Why don't movies have badass characters anymore? People like pic related, the man with no name, or many of the roles John Wayne was in. Now I see mostly fags like the sperg from Baby Driver, those push overs from the Purge movies, "there's only one god" Captain America, and all the other capeshit losers. Why do modern action movie characters have to get shit on by others, feel remorse for killing people who deserved it, and other things along those lines? Do millenials and gen Z not like cool characters anymore?
Why don't movies have badass characters anymore? People like pic related, the man with no name...
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what are you on about?
first post is always right.
>his character arc is putting pussy on a pedestal then crying over a puppy
true, but he fucking killed a bunch of dudes. so he has that going for him.
>ywn put your boot on someone whilst brandishing a suppressed mac complete with a 3x9 optic
Don't let your dreams be dreams.
"there's only one god" was Captain America's best line.
One below par line in a sea of liquid diarrhea lines isn't impressive.
interesting metaphor choice user
Now everything has to be about muh horrors of war. Nobody can just be a cool manly man anymore (unless they're secretly gay! lol XD)
A step in the right direction.
david geffen had an eye on him same with
and im p sure he fuck axl rose in his youth
because we're older than 12.
Holy fuck you loos like a whiny bitch
John Wick
Taken guy
Equalizer nigga
not really an "action hero" in the sense snake was though they dont make movies like rambo or cobra anymore graphic violence in modern movies either has to le super realistic and part of a serious drama like in sicario or edgy graphic novel tier fedora fests like sin city
Taken guy is a huge fuckup who keeps losing his family.
lmao, go watch whatever new spiderman is out
>Mac 10
>Scope on a weapon known for close range combat and inaccuracy
Why is it still so fucking awesome?
spieder man begins and ends with raimi
Mullet, eye patch and no sleeves.
because it is fun
>Kurt Russel and John Carpenter wanted to do a Snake Plissken tv series
>every tv network shot it down because it was too "bleak and depressing"
>too "bleak and depressing"
aka too rad
>Kurt Russel and John Carpenter wanted to do a Snake Plissken tv series
I never knew about this till now and now i'm going to be pissed about it forever thanks user.
i hope we can watch it in heaven someday
More important question
Do these kind of scruffy badass actors like Kurt, Stallone and Arnie even exist in this generation?
I can only think of ones like Tom Hardy and Channing Tatum but even those two are fuckbois
oh and Karl Urban for another one
Jon Hamm could have been bigger I think if he tried to get in more action roles.
arnie wasnt scruffy and pic related is the modern version
Ray Stevenson?
No he isn't.
him and vin diesel are the only big guy type stars these days
Jon Hamm's true calling is comedy. He's surprisingly hilarious at times.
I think Armie Hammer is secret action hero waiting in the sidelines.
There are still a few cool actors left.
>cutting out Harry Dean Stanton from the picture
Dammit user he just lost him, now he was a real man.
Oh shit, forgot about him.
big, bald, and deep voice=/=badass
Because badass white males are triggering displays of racist patriarchal masculinity.
Where is Idris Elba when you need him.
>scopped mac
I just found out Viggo is almost 60, what the fuck?
no im not saying they are actually badass im saying they occupy the same place in pop culture that arnie used to aka the big tough guy action star
China will save us.
Pic related - nearly 900 million dollars at the box office.
Man Kino is back on the menu.
I see. That's why the genre is dying (dead?)
The actors are there, just not matching up with the roles.
For instance, The Rock went straight from Wrestler basically into Comedy Arnold mode.
It's because the market was there for the action Arnie mode.
It's a shame - With Deadpool and It there is a clear HUGE market for Hard R material.
If The Rock had been coming up now, he could have been getting his own versions of Total Recall or Predator.
I mean, he's old but he's in good shape, so it's a shame he's not doing this - especially since China loves him and they have a MASSIVE market for violent action films.
Could easily shoot a blood/bloodless version for both markets.
Henry was pretty Hardcore.
Man neither of them give any fucks at all
Whoa this guy pretends not to know what superhero movies are out
We gotta watch out for this dude
hollywood is dead
Looks like reddit's here.
Furiosa was pretty awesome
The closest we got to The Rock being like Arnold was in The Scorpion King, he's got fun one liners while also being pretty kickass (and teams up with Michael Clark Duncan to boot).
Fuck I need to rewatch that one now, such a fun adventure.
Vidiya is where its at
Why would anyone keep track of comic movies in 2017? Haven't you learned they're all shit?
ddl is elite reddit though
Unbridled Masculinity is looked down upon by (((them))) these days
Capeshit isn't manly action when they have a character to live up to compared to something like watching Die Hard or Predator for the first time.
*White Masculinity
Oh wow, he's so cool killing humans with his metal claws and no chance of being harmed.
>he could have been getting his own versions of Total Recall or Predator.
No, these days they'd just reboot Total Recall and Predator for the 5th time and make it an action comedy starring The Rock.
But he's a throwback/homage to 80's-00's badasses.
Kojima better live up to my hype this time.
When was this? These days they could probably get away with it. Even though Kurt is old as fuck now pI'd still watch it.
The entire point of the movie was that he wasn't impervious anymore, he was aging, vulnerable, and giving up.
If he didn't have a good reason to fight he probably would have just accepted death after the first few barrages just to be done with it all.
For fucks sake, he dies at the end. What movie did you watch?
>Escape from New York
Rescue the president from a supermax city prison island
>Escape from L.A.
Rescue the daughter of the president from a supermax prison island
>Escape from America
Just get the fuck out of town because the whole fucking things a prison. Chill out literally anywhere else for a spell, because fuck.
Early 2000s. I don't see how it could be bleaker or more depressing than some shit like Lost or Law and Order.
John Wick is cringeworthy, not cool.
Less personality than a soggy piece of cardboard.
It's mindless fun, meant to be visually stimulating and nothing more. Which it achieves in droves.
There's not much cringeworthy about it.
>Simple plot
>Incredible choreography and gunplay
>the camera doesn't cut a thousand times in a single scene to hide that nobody knows what they're doing
>You can actually follow what the fuck is happening
>Realistic reloading and tactics, essentially unheard of in a film ever. Guns are actually treated as finite resources for fucks sake
>In the meantime creates this odd sideways universe where assassins are a common place staple, with their own money and rules, while still feeling somewhat grounded in reality
The only movie in recent movie that did anything even remotely similar was Dredd.
What is this?
Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima's newest game. God knows when it will actually come out.
What about David Beckham? Also Tom Hardy
vidya kino
>Hideo Kojima's newest game.
I can't refute this.
movie Kojima best Kojima
On a side note Fox engine a shit.
>>In the meantime creates this odd sideways universe where assassins are a common place staple, with their own money and rules, while still feeling somewhat grounded in reality
I would have sworn John Wick was a comic book movie if I didn't spend enough time on Sup Forums to know better.
>>Escape from America
Just fucking take my money.
user you're better off watching Asian movies.
> The primary reason for the original M10 finding recognition was its revolutionary soundsuppressordesigned byMitchell WerBell IIIofSionics.
Any recommendations?
you're cringeworthy, I bet you were a trenchcoat unironically and have a movie review blog. John Wick makes no apologies for the type of film it is, there is no aim for "awards" just mass appeal and pretending your above it is absolutely too cute. I bet you watch old Criterion Collection movies and read cliffnotes to pretend you "get" them.
>I bet you watch old Criterion Collection
This is supposed to be an insult?
Don't call anybody a trench coat wearing sperg while you're defending a movie with two Marilyn Manson songs.
well between the 2 of us, only 1 knew they were Marilyn Manson songs so take that how you will. I'm not so much into the cringelord scene, what other musicians do you listen to beside Marilyn Manson?
So wait the chinks save Africa from the Americans in this movie?
That's hilarious on so many levels
Seriously this guy acts like a butthurt teenage girl on Twitter it's embarrassing.
He is supposed to be the Arnie for the millennial generation *sigh*
This looks like pur kino desu
will see
This mad cunt will fucking execute bad guys without a second thought
it's in development at the moment; the trailer was a really early teaser
Eat shit.
remove yourself from existence please
I know this thread is about Snake/badass characters, but there is also a fair bit of Carpenter talk in here. So, in case anyone is unaware of it, he just came out with this:
God, his music is tight as shit but I wish he'd go back to cinema.
The problem is that every character nowadays has to have mad skillz, yes Snake Plissken was a skilled individual but he had his limitations, nowadays everyone is a special little corn flake, it all originated with the matrix and now with capeshit there's no end in sight, every new character needs to be a god descendant or some other supernatural crap.
I still want to see taken guy vs Harrison ford
In a kidnapping each other's family movie