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>iFagposting someone else's shitty meme pic
not beeg surprise
Looks fucking great.
Accurate. While Marvel often looks like it was shot on an iPhone with zero color correction, DC tends to atleast bother with getting the lightning right to make a visually striking frame.
now if only dc would make a decent movie
They've already made more decent ones than the MCU, who is still at Zero (0) after Disney became in charge.
Thats Hellboy you autist.
>beloved flicks
>shitty reboots no one wanted
sounds about right
But Hellboy is Dark Horse.
Lmao, don't even try dude. Pretty much every Marvel flick ranges from medicore to good. There are no 'bad' Marvel movies. Suicide Squad and BvS' theatrical releases were downright dogshit. Man of Steel was okay and Wonder Woman was mediocre. Marvel has a way better track record no matter how you try to spin critics being paid or audiences being stupid
Hellboy is from darkhorse you faggot.
They did.
>Liefeld vs. Miller
>There are no 'bad' Marvel movies.
Next time, hide your blatant shilling.
>inevitable MC vs DC pic related
You don't believe that.
I didn't know Disney and Warner both made Hellboy movies.
>Marvel is going for realistic lighting to make the fantastic clash with the mundane, allowing the viewer to truly immerse themselves in the world they create
>DC uses typical overly dramatic theatrical lighting, never giving the viewer the chance to forget for even a second they are watching a movie.
>plebs on Sup Forums somehow believe the latter is the superior choice of cinematography
There are mediocre MCU movies, but none of them are a mess.
Name a Marvel movie that's legitimately bad
>Marvel is going for realistic lighting
They're based on comic books you dimwit. They are meant to be stylistically bold. Forgetting to adjust your color balance isn't "realistic lightning". It's telling of a rushed and lazy film making.
Avengers Age of Quips
Captain America: CGI Airport battle guest starring Spidey(trademark)
Guardians of the Quips
Guardians of the Quips 2: Daddy Issues
Mr Strange
Iron Man 2
Del Taco
>beta "nice guy" Hellboy who pines after Liz
>r rating
>serious tone
>alpha Hellboy who's confident and self sufficient
Well I'll be. It all checks out.
He is right, it doesn't matter that there are no good movies either
Iron Man 2, Strange and Age of Ultron were meh. Everything else you posted is decent to good
Man of Steel is DBZkino.
Don't forget: Hellchad who will fuck a girl he met as a baby in the 1950s
Your rationale is built on a false premise. It's the MCU's approach that has resonated with the audience, not the DCEU's. Also, there's a chance you have an undiagnosed learning disorder if you genuinely believe that this is the result of laziness and not simply a stylistic choice.
Hard to believe buddy on the right isn't Ron Perlman, they did a good job
Lmao, don't even try, dude. All marvel movies are boring shithouse trash pieces. Dc has a way better track record.
The problem with the MCU is that it has shoehorned ALL of its films into that box of "stylistic realism" when it clearly does not fit all. It fits something like Winter Soldier that tried to play it grounded. It does not find Dr Strange which is supposed to be the introduction of magic. It felt so mundane and boring for a magic superhero. They just stuck to the Cap America lightning.
The problem with MCU's universe is that it has basically homogenized all its superheroes into one box. The only difference being their superpower. Otherwise it's pretty much the same films repeated over and over again.
>Otherwise it's pretty much the same films repeated over and over again.
That's bullshit though. How are Winter Solider and Guardians of the Galaxy alike?
age of ultron and thor 2 are pretty bad
Retards think that following the typical 3 act adventure structure means the movies are the same
Which by that logic the DC movies are also the same as the Marvel ones
>DC has a way better track record
GoTG had that same quota of quips and needless Thanos shoehorned in. And honestly, while different from say WS, it wasn't more than what Disney has been doing for decades. CGI racoons and popular 80's music and throw in some easy jokes and you got an easy billion there.
Lets be real, theres not a single marvel movie to date (aside from the original spiderman) that is memorable.
WS wasnt' bad due to the lack of quips and actual descent choreography but aside from that pretty much every other movie is the same bland experience in which you will watch it once and never want to to watch it again.
MoS has tons of repeat value, amazing score, amazing cinematography and great storyline
BvS is the same although I don't agree with the third act.
WW is the lower tier of the bunch but but at least the villain was entertaining.
SS was complete dogshit I'll give you that.
So basically we're just back to DCucks sperging out about quips.
You might be dismayed when Justice League premières.
I doubt many would agree that MoS or BvS have more repeat value than The Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy, and probably quite a few more MCU movies.
Aw WW has a 92% now
Literally none of those are bad. Do you just hate success? That would explain why you are a DC shill.
If JL is bad, then it's bad. I honestly didn't care so much for WW either. I'm excited for Wan's Aquaman and Vaughn's MoS2. Those directors can probably stand their ground against studio pressure. Would Marvel even accept people like Wan and Vaughn? I'm sceptical of that.
Guardians 2 was shite
Don't get the hate for leno's joker
he was pretty much cartoon joker
Harley queen was my major issue with the film, such a trash characterization
also the whole movie tried to be guardians of the galaxy, except the quips were unfunny trash
I recently rewatched Guardians of The Galaxy and it's pretty great. This scene in particular was fantastic
the Stranger Things movie was a success? I thought no one was gonna watch that since it features a literal nobody character.
I'm not saying it's going to be bad I'm saying it's going to be quippy. There's a decent chance everything from DC will be from this point onward too.
So Marvel casts better actors who actually fit the role?
>rotten tomatoes
>verified critics are all shills/sjw's pushing their own agenda
P.T. Barnum would love you
>Stranger Things movie
you're literally talking out of your ass right now
Just because you don't care for marvel movies, doesn't mean they're forgettable.
They all at least have a few memorable scenes that make the watch worth it.
Man of Steel isn't memorable at all besides the ridiculously long and over the top action sequence, and that's more because of the outrage from it, then the scene alone.
BvS is a little more interesting, but also had more dumb stuff that's hard to ignore.
>"Marvel might cast better actors, better storytellers and stay truer to the characters, but our movies produce better cinegrids! Checkmate MCUcks."
I'm in opposite camp then. MoS is very memorable to me. Clark lifting the bus. Clark getting his suit and his first flight. Clark ascending from the Kryptonian World Engine. Clark making the ultimate decision of taking a life to save others. It rewards rewatches because there is ton of story in the visuals. Can't say the same about Marvel really. Their directors take the visuals for granted, pushing all the story into clumsy exposition instead.
>MoS has tons of repeat value
Really? I thought it was okay but never even really thought about it afterwards. My friend I went with is a huge Superman geek and she hated it
his acting was fine, his design was pretty bad.
exactly, WW was shit. but it was literally not allowed to get a bad score.
It still boggles my mind that Sup Forums takes RT scores seriously, these critics have zero credibility, and usually just go with the safest opinion at the time to protect their careers in the SJW era. Why take the words of some goober at all? only thing that should matter is viewer score
Remember when we used to discuss the films' merits instead of just spouting RT scores dictated by clueless liberal bloggers?
I remember.
I've watched MoS and BvS three times trying to force myself to enjoy them but I just end up waiting for them to end. There are some nice moments in MoS but the story just isn't very compelling in my opinion unless you're already deeply invested in the character, and I'm not.
speaking of which, "Mother!" is certified fresh with a 71%.
it's all payed, it's to plaster that shiny sticker on DVD's.
I don't think Wonder Woman was a bad movie, but it certainly wasn't a great movie. The third act falls apart because it demands of Gal Gadot more than she has the talent to deliver. It's overrated purely because of the feminist agenda and because it's the first solid DCEU movie.
GOTG2 is kino. Not as good as BvS or MoS, but easily the best Marvel movie since SM2
>The third act falls apart because it demands of Gal Gadot more than she has the talent to deliver.
It fails because of a whole lot more other reasons, such as
>Characters acting like retards for the solo purpose of advancing the plot
>Bullshit deus ex machina power boost out of nowhere (and weird powers at that)
>Contradicting themes
>Terrible action sequences
>Terrible CGI
>"The Power of Love" trope
Somebody please make a
>del toro hellvirgin
>Marshall hellchad
*blocks your path*