'm back out and he's still in the same place. The only difference now is if I ever find myself in dire straits again, I'm not going back to that fucking town. People you leave in the dust in life (not even intentionally) tend to base their entire lives around butthurt inferiority complex. Could be an old friend or a family member. Always be wary when people who've had nothing to say to you when you're doing fine are suddenly up your ass trying to be "helpful" when you're down.
This film illustrates the situation perfectly.
its jealous fat women who hate her
if youre a man and you hate her you're a faggot
Feel like they dropped the ball with the giant monster. It looks like a design out of a quirky PlayStation game like Little Big Planet or like a background character in a fantasy movie.