Black Pill

I'm currently taking the black pill in small doses, and it gets worse every single day. I feel more and more shit. What do i do to keep my motivation up?

tfw nobody will ever love you, you will never have sucess, and will always just be average, or probably even below.

You know what the worst part is? You fuckers. You did it. It all went downhill when i started browsing Sup Forums and /r9k/

And also (((them)))

Other urls found in this thread:

Take more and go away

What ever you do. Do it for the luls. There is nothing you can do to change the the evil plan set in motion before your parent were born

can we start running some highly unethical mk ultra-tier experiments, we need higher levels of brainwash

wtf is the black pill?

nothing will ever change, and things will only get worse

Use the internet in
>real time

That's all I'm gonna say

>You know what the worst part is? You fuckers. You did it

Keep blaming everyone else for your misery OP. The real truth is, you did it to yourself. You came here seeking the truth and a greater understanding. It's your fault you can't handle the fucking truth

Realising that all hope is lost, there is nothing you can do to change the inevitable even though you are enlightened with the truth

i don't know why i would want to do that

There is nothing wrong with pessimism and cynicism is small, healthy doses.

But if its legitimately giving you really bad depression, depression or anger you can't harness to improve yourself, you need to focus on something else emotionally. Homer-tier hero worship, the beautiful aspects of classical western civilization, things you find humorous, things you find inspiring etc.. That's what you need to find and use to make yourself feel better.

Use the pessimism and cynicism so that you don't get trapped on a personal level (false rape allegation, divorce rape, dating a worthless woman, getting into a bad contract, sign up for the military and get sent to a shitty no-win war, etc...). Its not something you'll want to live by, if you want to enjoy your life. Depression and stress, especially for no reason, are decisively blue pill.

Get outside and join something constructive for your cause. It exists in everything.

No job? No gf? Whats up?

An example would be if Trump loses the election. We know there is the chance of voter fraud, and it looks as though the only way that Hillary could win is through some sort of rigged election. Lets suppose this plays out, Hillary wins and its pretty much known she cheated her way there.

The redpill would be knowing what happened. The black pill would be giving up at that point knowing no matter what you did you couldn't change the result because the normies sit by and let it

>nihilism is too much for me. Please send help
What a faggot. Read some Nietzsche and stop being such a Bietzsche.

I'm 18. I do have a job and a school (where im basically average, if i wanted to i could probably do pretty good)

No women have basically ever shown any interest towards me. I know 18 is pretty young, but in Denmark this shit already starts at 15

thanks user

get a STEM degree, make some money and live a decent life. dont ruin your future now because of a teenage phase

>and /r9k/
well there's your real problem

its fukin james bond

yeah. stopped visiting that board entirely.

try reading some nietzsche.

if you are not imbicile level of intellect you might get harpooned out of the nihilistic misery that is your life (for which you are 100% responsible)

Expired cyanide tablets

Hey if Sup Forums is causing you to black pill you are doing it completely wrong. I've been there.

The information is freedom. You can abandon most retarded fake norms forced on you by (Jews$). That is extremely liberating.

Next, you need to always check out the self improvement info posted here. Ignore low energy negative losers.

Then find a hobby. Literally anything that you enjoy. Doesn't matter if it's prestigious or cool or makes money. It just needs to be something you love. Once you get this started things will fall into place in a good way.

You'll be ok faggot, all you faggots will

i mean, trump is a democrat who's pretending to be a republican, so i don't really care. either way i lose

>No women have basically ever shown any interest towards me
you sure?
been near drunk 40 year old women? could be you're like me, only women over 30 finds you attractive, for some reason.

also, stay away from r9k, its poison.

>will always just be average
Yeah that's how fucking bell curve works. Vast majority of people are fucking average and odds are quite high that you are one of them.

The problem is that you've been consuming all these media all your life where you watched extraordinary people do extraordinary shit and you convinced yourself that you will be doing some extraordinary shit too. Forget about that garbage and just try to be the least shitty version of yourself. It might lead to you doing extraordinary shit at some point but probably not.

Also nobody will ever love you except your parents. Girls will love the experiences they can have with you (if you can provide them) but will never actually give a fuck about you as a person.

Burn yourself alive outside the capital and say

"The jews did this"

Only pills you ever have to take are an initial red, then the green and the iron pill. Bread pill is pretty good too desu.

if you take the black pill you were never really red pilled in the first place

black pill is for weak people who want to give up and reside in a backseat position

Who let you out of the shed?

Did your wife's son give you permission?

>What ever you do. Do it for the luls.

No hope means you won't be disappointed.

Its up to you whether the black pill is true for you or not, don't allow yourself to lose motivation. If the system is against you, figure out how you can destroy the system.

what did you just say to me, nigger? i'll have you know i've led over 300 confirmed cross-burnings and deported over ten thousand bean-boyz.

all i'm saying is trump is a hillary plant to divide the right so the few lefties that actually vote can glide her into power so she can extend all of obama's shitty policies and become mama murkle 2.0

=good post

= shit post

Hey Sup Forumsro
Mit råd er at droppe Sup Forums helt!!
Derefter gore noget drastisk, som eksempel tage til Vestafrika for at smugle våben eller til Gronland for at lede efter rubiner. Hvad har du at miste?? Skal forresten til Peru og grave efter guld i 5 måneder, du er
velkommen til at tage med. BTW det med at ingen elsker dig, kærlighed er blot nogle kemiske reaktioner ikke noget specielt.


truly a fucking nightmare but they cannot win, r-r-right

Jeg sutter dig for en 10'er OP

haha trump is a kike too you faggot

det tror jeg ikke på

You create your own reality with your thoughts. God is always listening.

People who are happy and successful get there by creating that path for themselves.

They don't just "luck out".

what if my waifu is a normie

The black pill is insanely non-redpilled. Find Christ, and improve your life you (most likely) NEET.

Måske er det du virkeligt mangler troen på noget.

>browses /r9k/
>blames Sup Forums

det er det sku nok


>liquorice flavour

The "Everything is fucked, just give up now" ideaology of the Black Pill reminds me a lot of The White from the game Shin Megami Tensei 4. They try to convince the protagonist that there is no positive future for humanity, so it's best to destroy reality with an ever-expanding black hole.


When I overdose on the black pill I get my motivation back up by listening to based music (mostly folk but dumb skinhead music is a guilty pleasure of mine) and/or go look at cool historic stuff around the city. Or maybe just take a walk and enjoy nature for a bit. Whatever it takes to get you off Sup Forums and on your feet. Go lift some weights, danskjävel.

Shut the fuck up, you live in Denmark. What the fuck do you have to worry about on a day to day basis?

When it comes to the topic of life and death, Nihilism is passe.

Read about Diogenes of Sinope. Discover one can still take the path of absurdism and stoicism. Once you are nothing you are free to be anything.

1:22 how the government answers black peoples question about racism

It's over. Denmark is dead. When we retake Denmark and tax you to death to pay for our refugees there will be no real Danes to resist Kung Carl XVI Gustafs forces.

We gave you your freedom once and by God it is within our rights to take it back. You will pay for Valdemar Atterdag... Ronneby Blodbad best day of my life, Bring back Erik XIV