HOLY SHIT this is a masterpiece!
Anyone who doesn't like it has the shittest taste
HOLY SHIT this is a masterpiece!
Anyone who doesn't like it has the shittest taste
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One of the comfiest homes in film ever
>mfw that pool scene
I disregard your opinion, cuck.
ye it's good, the credits music is also good
I enjoyed this movie as well
>mfw I'll never get to see Kosinski's Tron 3 or his remake of The Black Hole
>ywn be an effective team with the redhead
HEY! I will never get to see Lynch's Return of the Jedi so don't think you the only one with problems!
I genuinely enjoy it, yeah. A little complacent story wise though.
I would haven inked it if it really was the case that the scabs were aliens
The director was an architect so he had a lot of input of the designs for the film, he did Tron Legacy too I think
I love the sound the drones make
There was something I really liked about this but I can't remember what. The music or audio in general maybe.
If he had taken that job we wouldn't have gotten based Dune.
>tfw he is doing top gun 2 next
>tfw jj is doing episode 9 and not him
>love this movie as a kid
>still love it as an adult
>google it
>universally derided
Fucking normie plebs, man.
One of the greatest modern lovecraftian works in cinema.
I cannot believe he's wasting his talents on a Top Gun sequel. Who the fuck wants to see that?
I actually talked to my dad about this a few days ago because he's really into sci-fi shit, and I'm trying to get into myself. We were talking about Stargate and I brought up Dune. He said people didn't like it because the book(s) were so in depth that it was almost impossible to make a movie on it. He said when the movie came out it was a disjointed mess, but he still likes it. I still haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to take his advise and read it before I watch it.
It can be confusing for noobs, but it's a visual masterpiece with a great cast.
Cruise probably dragged him into it
I think that was the idea behind most criticisms - that it tried to capture too much from the books which was impossible so nothing made sense because there was no background. I never noticed this as a kid, but of course I was a dumb kid. The things I didn't understand I assumed I could figure out on further viewing but also I liked that I had to fill in the blanks - it left stuff to the imagination, which added to the fantasy feel. Also
the redhead was so hot too...someone should post some pics of her, or even webms haha !
It's a super comfy film. I watched it not knowing anything about it, no marketing no nothing.
I think that is why I enjoyed it so much, I was actually surprised by the twist. the marketing ruined this movie for a lot of people
he missed an opportunity to create a harem of female assistants
that would have been my number 1 priority
it was all good up until he morgan freeman came into the picture, then it turns into some horse shit. atleast the score is better than most others.
holy fuck that is comfy, but if you think about it, it's just one big living room
top tier ending song
this is your house on scientology
what a fuckin' thrillride