Just watched it, did I like it?
Just watched it, did I like it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, you did.
No, you didn't.
This is Sup Forums, so no.
did you float?
it's your favorite lovecraftian movie
It's not really scary so much as it's disturbing and unsettling
I hate that I liked it. Stephan King is a horrible overrated writer. This film being good makes people ignore that.
It's jump scare porn for 13-year-olds. Go back to redd.it
If anybody tells you it's a scary movie. It means they haven't seen the movie.
It's Sit & Shit
Formerly Wendell's
Or that they're 13.
>That fucking dance
>That fucking zoom in
Christ please tell me that's a deleted scene or something.
Watched what?
This right here is what is killing the horror Genre.
little shits who can't put their ego aside.
If you are not watching a scary movie late at night, with all the lights off and no distractions then of course its not gonna scare you. Enjoying horror is an like fine dinning.
Don't respond to the fag who shills his own videos all day every day.
not even close it's all real
Just watched what?