one of the best movies ive ever scene desu

Literally all exposition, 5/10

Wow a bunch of rich pieces of shit getting richer. Very compelling.

it was fine until the "immigrants and poor people" line

I wanna make big money guys

yes capitalism is bad

All correct, around jews you lose

But that's what happened

not one person blamed the housing bubble on immigrants or poor people

>I get angry at things that happened because it goes against my ideology gathered from image boards

One of Adam McKay's film critic friends wrote an article prior to the Oscars telling us to watch the movie again - and remember one crucially important thing - This was the fault of White Men.

I thought it was pretty funny because it skirted very close to the truth, and would have tipped McKay's message from normal liberalism (White Men are the blame for everything) into Right Wing Nazism.

Also - mediocre movie. More like recreation scenes from a documentary rather than a real film. Also did a poor job of explaining the situation because it seemed to want to focus on the details rather than the larger picture. Or maybe it's just that the larger picture is assumed knowledge or that the small details would drive people to peace together the overall problem themselves.

I dunno, but it didn't feel like a real film, like Wolf did.

It's also weird seeing Hollywood beneificiaries of the system attack the system.

>siding with the bankers just to be contrarian
where do you dorks draw the line?

No they didn't.

They quite rightfully blamed it on rich people and politicians.

The only people they didn't blame it on was the Jews, even though that's also true.

>trivial numeric rating system
the exposition is valid since the majority of people don't know the first thing about micro or macro economics, and the fact that all the while the film is subtly suspenseful and succinctly paced and insightful, this film is a winner on top of class performances all round, you are a stupid fucking cuck, simple

You're right. Everyone blamed it on the bankers except for the bankers themselves, who claimed it was a terrible and completely unforeseeable tragedy like an earthquake and started begging for more gibs.

You think people having the same opinion of money men since the foundation of civilization is just a coincidence that holds no basis in reality? The fact that so many americans needed this movie to figure it out is the worst part of it

Yah. I remember Occupy Wall Street rallying hard against immigrants and poor people.

>siding with jewish bankers who fuck you out of money with pointless usury
You're a 15 year old libertarian OP.

Also did you know that banks make up money out of thin air when you sign for a mortgage? That's right, they just create your debt without taking any of their existing money. They create money and it's legal, because the bank jew has this country by the balls right now.

This was a critique of government intervention more than capitalism.

They're partly right. These policies and practices are cornerstones of the investment banking industry.

It's mostly by chance that they don't all go up in flames. They just got unlucky in this case.

Luckily Bush and Obama followed through on the bipartisan effort to initiate Quantative Easing - because look at how well that worked for Japan 20 years ago. Nothing says success like an endless debt cycle to prop up private businesses that never turn a profit but award their employees millions because they are simply 2 Big 2 Fail

>not evil

The investment banking industry is foreseeably a bubble factory. All it does is magically create imaginary money while siphoning value out of productive industries. The fact that it's even allowed to exist is a travesty.

Thanks for the movie suggestion, op

I find it so hard to believe how done retards would warp literally everything to fit their views. You can't be serious user?

Like most things, the basic principle isn't a problem. But as soon as people find a way to exploit/game the situation they will. Which is what happened with the GFC - and the natural reaction to that should have been to allow them to fall on their faces.

Instead the government stepped in to mitigate their losses and allow them to get away with their gambling. That's the travesty.

What they did hurt people - okay - but in turn they would have been hurt themselves. The government intervention left those at the bottom of the chain hurting while protecting the top of the chain. It's pretty fucked.

I think that angered people more than the initial scam itself.

He's not "wrong". It even contains a scene/line at the end about this (from Steve Carrell's character). Government intervention both initiated this scam and saved the scammers.

How did government intervention initiate the scam?

>implying simple oversight is a bad thing

After seeing this movie I did too

By keeping interest rates low since the late 80s or so, but that is on the federal reserve.

So the federal reserve just decides that all loans will have a certain interest rate and all bankers have to abide or be shot? Is that the system we live under? Seems pretty fascist to me.

The film was decent except for the preachiness near the end and the cringe celebrity explanations. And concerning the housing crisis, long story short it was everybody's fault, including bankers, cdo managers, mortgage brokers, the govt, and many average joes who bought things they couldn't afford to pay. And you know what has changed since then? Almost nothing.

But they are lol, i don't get how people will act as unpaid shills for people who wouldn't spare you a single thought?

Plenty of people blamed it on poor people. Personally, I think the blame lies mostly with the bankers but most of these people should really have known better. It's like smoking, yeah I'm not rooting for big tobacco but you have a choice, and not everyone chooses wisely. Would I rather live in a world where there isn't a demand for deadly drugs, or a world where everyone who smokes does so in moderation? Of course. That doesn't mean someone who is addicted to nicotine has no responsibility for his situation.

The fact that you just threw out terms like micro and macro in a discussion about this movie shows that you know nothing about economics. You know Thaler is literally in this movie right?

>mortgage payments skyrocket because of literal fraud
>i-i-i-it's your own fault, goy

But bankers are quite literally evil. Only the most boomerist of boomers deny this.

*Uncettered Capitalism (with no rules or safeguards) Is Bad


opey here, there is no line



nice meme but where's your argument?

>throw out terms
>macro and micro
How desperate are you to win

Mediocre movie, but I liked the scenes with autistic Christian Bale.

Yer a fuckin joke bud


Yeah, siding with the bankers, the profession that people need the most to live and also despise the most just because they eventually take back what they deserve, is being contrarian

When the unwashed masses eventually rise up and eat the rich, this movie will be scripture in the new world. Investment bankers will be first against the wall for their arrogance.

It's far, far too late for that.

Considering the banking system is a giant scam at this point (that is legalized by terrible bills), yes it is bad.


Except it doesn't say that at all you nitwit.

As someone who works in the industry, the suspense is fucking intense. It's a common nightmare to basically know what is going to happen next (e.g. crash) but not being able to profit on it because of issues such as those shown in the movie.

But there are Bankers that were trying to f*** over the other Bankers so that doesn't make sense

Investment banks don't create imaginary money.

How drunk are you

The only problem with this movie is that the average audience members is too dumb to get it, even with fucking intermissions telling people what is going on using fifth grade language.

Why is it this film intrigues me so much but I don't understand really anything about it

The housing bubble was the result of the federal reserve and government regulation.

Not the free market.



If we had unfettered capitalism there would be no housing bubble.

you brainwashed keynesian idiot

>eat the rich
and get what out of it?
the working class consumes 99% of all resources

What more can you get than 99%?

kill all leftists

It's such that brainwashed retards support central banking and hate the free market.

Why do leftist cucks enjoy being enslaved?
gas them all honestly

>and get what out of it?
More wealth.

No longer being another man's bitch.

>More wealth.
the working class consumes 99% of all consumer goods

What more can you get than 99%?

Please answer this.
This fact really seems to kill leftists, it's so fucking great.


I didn't understand what's going on.
I wish they was some exposition.


Who cares movies are a dying media

>capitalism did this to venezuela
get the fuck out

it was the peoples money that the government used to pay the price

that was the point of the movie, wasn't it?

the guys depicted were doing the right thing, trying to take advantage of a predictable movement in the market, and their investments should have provoked a response from the market, but they got fucked over when the government stepped in and stopped that correction from happening

Who /lovemoney/ here?

That line felt like the studio stepping in to please core market audience.
Literally everyone blamed the banks and the elite for it and the politicians for allowing it to happen.

You are so fucking retarded it would've made me furious but luckily you posted an anime avatar so I don't feel the need to explain common sense to you.

What are some good /biz/ kinos lads?

Good goyim, the bankers are our greatest ally!

I'm not even leftist and that argument doesn't make any sense. You do realize that most people don't consider amassing wealth as the sole purpose of life, right? Most people don't even consider it among the most important.

>get the fuck out
not an argument

Money is everything. Thanks to money I can buy:
I fucking love money

>implying it was wrong
I have argued with people here saying immigrants and poor people borrowing more than they could repay was the chief cause of the crisis

Your sarcasm detector is broke homie

It was, though, and the movie literally shows that. The bankers also knowingly took advantage of them. It was a group effort. But at the end, the movie decides to assign responsibility to the bakers and only the bankers.

I too like getting fucked in the ass by a huge black cock

ITT: people that get fucked daily by rich people, defending rich people
Ameriturds were a mistake

It's a bankers job to say "this is too risky, I'm not lending money" That is the entire purpose of risk analysis and underwriting. It falls squarely on them for not doing their jobs.

And that is partly true. Obviously all parties are at fault but I can see the argument made that a person taking a loan he can't repay is more at fault than the bank giving him the loan.

The repackaging of loans was just another cause in a list of many.

And a person is not at all responsible for the money they borrow? If I max out my credit cards and go broke it's the credit card company's fault?

In the banker's defense though (and I do acknowledge that a lot of the blame does fall on them), letting someone hitch a mortage isn't inherently risky. What made it risky is that the growth of housing prices fell, and you had people that defaulted from not being able to sell off their homes with increased gains, which had the banks seizing everyone's home right and left. Leaving the banks with all too much property on their hands, and no one to sell it off to.

Bankers couldn't really predict the trends the housing market would follow. Maybe an Investment banker at best, but not a commercial banker who's only there to sum up some ratios and fill in legal paperwork.

>"I-I'm a few years a-away from being rich myself, I don't w-want to insult the future me, h-haha!"
In all fairness, beats our europoor socialism shit.

It's the customers job to say "this is too risky, I'm not borrowing money". The internet is full of "borrow up to 50.000 euros with no collaretal" ads, that doesn't mean I take each one and trust the bank has made sure I can repay it. That's my job.
>beats our europoor socialism shit
It truly is a sad state of affairs when Americans have more common sense in a matter than we do.

>Americans have more common sense in a matter than we do.
Centrism is on its way friend.

>Investment bankers will be first against the wall for their arrogance.
>help various companies get funding by evaluating them and insuring that no one gets frauded by them, potentially meaning health-care firms might be bought out by a rich investor who'll release their product world-wide
>"dey are the worst of Wall street!!!"
Traders maybe you can deride, but come on, there's a lot worst than investment bankers.

We're heavily moving to the left in Finland come next election. Our current ""right wing"" (moderately less leftist but just as incompetent) government fucking things up big time isn't helping the cause.

Wish you all the best. Our left-wing has been swept away in the last election, garnering around only 6% of voting intentions for themselves, and its rotting carcass can be basically caricatured as "the ebil commies" since they've skewed themselves even farther left.

So we're left with Macron in the center being pretty right-wing, the ""right"" doing its thing, sort of surviving (in American politics they'd be considered democrats), and the FN nationalists sort of stranded.

Makes it feel like we're a one-party state. Comfy but also frightening.

Macron seems pretty promising from what I've read. He has some good ideas to encourage small businesses. I'm interested to see what he actually gets done.

We're in a sort of unique situation since the largest party is the right-wing party, and the president is also from that party. The president is hugely popular, forecast to bring in 68% of the vote and sweep the whole election in the first round come january.

At the same time the fastest growing party is the "green party", which has literally abandoned their focus on environment and is just another communist party these days. There's 4 of these leftist parties and combined they'll possibly get over 50% next election without including any right-wing or even a centrist party into the cabinet.

They're especially big among the youth (under 30) which can be a sign of trouble in the future. How much of that can be chalked up to naivete remains to be seen, voters often shift right with age.

>insuring that no one gets frauded by them

schindler's list

>company CEO: the EV for my firm is 4 gajillion, get your share at 5 billion a piece good goy
>investment banker: erm actually, it's only worth 1,000 bucks :D
>investor: gee thanks Investment banker! I almost gave him my 5 billion$
That's the gestalt from what I know of the field.

>They're especially big among the youth (under 30) which can be a sign of trouble in the future
We've had that too, and from the looks of things, it's why there's been the communist party that's been booming with their ability to draw in the youth, and pretend that they'll be instrumental to renovating all things political in France (Mélenchon particularly hammered in that there'd be a Sixth republic had he been voted in, and I suspect there were quite a few people to whom it rung well that they would've helped bring about a new Republic, since it hasn't happened in sixty years).

But once you wave goodbye to university, and see how much of your earnings are to be returned to the State, your toying with communist ideals usually withers away pretty quickly.

Our public sector is so big it employs literally over half the women in the workforce, not to mention everyone living on welfare. So even after they get a "job" they still drain tax money and are never introduced to the free market. State might take a cut, but more importantly 100% of what they keep is also from the state.


>wallstreet and banks ruin the American economy
C-capitalism works I swear, it just hasnt been tried yet.

Yes. Goldman Sachs is legalized larceny.

How long will they keep getting away with it?

Protip: rabbit meat tastes good and is eaten in lots of countries. Fucking americentric views I swear.