Happening in Straits

Reporting from Bosphorus

During last hour I have just counted 9 Turkish frigates, 12 FAC and 6 Submarines sailed into black sea

How did you see the submarines

The depth of the Bosphorus varies from 13 to 110 m (43 to 361 ft) in midstream with an average of 65 m (213 ft).

Sounds like the Turkish navy has just defected to Russia

Subs navigate through straits surfaced because of safety concerns.

>How did you see the submarines

ayy lmao

that's almost half of the Turkish Navy.

Could it be just a drill?

fucking unexpected kek, fuck you amerifat


Is it unusual for the Turkish navy to patrol the Black Sea ?

Omfg happening.

Time to remove kebab.

are you good kebab or bad kebab?

Greece about to get BTFO

Those are pretty homes on the hill there. How much are they and can you hear the muslim call for prayer there?

>good kebab
Does such a thing even exist?

Yes, good kebab is tasty kebab usually with chicken or pork.

This.I used to live near the Strait of Gibraltar and it was pretty common to see britbongs and NATO navy patrolling the Mediterranean in spanish waters.

A villa on Bosphorus? I think the cheapest one must be around $10 million

And yes, the Salah will be heard from there, there is no escape.

Chicken is unremarkable and I doubt that the usual kebab fare could improve it much.

But seriously, the only "good" kebab that I can think of is merely "better" than the rest.

hearty kek

>Black see
>Murican education

thx for replying. cool sub pic btw.

Maybe they're all going to go rescue syrians and stuff.

How is the construction of the first Turkish Aircraft Carrier 'Anatolia' coming along ? will it be completed by 2020 ?

>Black see
>Serbian oral tradition

What? And its written sea Fingolia.

For what purpose would Turkish navy go into Black Sea?

She looks fucking hideous in that picture

Haha turks navy. LoL go home roaches

They're going there to train the maneuvers they are later going to execute in the Mediterranean against Syria etc.

So probably some sort of escalation from the sea against the kurds (or Assad?) inc in some weeks or days.



>There's something happening here
>What it is, aint exactly clear
>There's a man with a gun over there
>Telling me, I've got to beware

>reverse image search
>Bangladesh navy

Everyone go home

Do you know him? Does he know you?

nope, Bangladesh navy will get couple of 20 yr old Chinese 'Ming' subs this year for training, though we had the offer from Turkey to get couple of their old retiring 209's but we didn't respond to the offer in fear of India