She makes a good point honestly

She makes a good point honestly.

Other urls found in this thread:

really made me think

dude fingered a drunk chick in the alley way.

Is there a statute of limitations on rape? Is there any possible we can get hillary AND bill put in jail?

she's making a strawman

We live in a country where people can be convicted of rape on very weak evidence, accusers are automatically believed in most social circles (so even if you aren't charged you face social death), vigilantes beat people to death on accusations of rape, and every few months the media drums up rape hysteria over some obviously false case

If anything powerful white dudes are too concerned with rape

Do you spend all day searching Twitter for inane tweets from idiots to just get a response from autistic idiots on Sup Forums?

>some people i don't like did this
>therefore ALL people i dont like do the same thing

the case was clinched when two white males started balling in their testimony, this bitch is conflating her stupid useless vagina off right now

Okay, I am imagining it.

Wow really got the organ between my ears firing on all cylinders

You're right. I wish the democrats pushed harder for Bill to go to jail.

>what is remove kebab for 500

they were both drunk degenerates that should've been locked up for public indecency

People are getting stupider & stupider

The rapist didn't disrespect an entire country, he just disrespected one cunt.

Imagine if powerful black men were as vocally outraged about spouse abuse and football player rapists going free as they are about not standing for the National Anthem.

ftfy faggot

Really made me thi...

Wait a minute, there are armed white male protestors at Brock turner's house right now...

Guess I really didn't think at all!

I'm down with this

They were both drunk and taking advantage of each other

Lock them both in a cell and force them to either consent to sex and do it or don't and go home and go straight to bed with no masturbating.

I am outraged though. Why is Bill Clinton still a free man? :^)


they look bored af

What a bunch of fucking cucks

and I agree with this, for the record. I don't think there should be armed protestors threatening his life outside of his home for something that she was directly responsible for too.

But I'm way more pissed about Rotherham than about that football nigger.

>Spend months in an American prison, where rape and torture are routine
>but it wasn't enough months
>we want mandatory minimums!

Once again feminists wind up giving democrats political cover to back right-wing policies. You Sup Forumsyps should be celebrating.

Imagine if powerful white women were as vocally outraged about bill clinton's victims as they were about the imaginary victim of the rolling stone campus "rape" hysteria?

Imagine if an entire race of people took advantage of every other and ignored its crimes and behavior

>there are four white protestors
>my entire race is now absolved
Sup Forums logic

>get drunk
>makeout with drunk chick
>take her out back
>start fingering her
>she passes out
>people see me with a passed out girl
>run away
>get sent to prison and registered as a sex offender
>whole nation hates me for fingering a girl that got too drunk
>armed gunman patrol outside my window
W-why do they all hate me for touching a drunk female too much and then stopping?

It's 2016. Women are equal to men and don't need powerful white men to protect them from rape and other bad things in life. I can't believe you're saying women are weak people with no power! Shitlord.

Yeah, where is the outrage?

They are. That's why rape is illegal and punished severely. Meanwhile, "powerful white men" made it that disrespecting the country is a fundamental right. They just also think you're an asshole for doing it.

>White men having power


>rapists going free

Cause that one college kid didn't even commit rape and still got three months and his life forever ruined.

Fair punishment for fingering a drunk chick that was consensually macking out on him all night til they left together.

>Somehow came to that conclusion

Trash tier nigger logic. My point was that most whites hate him too, some to the point of violence, which is no different than kapernick. Sup Forums's the only place I've seen where Turner is defended, and I honestly wouldn't defend him publicly myself if the discussion came up, because I'd instantly be labeled as a rape apologist and likely end up losing my job. Even though I do believe he honestly did nothing wrong.

And then people wonder why MGTOW is becoming a thing.

You do ONE little irrelevant bullshit like this and your life is forever fucking ruined.
Why even bother dealing with women?

Fucking this

imagine if we were

how many blacks would be hung

>Powerful White Men
>Outraged about a Flag

pick one and only one

>Powerful White Men

>go on pol
>make up versions of events
>dont bother to research the case
>look stupid when Brock testifies this isn't what happened page 6

>Outraged about some nigger that makes millions to play a game

That's the real problem and honestly why I also don't give a fuck about Kapernick either. He's an asshole and I wouldn't want to be around him, but I don't really care about him because I don't really care about football and there are many more important things to give a shit about than one black guy not standing for the national anthem. It's just another distraction from the global elite, as was turner, but I actually feel bad for turner because he had his life ruined in the process, when his only crime was almost having what would have been consensual sex while drunk as shit until the bitch happened to pass out on him.

we are hung isnt that why u mad white boi?

That was our judicial system working though.

rape isn't really that big of a deal anyway

"outrage" is for things that are important(not that flag memes are important either)

I remember Bill Clinton, but I am not white

The absolute worst Twitter account in existance, 100% of tweets are related to shit exactly like this.

this is it, I'm now a #hillybilly

But he didn't get "free"
He's on the sex offender registry for life and will likely be homeless until he kills himself.

I am vocally outraged by a rapist going free

Reading is hard

something noteworthy

I'm 5'8", so kind of short, and I've noticed that male protesters like in this picture or at the Trump events I've been to were like 5'4" status.

What's up with that?

>kind of short
>kind of


She passed out drunk, the rapist stuck his fingers and pine needles in her vagina.

Not the same.

Most likely trying to conform to social expectations in an effort to attract mates despite being undesirable height wise. In other words, trying to be socially appealing to make up for the lack of physical appeal. As someone who is 5'5, I never understood this mindset of my half-ling peers. I'd rather just channel my inner Joe Pesci, angrily do whatever the fuck I want, and get whatever pussy that does happen to come my way, rather than be a spineless cuck that changes his beliefs with the time.

Sup Forums admires Brock and will make up any excuse because he touched a vagina and Sup Forums thinks that's cool.

I'm 5'6



This isn't a Hilldog thread.


5'8 is tall you fucking retard

A nation can survive with rapists, it cant survive when the youth doesn't respect the country.

really activates my almonds...

you can be arrested for public intoxication if you can't guarantee the safety of yourself or others.
really makes you think

Yeah, you want the rape victim punished more than the rapist. Got it.

People who are bullied or harassed because of physical traits usually lean left because the liberals pander to the demographic of insecure people.

5'7" to 5'9" is the normal range of short. You're short, but it's not abnormal.

Below that however...

>just got handed some facts gonna get bitchy now
roasties will they ever learn

I'm 5'8 too

It is not fucking tall, it is literally 6 inches shorter than what most girls consider tall

Aside from edgelords on here I doubt there's many guys of any skin color that are 'OK' with rapists. Just because not everyone is ranting about it on Twitter and Facebook doesn't mean we're complicit with the behavior.

100% This

>sitting down during the flag is worse than raping women
okay brock

>facts of the case
>things that the prosecution never thought to do, like prosecute a rape victim
This isn't Saudi Arabia. If there's a victim of a crime the cops and prosecutors don't shake down the victim.

Yes Sup Forums if you fingerbang a passed out girl, you too will be arrested. Fortunately for you, the punishment will be light it appears.

Who actually cares about this whole Kapernick thing? The only news media making a big deal about it has been liberal media. There are more posts online about supposed conservative outrage than there is actual conservative outrage. Most people don't care.

Every rape is horrible but these people are so hypocrite in the way that they only care about certain rapes. They don't care if it is some "oppressed group" doing the raping.

>be me
>a woman or man
>go to party
>be smart and don't get blackout drunk
>nothing happens
they both should've been locked up for being retarded and breaking the law.
>inb4 blub blub blub muh finger banging
>inb4 roastie rage

>they both should've been locked up for being retarded and breaking the law.
So they needed a SWAT raid on the house full of college kids? I still don't see how the Sup Forums solution isn't "The sand nigger way".

Imagine if rainbow haired ham planet feminists were as outraged about a religion held by over 2 billion people where rape is second nature as they were half the stupid shit they complain about.

sure my man if they're in public and doing what these two were or blackout drunk in public. maybe the other people were just smarter.

Doesn't matter how many rapists you lock up
You can't un-rape someone


Move to Durka land, my man. You can fingerbang defenseless girls and throw rocks at them with a courts approval, DUDE.

>Believe a drunk man account of events
Didn't American swimmers in Rio teach you anything?

>Muh emotions
lmao roasties


There's nothing complaining can do.

You've got a good attitude lil' guy.

imagine if whites treated women like nonwhites. hmm

This is an almost subtle troll. Almost.

Seriously, you guys all turn into niggers when it comes to this case.

Here you go. They be ya nigger kin, yahermme?

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

It's just niggers making excuses for nigger behavior. There are so many it's great for rage inducing binge watching.






I rage at abos here all day m8
But fuck, that triggered me

Imagine if non whites had a single good thing to say about white people ever!

They never do though so they can go fuck themselves, empathy is a two way street.

Imagine being Men in society and having to be all like "damn, Women, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific clown makeup face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his man cave. Like seriously imagine having to be Men and not only sit in that chair while Women flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone in public tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, WOMEN LOOK LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Eden. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then God wants you to make another baby, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the Police could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Men. You're not going to lose your future ascension to Godhood over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

Who cares

literally could give two shits about some bitch asking for it. Don't fuck with anyone's anthem

I find it funny and it takes away all of their credibility as people. It's amazing how niggers talk like the slickest dumbass defense lawyers yet cannot do anything productive with their lives.

She means Donald, not you or me.

Wtf is she talking about. The rape shitstorm has been blowing up on social media like crazy since the sentencing. The football thing is just a recent distraction because the MSM can't report on real news, or their viewers might start supporting trump...

really made me thing