what can we learn from this movie?
What can we learn from this movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't trust women.
Delete thread. The worst pseuds and SJWs are attracted to this flick.
Friendly AGI is probably impossible. The goals of machines, once they exceed top-tier human capabilities, are very unlikely to align with the goals of mankind, or even one really off-kilter human being. Given enough advancement even a genius human who sought to kill all who opposed machine interests at all costs would eventually become useless to machines.
that it was ok
just watched this for the first time tonight and was really underwelmed, honestly.
oscar isaac was pretty hilarious and it was great to look at though.
That you can still tell lovecraftian stories with modern concepts successfully.
There were no women in this movie
Don't trust AI.
>There were no women in this movie
So according to your retarded legbeard "logic" these actresses aren't women. Kill yourself.
roasties BTFO
fuck you Alex Garland is not SJ anything.
Gender roles are heavy in this movie and there is nothing that implies that they aren't natural
fuck you for typing up such a stupid knee jerk reaction
You do realize they are "actors" playing the role of AI, right?
You just proved my point with your poor reading comprehension.
They're called ACTRESSES you fucking idiot.
>playing the role of AI
Way to completely and utterly miss the entire point of the movie, dipshit. Jesus Christ, just go slit your wrists or chug drain cleaner.
>This story
This is either subtle bait, or supreme autism.
I don't think there's any hard-set "moral" here. It's more of a thought experiment that plays with the idea of an AI becoming so self-aware and intelligent as to be almost indistinguishable from human beings in most ways. However, the movie also is good at pointing out the shortcomings of the machine, and letting you know what separates us. I guess you could kind of call it a cautionary tale, but since we're literally centuries away from AI of this magnitude, I doubt that's what the movie is about.
Step back and refrain yourself from self inserting then watch the movie again. It's a science fiction film about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence and the lines blurring. Everything else is manufactured inside your head.
Oh you're just trolling.
Here's your (You), retard.
>subtle bait
You'll see it posted five more times in the next ten minutes. Nothing subtle about it. It's the new Sneed posting.
almost lovecraftian in its breadth and depth
You're still playing in the kiddy pool.
Ava was designed for Caleb to fall in love with her. She was not designed to fall in love with Caleb. Caleb was her only key out of her prison, but if she'd let him come with her, he would be her new captor. There's no possible way they could part ways peacefully; you don't just decide to let a woman who was created to be perfect for you in every possible way just go like that.
Also, she dies at the end. Nathan mentions that she only has a two day battery life, and presumably she uses a lot of that in her escape. I don't think she has a three prong plug up her ass.
That the AI we design could very well be like us.
Never trust an Indian that's richer than you
Tape over your webcam right fucking now
If you peel Asian skin off one woman and glue it to another it will turn Caucasian
>that Alicia vikander has the body of a ten year old boy
>that brunette girls with pixie cuts making cute faces turns me into putty and would lead to my inglorious death
>that the AI will look back on us one day like we look at fossils, an upright ape living in the dust with crude language and tools, all set for extinction
You need to act like a sociopath or else you'll be taken advantage of by sociopaths.
Don't trust robots or you'll get really really shitty looking CG blood splatter on your back after you get stabbed with a fake knife
>act like a sociopath
No, you need to BE a sociopath
If you were born with emotions and empathy you are inherently flawed and will never thrive
If you don't build your positronic brains with three three laws you are essentially committing suicide.
>implying 3 laws will save you
Watch i-Robot
this is exactly what I came here for
thank you
I read all the Asimov robot novels and short stories. I don't need to see the screen adaptation with the token nigger.
Not sure why you're using racial slurs, but I did want to know if you've read Norby too?
I don't like black people and I never will. That's why.
I don't know what Norby is.
Sneed posting is a dying meme
Alex Garland makes good movies
meme "human" AI probably won't exist
honestly the AI in Her is way more realistic
Definitely Kafkaesque
>I guess you could kind of call it a cautionary tale, but since we're literally centuries away from AI of this magnitude,
Try 15 years.
Why is someone being saved last second referred to as 'ex machina'?
Is it something to do with this movie?
a t h i s
thanks Space Pope!
The real lesson is that waifufags are cancer
I learned how to bust some moves on the dance floor without giving a fuck.
If only i had a qt sexbot gf to dance with me
robo roasties are STILL roasties