it was just an act the whole time and he was in character for a new role

This. It's just method acting for that Terence Mckenna role.

what terence mckenna role?

That one.

biopic. but people arnt really sure if hes doing or not actually

Sounds like something he would do

after all these years, he really was The Prestige

Anyone actually buy this?

yeah, me neither

His fame is over.
He's acting like it for attention.
>lol let's show up dressed and find a reporter by herself and shit on her and rustle the internet
He knows how to get attention and obviously hats what he's doing.

never heard of this, sounds fake.

it's not as if that character wasn't a shitty burnt out ignoramus

Terrence Mckenna was a quack

or maybe he found out people hate him because he gave his dead ex STDs and then dumped her when she found out.

I remember seeing an interview where Carrey talked about how he was planning to give up the whole method acting thing and that he was particularly embarrassed what an asshole he had been on the MotM set.

Should've never left In Living Color.

its not an act, its real, carrey has taking a heroic dose of psychedelics, most likely mushrooms or DMT or LSD, and has attained enlightenment

Joke all you want but he's doing everything but acting in not only that interview, but the one with Jimmy Kimmel as well

le vaccines cause autism, give my girlfriend the drugs she overdosed and died from, contract almost every STI in the book and not tell my partner man, strikes again!

>le vaccines cause autism
the mercury they use as a preservative in them has been proven to cause autism. silly goyum

OP is right. He'll be playing in a movie where his girlfriend dies so he wanders around fashion shows looking for a new one.

>His fame is over.
Nah, he would still sell out movie theaters.
>or maybe he found out people hate him because he gave his dead ex STDs and then dumped her when she found out.
If it's true, most people don't know about that. Besides, people forgave Marky Mark for almost blinding a guy as a teenager, and Roman Polanski is still making dollars... there's a lot you have to do to kill your career.

But everything he said was 100% true. Just because the average drone deludes themselves into thinking their banal life has purpose or meaning doesn't make him wrong.

didnt say it was wrong. just acting

No it hasn't Jim. The single study that found it did has been known to be fraudulent for over a decade now. Before that was discovered though, it did get the chemical in question, thimerosal, removed from all infant vaccines, which shortened their shelf life and made them more prone to bacterial and fungal contamination. So vaccines are now more expensive and less safe thanks to anti-vax scaremongering. Good job faggots.


I sincerely hope you're being paid & not just this retarded.

not an argument

Stop arguing and start posting videos of weird Jim

hahahaha you are adorable