Mythbusters general?

Mythbusters general?

What's your favorite episode? Did you see adam's recent AMA?

based adam putting whitebois in their place

>literal nobody spouts bollocks
>Sup Forumsfag gets upset
in other news...water...wet

thanks for the bump

I'm a little disappointed with Adam as I grew up mythbusters and to see him literally using the "a fucking white male" argument is pretty fucked.

no one really gave a shit about mythbusters in UK. I know of him simply from internet


Mythbusters has forever been ruined as nu-male shit.

even Reddit's not buying his shit

At least for me in the states, my dad, brother and I used to watch it all the time, and still do if there are reruns on the Science channel. Though I always figured Adam was kind of a numale, he never seemed in-your-face about it so I usually didn't care, but after seeing this it's disappointing.

>American Medical Association, American Psychological Association & World Health Organisation vs Uneducated Americans
Sup Forumsfags on suicide watch

It's always refreshing to see.

Preferred brainiac: science abuse myself as a kid
Hammondkino at its finest

Like with Mythbusters their episodes should had been edited down to half their length.

Based marowak13

I also enjoyed it. Vic Reeves version was still good desu

you know remember that guy from big brother whose claim to fame is a toaster where one slice comes out later than the other

>btfo by a literal who redditor
How can he ever recover?

Adam explicitly states here that he sees nothing wrong with confirmation bias, what a fucking hack

what does he mean skewed representation and betrays bias?

his ama got brigaded by /r/T_D

>hate white people
>niggers still hate you

>it betrays a bias that is the antithesis of science

What did he mean by this?

Which explains why he's -133 and people calling him out are at 206. I mean, /u/t_d is just a bunch of russian bots right? Wouldn't think they could pull off a brigade let alone take over one of the biggest subs.

you dont need to be a part of the_cuckold to realize how racist adam was being

it's almost like alt-rightism is a majority opinion on reddit and r/the_donald is one of the biggest subreddits

>I mean, /u/t_d is just a bunch of russian bots right?
no, just mongs who parrot any opinion Frump has.
I have more respect for Alex Jones the hilarious conman who is now claiming Trump is drugged through his diet cokes

>majority of reddit
lolno. Outside of td and a few select subs reddit is progressive up until the point it affects them. Feminist up until the talk turns to men and antiracist up until the talk turns to white privilege.

Even T_D isn't alt-right. You get immediately banned for naming the jew and upvote their "BASED BLACK PEDES".

damn he got negative karma on reddit of all places?

Is that place no longer a progressive shithole?

It probably has to do with his support of My Sex Junk. Reddit immediately fell out of love with Bill Nye over that one and Adam went to twitter to defend it.

Overall it's still a progressive shithole, especially the major news subreddits. /r/ImGoingToHellForThis is a good place to drop red pills though.


Why can a fucking white male use the "fucking white male" bullshit excuse? What the fucking fuck you hypocrite. Give me your science job faggot, im non white


This is a good point. They profess so much because they feel guilty and want to keep their jobs. "OTHER people are the problem, not me!"

It's why companies like Apple (who are lead by only white people) profess so much about diversity and don't use a single fucking white male on their website for their new products.

well put man


aww are you triggered.

Btw Sup Forums is pol, we outnumber you on this site and in real life.

>being alt-right at all
good try hillary



I just got banned today from /worldnews when I posted "Part and Parcel" in the London Muslim attack thread. It is and always will be a liberal shithole.

Reddit tends towards anti-SJW centrism and "classical liberal" civic nationalism, not alt-rightism. It's better than being totally pozzed but still cuckery.

>those downvotes
Oh no, I guess I have to be a liberal now just to spite reddit.

>-133 points

That I was not expecting

post kari noodz

wtf I love democrats now?

>I'm going to guess you're caucasian.
What did he mean by this? is he assuming all caucasians are anti-SJW privileged cunts? What about arabs? arabs are caucasian yet SJWs claim they're opressed as fuck.
In his white guilt infused zeal he ended up making an incredibly ignorant and racist assumption. What a fucking moron.

Wtf, I love reddit now

fuck off drumpfkins you cant be racist to white ppl

Adam is far into SJW-dom. I don't care too much about it but the trio of groveling cuntery on the Tested podcast was just too much. For a while there it came up in every fucking episode in some context. Even the token asian somehow finds a way to be a self flagellating beta.

>Alex Jones the hilarious conman

I think all the fluoride in the water has calcified your pineal gland, friend. Alex Jones is the chosen one who will free us from globalist control.


>When you realize the Harlem Globalist Trotters are putting chemicals in the fried chicken

>entirety of reddit one cohesive whole that converges on r/all
>The_Donald subject to algorithms and rules that apply to literally no other board on reddit, they're literally not even allowed to be on r/all so there's 0 room for actual growth
>major Q&A gets commandeered by a ragtag group of Sup Forumsbeards from their reddit enclave
Oy vey it's da election all ova again, remember da 3 gorillion in popular vote!

Nobody post the nude bdsm pics of that fag. I still haven't recovered since the last time

You know that estrogen has actually been found in large amounts in our water supply, right? Millions of women piss in their birth control into the sewers will do that
