Any other limmy fans here?
He might have a new BBC show
Any other limmy fans here?
He might have a new BBC show
Hopefully he starts things off by killing himself
I hope that pic is satire.
>that tweet
Is this some kind of obscure comedy I'm unaware of?
>If a section of society could be killed to make the world better place it would definitely be ((x)). Don't think anybody would disagree
He's right, men commit much more violent crime
Limmy is fairly liberal actually. He most definitely hates Sup Forums and would also hate Sup Forums
>wtf i hate his comedy now
Saw Limmy in dundee once, he was a bit of a cunt towards me.
It would be a better place for 5 minutes until women noticed it.
Damn... he went full Lovecraftian
Well if you kill half of the population, and the other half can't reproduce by itself, humanity would be extinct pretty shortly. I would say that is a better place.
>the stronger gender uses their strength more
lovecraftian horror
>the stronger race uses their strength more
Sup Forums BTFO by this user
that's because they have to put up with women
>make men cattle
>milk cummies
>kill them off
reproduction isn't a problem
Limmy is left wing although in the past he's argued a lot with SJWs too. Especially when they get asshurt about stupid things or jokes
>Britbongs and Americunts don't realise that most Gaels (Scottish and Irish people) are leftists
Frankie Boyle is a left winger as well.
>blacks are the stronger race
>whites dominate weight lifting and strongman competitions
Kill jester
>the stronger race uses their strength more
Unfortunately not yet, but soon.
But Scots are British
probably cause youre from dundee
You must be new to Limmy, his twitter is 100% bait
Grammatically speaking, that makes no sense.
>Anglo filth actually believe this
I'm not British, you scumbag.
>whites are stronger race
>blacks dominate almost every physical sport
this user is on a role, Sup Forums has a new enemy
Who are you quoting?
>scottish intellectuals
>lowland scots
>whites dominate strength based competition
>n-no blacks are stronger b-because i said so
>that time Limmy unironically got reported to the FBI and twitter by the alt right when he made jokes about killing Trump
>When he BTFO of them by highlighting these same people accusing the left of censorship
What a time to be alive that was
>being this asshurt about the referendum
TV, Telephone, Penicillin, steam engine - all invented by Scottish people and this is despite Scotland being an historically oppressed country.
I'm from a village in Angus actually.Dundee is a shit hole though, saw some homeless guy get beat up outside of tesco in dundee once.
Lmao that nu male body
Left wing in Scotland just means holding socialist ideals while also being racist, homophobic and misogynistic
Wew, I only took a glance at it first and thought he was a Nazi. Almost triggered me.
>Blacks are so strong they go for sports that pay them millions instead of injuring and roiding for a hobby
Are you Jewish perchance? I heard you're the enemy of whites and you're really proving it right now.
scots are still british though
>Scotland being an historically oppressed country.
Certainly was not when those things were invented, you dumb fuck
Like clockwork
>n-no blacks are s-stronger because i-i say so
>It would be a better place for 5 minutes until women noticed it.
Is that a Y: The Last Man reference?
Fookin...i was brewsin /teevee/ rait. I useally dont brews /telly/ but i thooght it be a change a pase, ye know?.. Was havin greet taim, talkin with people about the telly an the moovies. And soddenly I see this thred with an aeroplane an a lad standin in fren of it, like he oownd the blody place, sayin ”Ah am the C I A”. an i had to inveestigate who he reelly was... Weird stoff, mon. All the pesters poosting the saame picturs oover an ooveragein. Theers the CIA lad yellin to a big bloke with a sceary mask 'Wos getin cooght part of yer plan?', CIA lad eskin 'Bein?' an sayin 'Yer a big guy' an the maskbloke sez 'Fer ye'
An I start to get ideeas. I say 'Dee Dee, hiers yer chance. You could fenally be a tall man.For once in yer life!' An I ge' up an walk to ma mirrer, repeetin 'Yer a big guy, yer a big guy' an ah felt me grevin. I get to ma mirrer an I'm alredy massiv. Ma hed was hittin the ceelin an a could hold the compu'er, in tha bacggroond, between me fingars. I say to tha mirrer 'Yer a big guy' an soddenly: the mirrer sez back 'Fer ye'. I nerly pishd maself.
But then i say 'Dee Dee, yer ouda order. Yer goin to be too big. Too big fer the flat! Kent fit throogh the door. Kent goo to the shep. Gon get kikd uut the fla'. Have to feend a nu fla' big enough fer me. I just kent affoord it. Hav to writ doon the nu bank number ef the nu land laady. I kent bether' I ren to my compu'er befor ma fengars are too big fer the keyboords. I go back to /Ar nein kay/, sholda ne'er left, an staart to fin threeds wit the freg thats just a wee bit doon er the boold white bloke. I fil shrinkin when i see some sad bloke postin a freg thats just a wee bit doon an tellin hoo miserable his laif is an i post a freg thats just a wee bit up, sayin 'It gets be'er' and i reelly did started to feel be'er! ...Weird stoff mon, but every'ng is fin nu.
Holy shit! You're really showing those Sup Forumstards by repeating the same thing again Let's get em Mel!
but steels heaviah than feathas
>Grammatically speaking, that makes no sense.
Oh, yeah, you're right. That first bit barely qualifies as a sentence.
Possums are the best animals.
>n-no blacks are s-stronger because i-i say so
Anglo-Saxons are literally sub-human.
I hate how Scots play the victim when they were equal partners in the British Empire colonising half the world
>Scotland being an historically oppressed country.
>Certainly was not when those things were invented, you dumb fuck
TFW moment when you realize Mel Gibson knows more history than you do
Yeah go in for the final blow! Show those alt-right idiots that us Jewish liberals don't mess around! VIVA LA ANTI-FA
>n-no blacks are s-stronger because i-i say so
William Wallace was a pedophile who worked as a mercenary for English armies
no discernible inventor, people who contributed to it came from England, Scotland, Germany and Russia
I assume you mean graham bell, who didn't invent it all but merely patented it (it can be attributed to men from italy, germany or belgium)
can give this one to Fleming, but the first time a disease was cured with it was by an Englishman
>steam engine
first working steam engine - Englishman
first commercial steam engine - Englishman
sorry sweetie :)
>he typed in english on an anglo forum
That's bollocks.
What the fuck
>William Wallace was a pedophile who worked as a mercenary for English armies
Yes. And the telephone was invented sometime prior to that point, according to user
>n-no blacks are s-stronger because i-i say so
I agree with him if he is talking about nu-males.
why's such a funny guy such an immense faggot... what a waste of talent
ditto armando iannuci and charlie brooker to a lesser extent
limmy can be funny occasionally but outside of his show he's a twat
>posts fenian memes whilst pontificating about scottish history
Every republican paramilitary group in Ireland was left-leaning politically.
>nearly every great comedian and satirist is left/liberal leaning
Hmm almost as if there's some kind of connection
>all men disappear
>suddenly, the entirety of the world infrastructure, industry, transport and food production ceases.
>women just share the food that's still in the supermarkets for free because muh equality, humna rights and #beautifulateverysize
>3 weeks later almost everyone starved to death
fund it
Yes, let's kill off all the people who invent things, vaccines, transportation, grow all the food, pick all the food, haul all the goods, drill all the oil, refine all the gasoline, fix all the potholes, repave all the roads, maintain the internet, invent smartphones, write all the philosophy worth a damn, invent the whole concept of human rights, fight the wars, and are expected to sacrifice their lives for women and children. Great idea.
>tfw SNP are now a busted flush
Even Limmy realises it and accepts there shouldn't be #IndyRef2 .
Based Richard Leonard is gonna take Scotland back for Labour too
why does their sense of humor shut down completely and get replaced with self righteous rage when talking current events though
>men commit much more violent crime
And women fuck those men.
>people whose job it is to be silly have silly political ideas
yes i think i see the connection
also norm macdonald's a pretty excellent comic/satirist and is not left (but i acknowledge he is an exception)
>I agree with him if he is talking about nu-males.
Nah, pretty sure he's talking about ol-males.
Because beneath most great comedy is social commentary, usually commenting on social injustice or the political class.
I like Limmy right, but fuck. You just have to Google "female murderers" to dispel the notion that women aren't violent. You just have to listen to women talk about each other behind their backs to realise it wouldn't be all plain sailing. In the list of the top ten most prolific murderers by death count, a woman stands at number two or three, iirc.
I hope he's joking.
In this fantasy scenario, would it be the blacks or the Muslims?
28 secunds it took you to reply you cumskin shitlord i'll rape your whit bich mother now
>Create all useful technology.
>In charge of law enforcement.
>Dominate most productive professions.
>Most of the world leaders.
>Architects of western society.
About you be grateful you cuck.
william wallace was a gay paedophile mate
yeah but
Female murderers only kills male children so
two birds one stone?
Who is this faggot?.
Is he famous in Scotland?.
>n-no blacks are s-stronger because i-i say so
blacks running away from cheetahs and crocodiles in watering holes for millenia means they excel in running
running != strength
Anyone who knows women, and I mean REALLY knows women and hasn't just read it from an infograph on plebbit, knows the average woman is worse to other women than the average man is. They're completely petty and two-faced with the shit talk behind closed doors and subtweets and attempted social dismantlement and whatnot. All this talk of solidarity and "fries before guys" and shit and the veneer of being caring and sweet, doesn't matter when something particular about girl a girl sets another girl off like texting "the wrong guy," or THINKING a subtweet is about them, or seemingly nothing in particular at all. I don't even think they're aware of it most of the time, they genuinely feel completley vindicated in being absolutely ruthless to other women and don't think it betrays the image of themselves they prefer. That's why they're so convinced of their sisterhood, because not a single one of them thinks what they're doing is similar to how guys wrong each other.
They're like dogs, man. You'll have a pair of dogs that get along fine for years sleeping next to and going on rides and greeting the other dogs out back across the fence, then just out of the blue one gets to close to the other's food bowl and suddenly they're ball of snarling and teeth. Except dogs typically move past such transgressions as long as they don't happen again. Years later a girl will still make the occasional long, passive-aggressive, and vague post about a "type of person" but is actually specifically about that one former friend she got into a spat with and doesn't talk to anymore.
I'm morbidly curious to see how their idyllic matriarchy plays out in practice.
Just getting something from ASDA
It will be a holiday surprise
whites dominate pure strength competitions
blacks are better in explosive strength and general athletic competitions, and specifically fighting
what will make you a better killer, deadlifting 1000lbs?
or being able to sprint fast, jump high, kick and hit hard and having tons of stamina?
When are the reptilians just gonna call it a day and genocide the whole human race already??
>blacks are better fighters
>look up current boxing champions
Why would you tweet that shit?
He's a comedian. That's his style of comedy. Being Scottish and a bit shit.
white are like 8 times as many as blacks in the u.s
then counter in the fact that most blacks love basketball and nfl out of any other sports, so they herd to those mostly over others
Almost all the top fighters in the world right now are white or brown. Very few blacks dominate martial arts these days.