>Try the Maron Netflix special
Try the Maron Netflix special
wait really
bashing trump is good for ticket sales, ratings, job security, and literally everything else this decade.
your feelings got so hurt you had to make a post. Poor baby
I am completely indifferent from the Trump situation, but it turns out the rest of the special was alright.
ON THIS EPISODE OF Sup Forums is tumblr for faggy cuckservatives, some dipshit kid got triggered that comedians made fun of the retarded meme president.
The russian shit is real you know. He's out this time next year. The rest of your life you're going to be hearing people talk about what a piece of shit Trump was and how stupid his supporters must have been. Did you buy that?
Will you keep it?
8 years my man
Imagine still thinking this
Have you seen the ratings for American Horror Story this season?
>muh russia
>impeached soon
t. triggered alt whiner
What does that have to do with 2016 reddit Trump immigrants turning Sup Forums into their personal tumblr whinefest?
eight years
>no good response, can only say a number of years
thanks for playing sweetie, and proving everyone correct about the tumblr thing
I thought tumblr was clinton?
it was 5 minutes of an hour special. the fact that it's "yet another anti trump rant" is a little tiring, but it didn't really bother me. im a pretty big maron fan tho, so maybe im just willing to humor him and enjoy the material.
>He's out this time next year.
>says increasingly nervous man
lol that's what I'm rooting for. I want to see the US tank. The longer Donnie is in charge the more unstable the economy will be. Realistically we're possibly looking at 7-10 months before he resigns. Republicans want him out before November 2018 with enough time to do damage control and change the messaging before the election.
Paul Ryans known about muh russia since early last summer. McCarthy "swore to god" it was true. Just because propaganda lies to you and minimizes or hides the significance of what has already publicly happened, doesn't mean we don't know what's coming. Just the blundering attempts by his administration and him personally are bigger than anything Nixon did in Watergate. Whole bunch of dead American assets in Russia started dying right after Trump's transition received intel about them. Bit of a goof. And then there's the obstruction of the investigation about it.
>muh russia
>impeached soon
wait what the fuck Trump is president?
the guy from the apprentice?
Nervous of what? He's a PR disaster. It's like christmas every day. I'm rooting for him. He's catastrophically tanked every venture he got too involved in, and dumped it on his shareholders. And the Republican party are his shareholders. If he goes the distance that's even better.
What you fail to realize is he doesn't learn. He's incapable. And I think you're realizing that. So it's funny when you call others increasingly nervous. I'm pretty hype about the Mueller investigation, from a purely historian perspective it's some of the goofiest shit ever in American history. Even more than the shit that was with corrupt intent, just the sheer amount of whoopsies and didn't-think-that-through gaffes is entirely unprecedented.
Back to pubg
i don't know why this made me laugh but lol
The Republican Party didn't want him, they had to play ball because their voterbase were tired of same old/same old. Now they have to play ball, and hope they navigate it to where it doesn't screw them over.
It would be the perfect disaster, except somehow the Democratic Party manages to fuck itself over enough to not have the sort of impact it should.
Basically everyone just needs to sit back and wait for some old folk to die off.
I know right? What a retarded country
lmao based
I literally dropped it around that point when he started to shill for Hillary.
>she's just an old lady that doesn't know how to use email.
>8 years
Gotta love how Sup Forumsfags rationalize every mismanagement this president makes repeatedly. What's even funnier is that you assholes think that 2020 will be another play by play of 2020. Here's some basic political science for Sup Forumsbabies everywhere. In order for Presidents to be reelected, they have to biuld meaningful coalitions and have major legislative accomplishments. Trump just divides more people such as independents, moderates and even more crucial bases to vote against him due to his retarded rants on Twitter. Adding on, he hasn't done shit legislation wise, even with a majority. You fucks may still claim that you won special elections, but it was barely the case in deep red districts of all places. Plus Republicans are too scared to run for office to be connected with trump in the first place. Midterms are screwed regardless. All Dems have to do is nominate anyone and they still bust trumps ass in pollo by 5 points or more (Bernie, biden, hell even a person like Harris!). The next couple of years are gonna be rude awakenings for you shills, but it'll all be worth it because of a couple of brown people, am I right?
I'm literally doing the opposite of complaining m8.
Unironically my favorite presidency.
I can't imagine the kinds of miserable weirdos that are fans of this guy. His success is baffling to me.
>He's out this time next year
That's easy to say considering no one will remember your post in a year. But your side has been saying this since before he even ran so why stop being wrong now?
i liked this guy for talking shit about tim and eric but then he FLIPFLOPS and starts palling around with them. disgusting.
>I'll shame them into submission
Jesus, you faggot leftists always play the same card.
It doesn't work here, dumbasses.
>I'm a triggered Cuckservative
Amazes me they think it will work on an anonymous board with users famous for their autism and love of CP. The best is the guy with the same dozen pictures of trump supporters he floods the thread with if he gets upset.
I don't think anyone's trying to shame you into submission. It's pretty clear Trumptards are the only subset of the population who are incapable of that kind of rational thought. You're expected to continue to support him, and the more ridiculous that gets, the more ridiculous you become, and the more everyone else ridicules you.
Nah. I'm not OP, but even liberals (Pretty far on the left here) have gotta be getting sick of all the anti-Trump shit in Hollywood. I'm just like "Cool. I get it. Everyone in Hollywood not named Tim Allen and James Woods hates Trump. I don't dig him either. But, I can talk about other shit. I've moved on, so should you."
Tell some other jokes. He just triggers so many on the left so irrationally and seems to instantly distract them.
>Used to love SNL, now it's pretty much nonstop
>Stephen Colbert is literally becoming the DOLAND DROMFF?!??!! meme
blah blah blah blah take it to Sup Forums faggot.
Comedians that poke fun at trump are hacks. Trump is the safest, lowest hanging fruit available.
"Trump is an idiot, yeah I said it. And you know what else I hate? Nazis. Yep."
>no-one is trying to shame you
>the very next line is a shame tactic
10/10 bait
Nate Silver?
SNL was smart to do summer edition; Colin and Che carry that fucking show
"Into submission" was key in that sentence. Practice reading comprehension.
I already said it was 10/10 bait user you don't need to keep carrying on.
>trying to bait me by claiming I posted bait
Nice try, you shifty bastard.
>The russian shit is real you know.
For comedian fans it's annoying every set or show has something anti Trump. I don't care about politics and the last eight years were great because no one talked about politics
Kind of pathetic really. No one said a word about Obama no matter how much he fucked up.
not with amnesty for illegals