“Warner Bros is a more director-driven studio. Period. The end,” McKay emphatically began...

>“Warner Bros is a more director-driven studio. Period. The end,” McKay emphatically began. “More than any other studio you’re ever going to work at. Just look at the roster of world class filmmakers that have worked at Warner Bros and made it their home. Warner Bros is a director-driven studio, and that’s exactly how they are operating these movies.”

So what makes better film, the WB or Disney model?

Di$ney model is best. Fuck your BvS

WB makes kino, Marvel makes flicks. Seriously though I like what he said about what he wants for the Nightwing movie, very little CG and lots of practical stuff and stunts, like he wants the actors to hit the gym superhard so they can sell it and with a character like Nightwing you'd have to


which one resorted to a trailer company to make a movie more suited to the guardians of the galaxy audience

WB are fucking mad men. Just look what they let Nolan create in 2017. A 150m dollar arthouse film. You just don't see that with Disney. Fox and Sony can still pull something about as ballsy but Disney? Not in a million years.

The director seems to have shit sorted. A Nightwing film only works if the action choreography is top notch. If your action is off, then your movie is off. The Batman warehouse fight must've left an impression on him.

> roster of world class filmmakers
> snyder 3x
> ayer
> jenkins only hired b/c muh female director
> wan is good, i'll give him that
> le meme apes man
> flash turning over 3 directors
> whedon trash
> affleck drops out of the director's chair

it's not even close.

marvel has a singular vision with feige at the helm, but the gotg films still look and feel like james gunn films. thor 3 looks like a taiki film. panther (kangz aside) has me hyped because it's coogler

DC has stumbled out the gate, but hopefully can recover, i doubt it, their whole model was fucked trying to chase avengers money, instead of doing individual movies first

Warner Bros?
More like Warn-a-brother!

Coming from the studio that brought you the "definitely, 100% director driven and not cut & copy trailer made" Suicide Squad.

>marvel has a singular vision with feige at the helm
And we all know what that vision is!

Isn't Suicide Squad proof that WB doesn't give a lot of creative control to filmmakers?

Kevin Feige ((((((vision)))))*

*Disney executive demands to maximize merchandise sales and potential sequels to further milk the IPs before they hit saturation point without making their 4 billion dollar investment back

>but the gotg films still look and feel like james gunn films
Oh fucking bullshit. You can tell just how forced in the quips where to meet the Marvel set demand of quips. If that's Gunn's style then he is absolutely tone deaf.

>You can tell just how forced in the quips where to meet the Marvel set demand of quips.
Do even you know what the fuck you're saying?

>WB makes kino

This is why I can't take talk on Sup Forums seriously.

Paramount is pure classic Sup Forums sensibilities

And when anyone posts images like these criticizing DC you howl like a banshee crying about Mouseshills and Disneydrones, you brandwar faggot

every shit I've taken has been wholly original and wholly unique.

Finish reading the post next time, triggered nigger

>the seventh superman movie
>the 20th batman movie


... someones smoking some good shit

>WB makes kino
Hmmm, who could be behind this post?

They're both bad, with terrible directors in it.

It's awful

If WB were director driven they'd let David Ayer, Robbie, and Leto make an r rated capeshit film together. You'd see Harley Quinn's titties in a clown sex scene. You'd see Joker duct tape a bunch of babies to his body so nobody would dare attack him. He'd have a white tiger eat a nigger in gruesome detail. Ayer doesn't do PG13. I want an R rated movie with Poison Ivy putting her plants in a pussy. Sadly too cookie cutter audiences even if you showed Joker drink horse jizz they'd still solely whine about the women being "sexualized"

>It's not ripe
Can anyone tell me why this joke was funny or had to be repeated three times? Can anyone tell me why it was supposed to be appropriate amidst scenes of massive killings? Does Marvel really expect me to shift from tense to humor in manner of seconds?

Like I said, absolutely tone deaf. I doubt it was Gunn's doing. GoTG2, like all Marvel films, are under strict limitations to have a set amount of quips.

Don't even care for DC half as much as I hate Marvel and Feige and the Disney executives who have ruined Marvel's superheroes.

He says that now but I think suicide squad and Wonder woman made it clear that WB is trying to imitate the marvel model a lot more now. The fact that Justice league has been taken over by Joss fucking Whedon of all people all but confirms this


please don't bully them
they've been trying for years

Dark Universe You mean, or DC? Not intention to bully for real, just funny picture showing actual state. Spiderman just slaughtered WonderWoman worldwide, giving Marvel top place... again. Dark Universe, which I've been looking forward to, is far in ass tho.

Marvel's model is more reliable, so the quality tends to be better.

BUT, the DCEU takes risk. It's worst movie by far is their attempt at ripping off Guardians of the Galaxy. The fact is that DC and Marvel heroes aren't the same thing, and as such they shouldn't be treated the same way when adapted on the screen. You could, but you shouldn't.

BvS and Man of Steel have tons of problems, but they were still more daring and ambitious than any individual movie from the MCU. BvS in particular was poorly executed, mostly because Snyder has absolutely no restraint whatsoever about anything and his dials are stuck on 11 all the time, but it was daring. It didn't take the easy route. It would have been far easier to present Batman as he has always been in movies for example, but instead you see a man who is at the top of his game skillwise, but who became cynical and self-doubting. A shame they decided to scrap his No-Kill code, but at the same time it's understandable that at this point in his life he's lost.

So while I completely agree that the DCEU has been all over the place so far, I am glad that it's trying to do it's own thing. Nothing irks me more than when someone say "it's JUST a superhero movie", as if saying that any cape movie has to be light all the time or else it doesn't understand what it should be.

Personally, I'll take interesting movies, good or bad, over a reliable but limiting formula every time.

I'm supposed to take someone seriously who walks around dressed like that in public?

I'm just so sick of the "Marvel model" that I see no need to see new Marvel movies when they're so similar to previous ones. With DC, atleast you know each time there is something new in there. I hope they don't let that hack Geoff Johns have too much control. It's much better when they let individual directors go wild and interpret superheroes their own way. The worst thing that can happen to DC is if they homogenize their shit like Marvel has.

dark universe

I think both models are bad.

I think Spielberg's model is best

My heart is with them (loved ending of Mummy - dark and unexpected to let hero get away with evil powers) all the way, but can't deny truth.

Regardless of your opinions on some of these movies, Warner Bros. does let directors do whatever they want. If Batman v Superman was made under Disney, Snyder would've been fired day 1. But he still moved on to make Justice League even after Batman v Superman flopped.

BvS didn't flop. If you want a flop, it would be something like X-Men Apocalypse. Pulling almost 900m at the BO is never a flop. It might have underperformed but a flop it was not.

It's all capeshit. Though this year we had Logan WW and Homecoming which were all some of the better movies of their universes.

Unfortunately this is turning out to be the actual sad sad proof.

I hope all of you faggots that got Snyder fired die in a fire because I guarantee you good or bad whatever he was planning on doing with JL would have been 1,000,000 X more interesting than whatever monosaturated soy loaf Whedon shits out.

He should wait for the reshoots before he opens his mouth

What's funny is everyone hates Whedon's leaked Wonder Woman script yet they still claim Avengers isn't dogshit.

Avengers 1 was actually good but then Marvel ran the formula into the ground through the center of the Earth and out the other end to China.

Avengers 2 was flatout dogshit though.

Isn't Dark Universe dead after Mummy flop?

Reeves, Wan and Jenkins are all better than Gunn by a mile. Thor 3 looks like a GotG rip off

>"Warner Bros is a more director-driven studio."
>60% of Suicide Squad is reshot and edited to fuck and back by suits

What did he mean by this?

DC has a bigger avarage per movie than marvel but yeah shitskins like marvel more, I give you that. Shame about those zero oscars though

BvS didn't flop though