Is Mad Men a good watch?

Is Mad Men a good watch?

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Dear girls:

do nothing but stay kind of thin, whore up, do your make up and fuck and suck the fuck out of as many chads as humanly possible before you turn 27

If you like CGI fight scenes then no
If you like literally anything else then yes

It's competent, well written, beautifully stylized, [but boring as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck]

Yes its a near perfect show.

That picture on the other hand is fucking terrible. Don didnt wine and dine women because he was classy, he had severe depression and identity problems and used sex and alcohol as a crutch. Whoever made that picture never watched the show.

Don't try binge watching it, it's not a fast show and trying to watch a whole season in one sitting will make it feel like a slog.
Watch it a few episodes at a time.

It's literally perfect, shits all over the sopranos and the wire

Did you even watch the show?
It's all about dapper gents that wear fedoras like real men, the way men used to be: Classy.
Ahh, to be born back then, with the greatest generation, people that understood what it meant to be a man.
Maybe then I would find someone to play bridge with me. Everywhere I look it's all YOLO and SWAG, and OMG. Fake "music" and (c)rap. Nobody wears suits and ties, nobody has any style, just t shits and baggy pants.

could this be, dare i say it, the quality satire that Sup Forums is famous for

yes we get it, awkward teens fetishize the past in an attempt to alleviate the stress of being an unfashionable dweeb by contemporary standards. however, you should not be so quick to ridicule them. it's obviously a failing of the fathers for not providing them with the proper tools so that they can understand the importance of grooming and presenting themselves in social settings

t. fedora owner

Sup Forums isn't famous for quality satire. It's famous for memes, questionable pornography and boosting the sales of Guy Fawkes masks.

Think anyone who has ever unironically used the express "suit up" has ever actually been laid?

yes but it has little replayability

It's incredible, honestly has ruined tv in a lot of ways for me.

But yeah that picture is awful. I honestly find it kind of funny how Mad Men bait and switched a lot of people. When the first couple seasons came out people raved about it for the whole "le classy handsome man" meme, and then they spend the next 5 seasons tearing this dude down and showing how pathetic he actually is.

(not true, by the way)

I've seen every episode 4-5 times and it gets better with every rewatch. Seeing Pete be such a twat and then slowly develop into one of the best characters on the show will never not be entertaining.

It is.

life in the fast crane

Fuck you leatherman


>Ahh, to be born back then, with the greatest generation,
Stop posting

why dont you invest like 2 hours, watch 2 or 3 episodes and decide for yourself instead of having half the thread memeing at you and the other half either shitting on the show or on eachother

Unironically, yeah it's tv's greatest achievement along w/ the Sopranos, in many ways better.

Ironically, something something soap opera.

Also i only just saw the Hamm-centric Toast of London episode, holy shit. Any MM fans haven't seen that, get into it.

I need to know whether or not I like it

mad men is good but your pic is horrible.

Best show I've ever watched desu

Where's Bert's office?

thats not what mad men is about

>tfw people fail to read the subtext and probably think Walt is the hero in Breaking Bad

Isn't the first season finale Don missing a holiday with his family because he's such a jerk? It was always about breaking him down. It just means they didn't even finish the first season



Mad Men is 10/10 comfy-core.

Anyone that thinks it's boring needs to increase their taste to kino level before they're able to appreciate this masterpiece.

>Isn't the first season finale Don missing a holiday with his family because he's such a jerk? It was always about breaking him down.
I mean yeah, but I'm just saying that I've talked to people who looked past all that shit which by the later seasons is basically impossible to do.


>I'll tell you the same thing I told my daughter: if you put a penny in a jar every time you make love in the first year of marriage, and then you take a penny out of the jar every time you make love in the second year, you know what you have? A jar full of pennies.


fails to mention the most important part; be emotionally abusive and distant to them. Nothing gets them wetter than this.



Can it be that it was all so simple then?

lol, I bet you watch movies at 2.5x speed with the tv playing in the background while you alt-tab to browse Sup Forums




>It's a Randall episode

I dated a lot of women in my twenties and as a divorced 33 year old I'd rather just play vidya and wait for death. You think if you find the right girl that void of meaning in your life will be filled with wholesome shit like love, family, happiness, but that's all BS.

Some people don't have the capacity to find meaning and fulfillment in that shit. Maybe even nobody does, some people are just better at self-deception.

Cringe picture

>mfw Roger literally has a line saying "make sure he doesn't get Lost"



nice blog faggot

It was 4 sentences, take your adderall son.

I want to

You use "nice blog" when someone overshares any nobody gives a fuck. It says "this isn't about you." Please learn Sup Forums culture before posting.

i mean the personal life stuff you included

nobody cares if your wife ran off with tyrone you blogger faggot

I don't want to get old bros

The guy who made this probably wears an ill-fitting suit, has shit facial hair and probably wears a fedora.

Is this the best moment in the entire show?

Dear sneed:

do nothing but seed up, feed up, and suck the fuck out of as many chucks as humanly possible