


I see the Deen QUALITY right away but I'm very disappointed with IG for associating with this cheep piece of shit with lesser chink filler animation. The whole thing looks like anime maybe 12 years ago. Maybe even worse.

I don't know who this is for, other than tumblr normies who like vietnamese mud paintings for nothing more than the aesthetics and wished they were more inclusive :) :) :). I hope the Japanese shit on this if they ever see it. The samurai does not fear the jew.

> I'm very disappointed with IG for associating with this cheep piece of shit
They have been shit since SAC

>Make my son an anime
I don't really think we can do that.
>Here is a big bag money
Done and done.
This is how Hollywood works.

I am just gonna close my eyes and hope this one sinks so fast i won't even see ads for it.

But knowing Will Smith he will probably make them Cameo it in the new Aladdin or something.

They should put blue blush lines on niggers to stand out more

Japanese are pretty based. I mean they wont bother to draw the wide nose and big lips. Just paint bucket a mob character with tumblr colors.

>Nigger Weaboo Bullshit
JUST end it

This is ultra cringe because you are are actually triggered by drawings
Kys manchildren

its gonna be shit, Sup Forums niggaboo

Looks like shit but what's the piece playing in the background?

most people here are coming from Sup Forums

WEW this looks awful
Isn't this, like, appropriation?

>Created by the Lead Guitarist of Vampire Weekend

Knowing DEEN, 99% of the money went to cocaine so I guess they fit right in Holltwood

Yes, I am triggered by shit.

It looks like its made by a guy with really good grades.

doesn't count if you're black. proud africans can be anything, even vikings. so shut up honky.


>The whole thing looks like anime maybe 12 years ago.
>original GitS was 22 years ago

Actual anime has never looked like the abomination in the OP.

I swear to god Steve Buschemi is in this. Did anyone else hear that?

there are some gits episodes i should show you

His name is on the screen m8

I like the designs but the animation is so bad.

its okay when blacks appropriate culture from glorious nippon

>I like the designs
it's literally just color swapping for the sake of darkies but jaden apparently doesnt know Okinawans exist to make darkies that actually look natural. I honestly can't see one thing in the trailer that looked decent. Why he didn't get The Boondocks people to produce his fan-fiction is beyond me.



>We wuz boondocks n shieeeet
genius, the kangz has come full circle, they want to be black

>that fucking cast

Literally nothing has ever looked like OP.

Will Smith pulled all the favors.

they want to be black pretending to be anime

>they spent all their budget on the actors and couldn't afford decent animation

>It's a Jaden spends his father's money episode

>it's a Will refuses to be an actual parent marathon

well this makes Nick Krolls animated shitfest 10x better

Why would you even have kids when you're rich.
You won't raise them right, and all your cash will just be flushed down the drain.

I thought Jude Law was better than this

Seriously Koenig why couldn't you do an anime about vampires on weekends? It would have been much more interesting than this trash.

>what is carrying on a bloodline
You do know trust fund babies aren't a new thing, right?

It just all seems like a waste to me.

Is Boondocks anime?

What's the point of your kid is a retard that will just embarrass everything you slaved away to give them? Point of a strong family should be to get stronger every generation

Korean animation about niggers.

because sometimes it doesn't work out that way. sometimes the kids grow up right and inherit the power you've given them. see: george bush

>The whole thing looks like anime maybe 12 years ago.

Do not insult anime like that. This looks like a completely contrived flash animation made to look like a complete bastardization of anime just so that Jaden Smith can be an anime character.

If you want to look at good western cartoons based on anime watch Avatar or most, recently the Castlevania Netflix series.

For every 12 shows Netflix shits out, 1 usually turns out to be good. This is not one of them.

>The whole thing looks like anime maybe 12 years ago
You foolish kid, 12 years ago was 2005, when studios still cared. All that came out after 00s has suffered a gigantic drop in quality.
>who like vietnamese mud paintings for nothing more than the aesthetics
You don't even understand that different anime have nothing in common but aesthetics. You know, because "anime" is not a fucking genre or something. Retard.
Also, Deen's anime were always above average in quality, you just repeating memes you don't understand. Because you’re stupid. Don’t try to criticize anything and try to improve yourself instead, that would be best for you and the others.

Jaden Smith has an anime.

>Deen's anime were always above average
Alright you can stop lying to him now

This looks like a very generic as fuck anime, even more generic than that Tokuo Ghoul shit. Bland shonen garbage.

Similarly, there was a Japanese fisherman picked up by a western ship who ended up living as a fisherman in New England and eventually went back to Japan to translate once it opened up.

dookie show

I thought it wasn't too bad looking lol.

Was anyone at the Nathan Fielder q&a in Vancouver? What was the third audience question that was asked? Had to leave before the end to catch a ferry...

How Can Anime Be Real If Weeaboos Are Not

I'd rather watch Master of Martial Hearts

Damn, I thought this thread would be full of Nathan keikaku kino but instead it's mostly just about the show

That's not Air Master!




Might as well watch Seikon no Qwaser for some true ecchi kino.

What else is generic besides your mouth when you're like kissing on some gay dude and like holding his like muscles 'cause his arms just are like wrapped around you and you feel like so safe 'cause you're like... not that you're gay or nothing but God you just want to bury yourself in his chest and just live there forever.

uh... you thought that out waaaay too much, user

Holy shit, what happened to Studio Deen?

So this is a gay static shock?

I blame Hetalia

Nioh taught me about this, it's legit
basically Nobunaga saw him, and was intrigued that he was a giant black guy, and he tried to wash off the blackness from his skin, but couldn't, so he made him a samurai

so Static Shock

>cultural appropriation is cool when we do it

>jewish creator
whats not to love

With this, death note and other flops, is netflix just throwing pools of money at the wall and hoping for something to stick? Or did Will Smith actually personally fund this one?


Ayy yooo.thats so kawaii-desu nigga.