Who was in the wrong here?
Baby Driver
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Bats was never in the right about anything
Can't remember, it's a shit movie and I skipped through half of it.
why did he got 25 years if he was forced to do everything? does the writers know anything about the judicial system?
Another god tier movie that shows up that niggers ruins everything
Baby was never in the wrong.
You always have a choice. He could have went to the authorities and ratted out the gang at any time, from the perspective of the justice system.
that's not how it works, physical coercion understands that you couldn't even do that, of course you technically could, but when someone is threatening to kill everyone you love you don't wanna take any chances. Any sensible judge or jury would go easy on him
>25 with parole in 5 years
that's what murderers get.
On the the policie that kelvin spacey guy have in his pockets?
Maybe because there was no proof of coercion, just anecdotal evidence.
this movie was really, really good until the moment after jamie foxx died and the escape sequence, all the tension felt lost
final fight scene, the boss defending the protagonist, it just didn't make sense at all
third act felt out of place
edgar wright
yeah right, the diner scene was one of the best movie scenes in a long time
>i'm never ever gonna quit. cuz quittin just aint my schtick...
jon hamm fucking nailed it
Definitely, the tension picked up right after Darling was killed.
I was really enjoying it, and the third act subverted what I thought was going to happen, but it was still worse.
Would've been more fun as Bats as the main villain, but I guess its okay cause it defeats the tropes?
this right here, this scene was just dumb
dude the entire thing was foreshadowed from the diner scene, darling would get fucked over and buddy would get pissed at whoever caused it. Bats was going to die either way because nobody liked him.
Baby Driver is one of those movies where you miss so much the first time you see it. There's so much foreshadowing in it and other things that you pick up the second time around.
obvious samefaggery
He only served 5 years for two murders, countless robberies, multiple counts of reckless driving, evading the police and pirating music. I'd say that's a very light sentence.
apart from Beranthal's character not coming back, what are some others?
The chick that plays the waitress looks exactly like Shelly from Twin Peaks. Is she a clone?
>two murders
self defense, and both were cold blooded killers and probably in the system
>countless robberies, multiple counts of reckless driving, evading the police
he was coerced
how about the dozens of tapes he recorded of conversations and the millions he should have from all the heists
and baby becomes anime doing parkour and jumping over moving cars like a basketball player
>Beranthal's character not coming back
what was that about?
All it would take is one cunning prosecutor.
>How did you meet Kevin Spacey?
>Oh you stole his car.
>He liked your driving why?
>Oh you're a known joy rider.
A lawyer with a degree from devry could pry that shit out.
Bam full sentence.
His last line is "If you don't see me again, means I'm dead".
I think his disappearance from the movie would have made more sense, if he was the one staring at Darling's ass, not Foxx.
He didn't magically learn parkour at the end of the movie, dummy. He was always that guy we saw at the end, we just didn't see it until the end.
well he mentioned foreshadowing and "other things" you miss so I was wondering what were some others
like the other posted said he announced his death in the elevator
There were clues though. Like when he grabbed Bats' gun, the way it was shot showed that he was just as strong as Bats was. The way he dodged those bullets in the gun deal shootout. And even just being outrunning the cops when he was a kid, you gotta be wired above average.
There was a good reason why he was never afraid whenever Bats and Jon Bernthal tried to rattle his cage. He knew he was a straight up boss when shit went down even if no one else knew it.
lmao no. First he was a baby faced teen among killers and a powerful mob boss and never hurt anybody innocent or was even armed at any point, that alone puts him in the favors or the public eye before his trials even start.
>How did you meet Kevin Spacey?
>Oh you stole his car.
>He liked your driving why?
>Oh you're a known joy rider.
>yes he was an orphan delinquent who got caught up with dangerous people out of his league
you think that will completely destroy his character and get him 25? you're crazy. Also the multiple testimonies accounting for his good character given by people unrelated to him. Any minor stuff like trying to flee would be overlooked just out of sympathy, he won the case before he was even arrested
He robbed the old lady at gun point. His coercion into the gang had nothing to do with that, it was all about escaping at that point.
You have no idea how the criminal justice system works. For everything that Baby did, he got off way easy.
>itt a bunch of arm chair lawyers
What i dont get is how this girl was willing to go so far with a guy she knew for all of like 1 month.
You don't really understand chicks that much hey?
A murder committed during a felony (robbery here) is murder in the second degree and commonly referred to as a felony murder. Mandatory sentence of life imprisonment regardless of all other factors due to high likelihood of murder being committed during the felony (considered foreseeable by the criminal justice system and established through decades of cases). Precedent has it that all involved in the commission of the felony (even those without a gun i.e. Baby being the getaway driver) are guilty of felony murder. Baby SHOULD have gotten mandatory life for any of the countless robberies he was prosecuted for. The movie was nowhere near accurate as far as the law is concerned.
She had no idea what he was into until Buddy showed up at the diner. At which point he said that he loved her, and then saved her life 30 seconds later in the most alpha way possible. She would have killed for the guy at that point.
>what is coercion
well I guess america really is judicially primitive like they say. And the public always picks a side in a high profile case like this, no way they would go against baby
>Goes out of prison with same amount of bodyfay, same haircut and no aging.
>Apparently this girl who met him like 4 times put her life aside to wait him for 5 fucking years
Ending was a fucking mess.
That girl's panties would have taken at least 5 years to dry after that night.
Yeah but 5 freaking years. It's just not what a young girl would do I think.
Of course she would have. Baby's a fucking golden boy. She wants to have his golden babies, not some other loser's who doesn't compare.
Everything I just wrote was taught in the introductory criminal justice course at my college. The professor was a defense attorney for 30+ years. Questions about any ridiculous circumstance you could imagine were brought up. Coercion has its place, but it 100% does not apply to all the crimes committed by Baby in the movie. Taking sides or disparaging America has nothing to do with it.
it was a fantasy scene you idiot
It comes to color at the end you gay faggot symbolising that it comes to life.
she ptably visited him every week and got fingered under the table
Considering Edgar Wright has stated that he's considering making a sequel, it's safe to assume he really did get outta jail.
I don't see what him getting out of jail at the end or not has to do with there being a followup
Because you can't drive cars out on the prison yard.
He can get out of prison for real in the sequel with the ending of the first movie just being a dream. He can find out his gf got knocked up or murdered.
Retarded movie made by a rich kid who gets to make movies just because. Imagine yourself bringing this script to a studio, they would spit on your face if you were a nobody. and the synchronized music was the most stupid gimmick.
I admit that it's a bit overrated but a retarded movie? It has action and driving scenes that aren't edited to have 100 cuts in 5 seconds like everything else does now, the plot wasn't up it's own ass trying to be more than it is, it found an entertaining niche and it stuck with it. It had a satisfying enough and unexpected albeit jarring ending, the characters were all entertaining. It was fun. Do I think it's some modern classic? nope. but it was a lot more fun with a movie than I have had in a long time. plus the MC was basically an emotionally stunted autismo that probably grew up watching Steve McQueen films and it made for hilarious initial scenes with the waitress.