"Gaelic" celts are the absolute worst type of celts.
Marxist, victim mentality, EU-loving, Britain-hating terrorist civ-nats.
Nail-bombing horses, universally being seen as the least 'white' white people, and explicitly choosing the SNP over UKIP. Shameful.
What have you got against the Scotch
Oh you're a Sup Forumsyp, nevermind
They never stop complaining
>If you're not an SNP, EU, and IRA-supporter then you're one of the Sup Forums boogeymen
Back to leftypol.
You're the only one complaining here.
>If you're not an SNP, EU, and IRA-supporter then you're one of the Sup Forums boogeymen
Yet every single Scot is a 'Marxist, victim mentality, EU-loving, Britain-hating terrorist civ-nat'?
Please go back, Sup Forumsyp. The average wall has more self-insight than you do. The average rock has better critical thinking skills.
People on Sup Forums who cry about people from Sup Forums are on the wrong website to begin with.
Notice how there's a dedicated politics board on this website, and almost none of the people there share your faggy views on things. Maybe that means you're the one in the wrong place, not them.
every single gay-el is one of those things yes but thank god not every single scot is a gay-el
The 'terrorist' bit was probably aimed more at the Irish.
This is literally an IRA thread.
>People on Sup Forums who cry about people from Sup Forums are on the wrong website to begin with.
No, they really aren't, regardless of how often you fucking idiots try to claim this.
Go back to your containment board, and do something right for the first time in your worthless life.
Fucking commies.
>posts pasta accusing the board of peace for never shutting up about themselves
>thinks everyone who disagrees with him is from Sup Forums and never shuts up about how much he hates Sup Forums
almond status: activated
Someone obsessed with furries who gets mad at the word "nigger" while unironically using the word "nigger" himself against people who upset him.
What does that have to do with this thread? Stop getting so mad at Sup Forums. This isn't Sup Forums. This is Sup Forums. The fact that there are people on this board who think that you're a fag and that your views are retarded doesn't mean that you're being attacked by an entirely different board, and posting irrelevant screenshots of weird rants about that board doesn't change that.
The only people who are bringing up Sup Forums in this thread are the people who can't handle their lefty IRA-supporting point of view being made fun of. Accusing everyone of being from Sup Forums just because they think you're a faggot for supporting a Marxist terrorist organisation doesn't do anything other than make you look pathetic.
If you want to spout your pro-IRA lefty faggotry without being made fun of, why the fuck did you choose Sup Forums of all places to do that? Why not say, Tumblr?
I haven't even watched the trailer yet, but nothing pisses me off more than hearing some dickwad go on about how terrible muslims are because they're all terrorists and then starts defending the IRA as misunderstood/justified
All terrorists are fucking shites that deserve a bullet to the head after much suffering
>starts an objectively political thread
>"bawwwwww! why do people have different opinions from me?"
you. reap. you. sow.
>be Irish
>have your country singlehandedly defeated by 0(zero) potatoes
Yes, you really are.
Sup Forums is a containment board for constant politics, not a containment board for people who disagree with you, especially when the vast majority of people on this website in general probably disagree with you anyway.
Sup Forums is a containment board for politics as a whole, not a place to contain people who would get in the way of you having your own personal political safe-space.
Anyone who says "go back to Sup Forums" in the context you just did is on the wrong website, and you are on the wrong website.
Imagine just how fucking delusional you'd have to be to try to make Sup Forums of all places your left-wing echo chamber. Fuck off, retard.
>Notice how there's a dedicated politics board on this website, and almost none of the people there share your faggy views on things.
Have you ever actually been to Sup Forums? Course not, you just shitpost on /r/the_donald
The Sup Forums problem isn't actually a problem with the board. It's a problem with the people who are too fucking stupid to say anything there because they know they'll be BTFO immediately
So they shitpost on Sup Forums where no one gives a fuck and where there aren't a hundred political scientist phd students to call your idiotic diatribe out
>tldr; fuck off back to /r/the_donald you underaged assbandit
You sound like a jihadist yourself, IMO
In what fucking way?
>"he hates all terrorists, he must be a jihadist!"
that you actually think this shows that you don't give a fuck about terrorism or its impacts, you just use it as an excuse to push whatever agenda makes you feel slightly less insecire
>According to legend, the Sultan had originally intended to send £10,000, but either British diplomats or his own ministers requested that the Sultan send only £1,000, so as not to donate more thanQueen Victoria, who had sent £2,000. He is also said to have sent threeor fiveships full of food. The British administration allegedly attempted to block the ships
outta my way ottoman food aid fucking shits
I have been on Sup Forums a few times and I have literally never, not once, been on /r/the_donald, and I've never really been on Reddit other than when incidental links from elsewhere have briefly taken me there.
Considering you're the sort of person who thinks that typing "tldr; fuck off back to /r/the_donald you underaged assbandit" is anything other than unfunny and cringey as fuck, maybe you should just stop posting and stop trying to blame entirely different boards and websites for the fact that there are several different people in this thread making fun of you for being an embarrassing Sup Forums-obsessed retard.
There's no "Sup Forums problem", there's a YOU problem. Stop crying about shadowy people from Sup Forums and Trump subreddits, maybe learn to deal with the fact that people just think you're weird and that your left-wing, IRA-supporting opinions are shit and come from a place of insecure stupidity.
Do you have a checklist of websites and boards that people who are mean to you online logically must be from?
You've done Sup Forums and /r/the_donald, have any others?
>learn to deal with people that think differently!
>but everyone thinks the same on this website except for idiotic liberals who aren't welcome!
rly maeks u think
>Fuck off faggot
>uses cringeworthy, unfunny Sup Forums memes
>types in Sup Forums vernacular
>regurgitates Sup Forums 'belief' system
Quite obviously a Sup Forumsyp, let's not kid ourselves.
See above. Also, fuck off Sup Forumsyp.
Fuck off Sup Forumsyp.
Fuck off Sup Forumsyp.
You even type in the exact same way. No self-awareness whatsoever.
Like robots.
That's literally not at all what's being said.
How are you this fucking stupid? It's insane.
Nobody is saying that you can't have "liberal" views on Sup Forums, they're saying that if you're the sort of IRA-supporting leftist who demands that people who disagree with them go to Sup Forums, expect to be made fun of.
I can't tell if you're shitposting or if you're actually this dumb.
>types in Sup Forums vernacular
What, the word "faggot" is "Sup Forums vernacular"?
Fucking hell m8. How new are you?
r the donalds out
i actually have never been to Sup Forums at all so clearly your system is flawed
>they're saying that if you're the sort of IRA-supporting leftist who demands that people who disagree with them go to Sup Forums, expect to be made fun of.
No one so far has claimed that they support the IRA.
We're telling Sup Forums vermin to fuck off back to their containment board, despite their pathetically unconvincing attempts to portray themselves as your average Sup Forums browser, those attempts being betrayed by the extreme anal devastation they develop at being called out at Sup Forumsyps.
>IRA-supporting leftist
[Outside of Ireland itself] it's the right that supports the IRA
Oh boy oh boy oh boy I can't wait for immense Anglo asspain!
t. American, not even Irish diaspora
England treated the Irish worse than we treated the Natives.
>I've exposed as retard so I'll pretend it was just an act and cherry pick as blatantly as possible
It won't work, just FYI.
you sure convinced me
i can post my Sup Forums history if you want but you might not like what you see
you dont hate all terrorists though, you only hate the ones which people you allready hate. you hate muslims so you focus on terror attacks done by them. you hate irish so you focus on terrorist attacks done by them. you wouldnt bring up the terror attacks done by non muslims or the initial terror attacks done by the british to the irish. more civilians were killed by british terrorists in ireland than the IRA killed during the same period and they were killed by terror attacks but you dont go on a crusade online saying these terrorists deserve a bullet to the head.
Yeah I dont get why people think IRA supporting = Leftism.
What because some branch of factions delved into Marxism in the '70s? Fuck off.
Irish Nationalism is Right wing. It just collides with English Nationalism since the English are slimy genocidal cunts who love to kill and enslave innocents.
The funny thing about these posts is that despite this thread being a largely British Isles-centric thread, the person who's getting mad as fuck about 'Sup Forums' is clearly someone obsessed with US politics and trying to reframe this thread along the lines of aggressively loving or hating Donald Trump, as if either Trump or Sup Forums have literally anything to do with what's being said.
So it's either a yank, or a British/Irish person who's so unintelligent that they actively and primarily see the world through a two-dimensional US-centric political lens.
I don't think I've seen a Sup Forumsyp so triggered on this board for quite a while.
What are you trying to achieve here? It's obvious as fuck where you originate from. As I've already said multiple times, Sup Forumsyps are distinguished by their complete lack of self-awareness and their almost machine-like regurgitation of Sup Forums beliefs and propaganda, as well as their idiotic presumption that those beliefs are mainstream, and their inability to understand why they're spotted so easily.
You should hang yourself quite soon, and do your 'white race' a favour. It deserves better than you mongoloids.
What's 'cherry picking' in this situation?
Do you actually think that the word "faggot" is "pol vernacular"? Is that actually what you meant?
>England treated the Irish worse than we treated the Natives.
the natives at least had an inated nobility, a oneness with nature, irish are good for nothing but breeding and drinking
Being fair, Trump gave money to Sinn Fein
>the state of the IRA
>the person who's getting mad as fuck about 'Sup Forums' is clearly someone obsessed with US politics and trying to reframe this thread along the lines of aggressively loving or hating Donald Trump, as if either Trump or Sup Forums have literally anything to do with what's being said.
They aren't doing either of those things. It's just Sup Forums mongoloids tend to support trump, and even if they don't, they're usually as retarded as his followers anyway, so it's not like there's actually a major difference. The mindset and intellectual cretinism are the same.
Stop pretending that you're not Sup Forums btw, this is getting tiresome.
>Sup Forumsyp
is this a new thing? and how is it better than Sup Forumstards?
>see the world through a two-dimensional US-centric political lens.
Reminds me of how everyone in the entire world was obsessed with Hillary Clinton as opposed to a literally who like Theresa May
Typing "Sup Forumsyp" over and over isn't doing anything other than making you look unhinged and a bit autistic.
I'm just going to assume that you're pointlessly shitposting because you're making up so much desperate anti-Sup Forums shit out of nowhere that it's depressing to think that you might be genuine.
Like honestly, I'll just assume you're being serious for the moment, so what specifically in that post that you just responded to is a "machine-like regurgitation of Sup Forums beliefs and propaganda"? Seriously.
>Is that actually what you meant?
Obviously not, you fucking imbecile. Congratulations for revealing yourself to be EVEN MORE retarded, and for revealing that you STILL don't understand why you've been exposed so easily.
>missing my point this badly
I basically agree with you almost completely except I actually do hate all terrorists, and I hate the Sup Forumstards who use terrorism as a justification for their hatred for muslims
We agree, reread what I wrote
except the entire concept of irish nationalism is focused on being oppressed by the english, there's nothing more left wing than that.
>so what specifically in that post that you just responded to is a "machine-like regurgitation of Sup Forums beliefs and propaganda"? Seriously.
That you even need to ask this question shows what a dumbass you are.
Keep proving me right about that lack of self-awareness.
>So it's either a yank, or a British/Irish person who's so unintelligent that they actively and primarily see the world through a two-dimensional US-centric political lens.
Or the only way politics is ever discussed on this shithole is through an american lens because it's an american website made up primarily of americans
you'd know that if you weren't a fucking board-tourist
>literally #notallmuslims
user why are you shitposting so much right now? Do you have literally nothing better to do than pretend to be retarded on the internet? Is that actually a satisfying thing for you?
so you are a fucking yank then?
>this non-response in an attempt to cover your ass
Yup, you've been BTFO.
>be fucking consistent in your hatred
It's funny cause I fucking despise islamic terrorism. But that sentiment gets drowned and hijacked by a bunch of dumbass racists. So the issue doesn't properly get discussed or dealt with for ten years and then we end up here
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.
You're trying too hard now.
No, that would be you.
>le ebin librul strawman xD
As unfunny now as it was when it was first posted.
IRA haven't been 'terrorists' in years. only ever hear about them today in an organised crime context. even just today I heard some story in the news about some IRA getting sent down for shooting another IRA guy dead in a pub a few months back over some random gangland shit. only even made the news cause the guy apparently chimped out and had to be hog-tied or some shit
also, the pic is not even an IRA mural. its INLA, a break-off enemy of the IRA who are notorious for being straight-up dealers/gangsters/hitmen from the get go
Hilariously enough I'm actually English and studied in Ireland (and I fucked some taigs lol)
>no u
>"dumbass racists" are preventing Islamic terrorism from being stopped or discussed
are you really this fucking dumb?
Only 12 year olds and Americans support the IRA, they'll always be the commie scum that fucked up Ireland far worse than their enemies could ever hope to.
strawman would imply that it's overexaggrated in some way
You act like that's something to be proud of. Might aswell fuck sheboons.
so you're just a pussywhipped anglo loser then?
It's falling on deaf ears, user.
This site has undergone a severe brain-drain, anyone with sense got the fuck out at the same time Stormfront (and in MUCH larger numbers, faggots who pretend they're fascists for LE MEMER CRED XD PRAISE KEK) moved in.
I'd like to think at one point debate and real discussion was possible on here, but now contrary opinions are largely met with ridicule and memes instead of debunking/debate. Maybe it was always this bad and I never noticed before.
The pendulum will swing back pretty soon, the alt-right is already starting to eat itself as civic nationalists and ethno-nationalists destroy each other, and as Trump continually reveals himself to be a retard.
I'm fucking sickened by all these new liberal pansies. Yeah we campaigned against scientology and made epic threads taking the piss out Bush once, but those were just epic memes. Deep down we all hated the idea of a coon president (who wasn't even really black), we're disgusted by fags and we all go to church on Sundays. But apparently tumblr thinks it can just waltz in and find good company here because a few of these fucking memesters took it too far.
Sup Forums is OUR site, an extension of stormfront where we proudly preach white nationalism. And we've been very successful for the most part. /r/the_donald has over 20k subscribers now. Here we have free thought away from the liberal hivemind of mainstream media. So HOW ARE THERE STILL LIBERAL SHEEPLE HERE? This site is proof that correct-the-record still operates, probably funded by Soros and his millionaire jew friends. It's not a fucking conspiracy. They're in this site right now trying to fight back because we think for ourselves. How else do you explain that Sup Forums's most beloved director, Nicholas Winding Refn, is a liberal shill constantly tweeting about how much he hates Trump? And in perfect form, of course he's a foreign nu-male cuck.
It's been proven time and time again that the older you get, the more conservative you get. Well Sup Forums's been around for a while, so why the fuck isn't everyone right-wing?! It just proves that we need mods who will do their jobs and fucking delete all these pro-liberal circlejerk threads.
>someone tries to talk about curbing terrorism
>dumbass redneck loudly proclaims that he agrees and that "we need to nuke these shitskins back to kingdom come!"
>authority rolls their eyes and ignores the issue
Anglo doesn't make much sense in this context.
Anglo, meaning English-speaking, doesn't work because you're speaking English and Ireland overwhelmingly speaks English. Anglo meaning Anglo-saxon in the ethnic sense doesn't work either, because the vast majority of national English people maintain their original British (celtic) ancestry even after after the many years of early waves of invasion from the Romans to the Normans, none of which massively warped ethnic demographics as it was the invaders which assimilated and were genetically drowned out by the much larger native gene pool. The English aren't all ethnic anglo-saxons, that's not how the invasions worked. Culture changed, but ethnicity didn't. If you mean Anglo in the Anglo-saxon cultural sense, that doesn't work either, because the Anglo-saxon culture wasn't exactly retained. England is hardly Anglo-saxon.
If by "Anglo" you just mean "English", why not just say English? You're an 'Anglo' in as much as much a meaningful sense as he is.
"Anglo" as a pejorative only makes sense if you're a French or Spanish person bitter about the English-speaking world.
>it's not funny when you take the piss out of my easily regurgitated opinions that I barely understand
the joke about the first one is that the first time someone posted it he was being completely serious and unironic and genuinely believed what he is saying
this one just screams pathetic and butthurt.
post one real life example of this happening
>the joke about the first one is that the first time someone posted it he was being completely serious and unironic and genuinely believed what he is saying
[citation needed]
Reminder that the Easter Rising was entirely the result of the Irish being pussies who were scared to fight in WW1.
Ireland is one of the few countries on earth where its creation story is just utterly reprehensible.
Objectively correct.
Conforming to the system
With pride, actually
The entire brexit vote and everyone who supported remain
>im a newfag, please spoonfeed me
im sure you can figure out the archive on your own
Well, yes; but all that aside...
>can't find a source
>tries to put the burden of proof on the other person
and how, exactly, is that relevant?
>he responded with sincerity to stale bait pasta
Just go back
shut the fuck up Sup Forumsyp
Fuck potatoe niggers
t. lefty/pol/yp
WWI was the most pointless, destructive and idiotic war is history. The Irish were 100% not to want to die in a muddy trench for the eternal Anglo.
>Only 12 year olds and Americans support the IRA, they'll always be the commie scum that fucked up Ireland
Sinn Fein is not in power senpai
Y'all niggas booboo.