who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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urkle cause hes black.
>black man white women
The propaganda does really far back doesn't it?
You have no idea. . .
urkel is whiter than white people are
Am I supposed to know who this ugly old faggot is?
>maternal impression
Are you English?
Yeah, Romans were famed degenerates.
Comes to Sup Forums, doesn't even know Bryan Cranston when he sees him.
They still are t b h
Even your Christfag cherrypicking mentions anti-miscegenation laws and Romans fighting back. Doesn't the God of the Old Testament spite someone for making fun of Moses' Ethiopian wife? Doesn't Jesus say there is "neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus"?
Cultural decadence. Same thing is currently happening in the US and most of Europe as well.
Shhh....stop interrupting their racetard larping-session.
Jesus said to pray the gay away
so what you are saying is to not shut it down?
if people fall in love thats one thing but racially charged fetish pornography is something else
>Sup Forums thinks white women fucking foreign men is something new pushed by Jews
Does anyone take that shit board serious?
White """"""men""""" literally cannot compete.
Never have. Never will.
Bob sagat for allowing his daughter to be alone in the bedroom with a black man
So basically, white women have always had an intense attraction to black men. We really gotta stop pinning this on Jews, it's just sexual chemistry in action
>implying ancient rome didnt have jews
>someone actually made this
It's a know fact that men were painted darker and women fairer for most of antiquity
Even across cultures
They were not negroes
Of course ancient Rome had Jews, they just also had the god since to feed them to lions or crucify them when they got lippy.