Kills a guy because he had a better business card than him

>kills a guy because he had a better business card than him
what the fuck was his problem?

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Are you this lost?
That never happened, neither did any of the other murders, he's a paranoid schizophrenic, you retard. Did you even watch the ending?

Whether or not he killed anyone isn't the point of the movie. Forget the "he really did it" or "it was just in his head" shit.

then what is the point, smart guy?

>it was all a dream

I don't see anything wrong with that.

To show how soulless these corporate yuppies really are.

>implying he didn't kill Paul Allen so he could steal his identity

There is no proof that this guy is actually "Patrick Bateman", and he may very well have killed the real Patrick Bateman and is living in his apartment. He would have moved into Paul Allen's apartment but it was sold off and cleaned out.

>that part where he makes the prostitute take a bath for him
what even is this movie?

But none of the characters were real, don't you understand? There is a Patrick Bateman as well as there is a Paul Allen as the same person, but he's not really there, meaning that his entire reality is faulty as it is an illusion created by schizophrenia. MEANING that the behaviour of the whole world around Patrick/Paul is fake by his fucked up perspective. ATMs do not ask you to feed them cats and escort services do not keep sending girls to an address where literally ALL the previous escorts have gone missing. The entire movie is an illusion placed over reality by a mental condition and the movie is really about how long it takes the audience to figure that out before the ending literally smashes the truth into your face.

There's literally a montage in the beginning giving you clues that none of this is real.

wasn't the beginning just him taking a shower and saying what he puts on his face?

he was a true american psycho

"There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."

"I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion."

You don't sense a hint at an illusionary life from this?

If you still don't see the hints, watch the television in the background of the opening scene closely.

But why? Why did he create these specific illusions? What did it all mean?

You niggers are too dumb to understand


literally the first sentence

He's a paranoid schizophrenic meaning that his emotions, fears, and grudges shape the reality around you. While most people suffering from this condition are convinced the CIA are watching them, or that they're killing/talking to people and that their neighbor snuck into their house last night to poison them Patrick's illusions are more grand and pompous because that's the world around him. He's convinced his bosses are conspiring against him, that RESTAURANTS are conspiring against him, that he's murdering expensive escorts as well as his imaginary business rival, and that some gay guy wants to fuck him. AND THE AUDIENCE SOMEHOW BELIEVES ALL THIS because business people during the 80's lived some fucked up lifestyles so his paranoid illusionary reality somehow makes sense in the context of that time period, in those circles, by those people, in that country and place.

It's suspension of disbelief. We believe it because we're imagining that world as fucked up as he sees it through his illness.

Which is kind of brilliant. It's like making the audience suffer from a shared psychosis.

>what the fuck was his problem?
sounds like he's literally /ourguy/

>every movie is Fightclub
Just stop. The movie is mainly him having a major identity crisis in a world full of yuppies that all look exactly the same because they have no sense of self.

how is anything he does part of an "identity crisis"?

The book literally explains this by the end.
I suppose you saw the movie and took it all at face value, which is exactly the purpose of the two first acts before his life illusion comes crashing down by the end.
The phonecall with the lawyer literally explains how much of what he experiences is false. You think the police would send choppers looking for this murder rampage guy and then just sort of give up? There were no murders, no police, no fucking denied reservations at Dorsia. It was simply.. not there.

how's the book hold up?

>he paid so little attention he thinks bateman is a killer

give a hoot.
read a book.

It's much more dream-like than the movie and somehow more graphic by writing alone. Pretty good if you want to feel like the world around you isn't real. 7/10

the crossword scene is pure kino

>better business card

It was the 8:30 rez at Dorsia that set Patrick off.

>if I say it was all a dream I'll look smart!
Director already said Paul definitely really died. Everything else is up in the air.

>I suppose you saw the movie
Well yes, we are on the Sup Forums board and not /lit/. Did I read the book, no, but isn't taking the movie at face value the point?

>One thing I think is a failure on my part is people keep coming out of the film thinking that its all a dream, and I never intended that. All I wanted was to be ambiguous in the way that the book was. I think it's a failure of mine in the final scene because I just got the emphasis wrong. I should have left it more open ended. It makes it look like it was all in his head, and as far as I'm concerned, it's not.
-Mary Harron

Kill yourself

does the director really have the right to say that? She's not the one who wrote the book

It wasn't all in his head.
It was a layer of illusion on his reality, much like the mask he peels off his face.


>>paul who appears in a later novel

topkek american public school .edu

Are we talking about movies or books you idiot?

I wish this was bait for Bateman. He did kill Allen, and the hobo along with the dog. The fact that NO ONE recognizes that hes Patrick Bateman justifies that theory. The hookers were in his head but he did kill two people and a dog. The whole theme of the story is the superficiality and ass kissing of the upper class.

You get out of here with your overwhelming evidence!

>movies or book
On a fucking television and film board.

>director of the MOVIE says one thing
>we're talking about it on Sup Forums, a board about TV and MOVIES
>someone brings up BOOKS, in which something different happens

The same fucking thing happens in the movies, it's just better explained in the book.

Like trying to figure out how the DNA sampling worked by watching Jurassic Park alone. You can figure it out by only watching the movie, but idiots will still be lost.

Well if were were talking about Hammond the director turned him into a nice guy that loved children. If I stated that, because it was shown in the movie, would you argue against that because in the books he was a money grubbing asshole? Sure, in the books he was, and you might even just say that. But you can't say that in the movie he was, because in the movie he wasn't.

Ah, but he totally was. Especially in the second movie. If you keep that in mind a lot of his so called "acts of incompetence and ignorance" makes sense from a greedy pov.

>being this retarded

That was the actor's choice, he wanted to be likable. Even though it created more questions about his accountability. If he was a greedy fuck then his actions would make sense, but because he became the mother theresa of old park owners he just seems stupid and insane.

Well, she's not talking about the book, is she? She made the movie, and if she wants the movie to be ambiguous, then that's what it is.

And you're totally free to insist that it's a riveting look into paranoid schizophrenia colliding with 80s yuppie excess, and you can both be right. Lern2deathoftheauthor.

Also, check 'em.

The point is that it doesn't matter. It might as well all be true and, just like the movie hints at many times, people just don't recognise yuppies and yuppies themselves don't care about each other.

this movie sucked

>dude nothing in american psycho happened LOL
is this babby's first film analysis?

well, what's your take on the whole thing then?


it happened to some degree, possibly exaggerated in Patrick Bateman's mind

mfw nobody here can get dubs

>an American psycho thread that hasn't devolved into get posting

Now I've seen it all

Check em

>he hallucinates at the end
>therefore the entire movie is a hallucination

Exactly who was "Bateman"?
We understand that the psycho wasn't actually bateman, but the way his lawyer talks, Bateman is implied to be a real person. A timid one, at that. So who is he? Why is he never seen? Why did the psycho assume his identity?

Neither can you buddy.


GREAT dubs


Someone didn't appreciate the tasteful thickness of it

fuck off

3. You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

Enjoy your bans retarded Sup Forums fags with your LOL REPEATING DIGETS XD

Clearly his problem was his inability to get dubs reservations.

yes, quite indeed. Now please, would you care to partake in discussion related to the actual film? Perhaps you have a favorite scene? I find the chainsaw one to be a true classic. It greatly emphasizes how mad Bateman has gone and does a great job at transitioning into the final "act" of the movie, if you will.

I like the entire film. But I think how his autism caused anger issues regarding his collegue having a much superior business card was one of my favorite scenes.

Whoa! hold on there, Newfriend. Looks like you have posted a spoiler without using the spoiler tag.

Please read the rules about spoilers before posting again.


Wow, a bloody goody two shoes.

can any /lit/fags explain the ending of the book compared to the ending of the movie?

What, like these?


>doing it for free

>missing the point this hard
>"I know some of it didn't really happen! I R SMART!"
jesus christ

>being this new

Don't just stare at it

meh. I swear, porn has really fucked up my view on girls. I can only pop a boner if they're in some incredibly hardcore position, getting railed to near-death
