That scene where Army Dog is forced to choose one of his platoon members to be brutally gang raped and murdered by...

>that scene where Army Dog is forced to choose one of his platoon members to be brutally gang raped and murdered by LuftWoofe pilots as punishment for being captured
This movie was ruff

and on top of that they end up fucking the one he DIDN'T choose, and the guy he did choose despises him afterward and tries to strangle Army Dog in his sleep.

>implying the evacuation scenes at Dunkorgi were less brutal

>that time Army Dog did a cameo in Family Guy
Lost all my respect as an actor

>those 15 minutes of credit bloopers solely composed of real stunt actors being killed during production

His gun control commercial was worse

>Tell me, Army Dog, are you an assassin?
>You're neither. You're an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill.

Fucking kino

>the scene where the Viet-Kong eat Army Dog's Bitch

Always hard for me to get through that scene without getting choked up

Rest In Peace, Paul Woofer. You will be missed

>that scene when army dog slaughters the kittens with the rusty knife

> the scene where army dog is sent in to kill Kittler and finds out he did nothing wrong. Really activated my marbles.

>the scene where he sends drones to destroy an entire town full of civilians just to kill one terrorist

Was he in the right?

Of course he wasn't in the right, that scene is regardly regarded as a chilling allegory to Bush and Obama using airstrikes in the Middle East to slaughter thousands

>that scene where Army Dog is forced to watch Blacked scene.

>regardly regarded

I always had the feeling this movie was sponsored by the alcohol and tobacco industry, ever noticed how much army dog takes?
He even drinks on duty.

>"Army Dog, what should we do about the villagers? Should we let them go?"
>"No. Kill them. Kill them all."

>that half-hour sex scene of army dog raping Vietcong prisoners

>watching the director's cut

>that flashback scene Armydog has to when he was a puppy
Fuck the contrast between that and the scene where he guns down a whole family of cat civillians in their sleep just shows how war can drive even the best of us crazy

What a masterpiece

>army dog watches as the Viet Cong village burns to ashes
>Hits from the bong starts playing

>the end of the movie where army dog has the chance to sacrifice himself to safe all the child soldiers from being caught by the rebels
>doesnt do it and kills himself after a 30-year timeskip in the after credits scene

What the fuck was he supposed to do? It was not his responisbility to save those kids from their lives of enslavement and abuse

>Army dog returns home
>Master asks him whos a good boy
>He can only stare

>kills himself
Dude, it fades to black, we dont really know if he pulled the trigger.

>that scene where Army Dog and friends reincarnate the rape of nanking with the just conquered village

>Good boys don't survive war.

Why did army dog throw his friend on top of that grenade rather than jump on it himself?

>that scene at the airport where the hippie called Army dog a bad boy

>when armydog and his buddies ran a train on a really young looking native cat
>who let the dogs out started playing.

Ruff stuff

>were you a good boy?
>No, but I served with them

Made me cry

>that time whe army dog is sent in a suicide mission in a chinese restaurant

>you're a big dog
>fof woooof
What did he mean by this?

That's good.

I just can't stop laughing

>that scene with the bulldozer and the malfunctioning ceiling fan

I've never broken out in a sweat watching a movie before Jesus Christ

>People feeling bad for what Army Dog did to the Vietcong when they cracked open his buddies bones and forced him to play fetch with them
What Army dog did to them was practically merciful

>the sears training scene while they water torture army dog
Felt a bit sick during that scene

Remember when we all thought Army Dog was going to be the next big hollywood lead actor
Whatever happened anyway? Seems like he only does obscure arthouse shit nowadays

I heard that behind the scenes Army Dog would eat nothing but newborn babies for lunch, and if they didn't comply he'd go out at night as his serial killer alter ego and attack white pregnant women to quench his thirst on his own.

>army dog returns from duty only to find his bitch has left him and took his favourite squeeky toy
Couldn't hold back the tears, why are bitches like they are?

It's SERE, lad

Go to bed army dog

Don't be stupid, the director openly said he did it.

fuck em, those Commie Kittens deserved it

The director also said Army Dog was originally meant to be a black labrador
Ignore anything he's said post-release, he's gone off to the deep end

When they liberate that village but then Sgt pomer calls in a napalm strike just to watch more gooks burn.

His transformation from naive idealist to the monster he is at the end is poignant. And then in the end he just gets a medal and goes home

what movie is that really from?

>That rape scene with the 12 year old

I know the director said it was CGI but it looked awfully realistic

Army dog (2016)


>when Army Dog liberates all those child soldiers and then sells them into the sex trade the next day for a quick dollar

Whoa, when you put it like that it really makes me think and shiet

It's such a deep character almost a anti-hero

Fuck off. Besides Vince posting this is the only funny thing Sup Forums has ever done

>the scene where they handcuff army dog to a bed so he can kick his addiction to dentastix

Way too graphic

>the scene where army dog is at park and some firecrackers go off and he has a ptsd episode and starts ripping off children's faces
>the subsequent scene after as he's on a hill looking over a funeral and you can just see a baby sized coffin being lowered into the ground

>the scene early in the film where he cocks his leg to piss on iraqi soldiers that have been chained up naked with hoods on their heads
>the fucking american national anthem starts playing
I really wasn't sure what to expect from this film, but that wasn't quite it

>when the Koreans does a mock execution on army dog, beating the shit out of him and throwing him into a shallow dug grave before before pissing all over him while blasting Tupac - who shot you

>when army dog gets captured and tortured
>they keep saying dinner time and just laughing when he runs into the room
chilling that this shit actually happened

Not as bad as the vacuum scene
I mean, I'd heard about those "music torture" operations the US does, but shit

>When the persian cats starve Army dogĀ“s entire platoon for a week and then throw them chocolate bits
>army dog is the only one sane enough to control himself, and has to see his mates die in a pool of their own diarrhea, blood and vomit while the cats laugh like maniacs

was this scene really necessary?

cannot unsee army dog's tribute to his fallen dog comrade on his helmet. I just imagine him whining and crying while drawing it on with a sharpie in his mouth.

How the hell did this meme start?



Jesus Christ, this went from funny to spoopy in two seconds flat. Also, check'd.

Probably based on the COP DOG movie review by rlm.

woops, meant for also based on

>America accepts doggos into the army before trans people
That's ruff, america.

>hump ammo and can cover a sector
>cry about their genitals and tell people to call them their proper pronoun

I think I'd choose doggos

>will lick jalapeno cheese spread off your genitals while you're in the field
>will file a SHARP complaint if you try to get some boipussy in the field

The choice is clear

>will lick jalapeno cheese spread off your genitals
Pretty sure that is an abuse of authority and position buddy

That's E4 rank and helmet cover holes

This is the best thread right now

Don't forget about the ball that's never thrown

>"This is the way the fuckin' world ends, man! Not with a bark, but with a whimper."
also when he rises out of the water on we get those slow mo shots of him shaking it off illuminated by lightning

>the scene where they were safe and they could quit at any time.

>Didn't make it to the scene where he was being waterbored and screamed for them to take the life of his own puppy. Mixed with scenes of him imagining himself killing his son just to get out of torture.

You're a weak soul.

>tfw snopes says it's true

>tfw based Casper van Dien is getting a break from shitty b movies and getting back into hollywood starring in James Cameron's upcoming Allita: Battle Angel

Go to an Uncle Ben thread if this one triggers you so much

>the scene where army dog finds out his owner was killed and go's on a rampage slaughtering japs then later finds out that they didn't even do it

I wish I had friends like this to make these jokes with.

>He hasn't seen the UNLEASHED-cut of the film.

Adds a solid 2 hours of additional footage, though most of it is just scenes of Army Dog scalpting P.O.Ws and mailing the remains to their wives. Too intense for theatres since they didn't want to go NC17

t. sneedposter

>That scene where Army Dog tells his platoon he has to "play fetch with Charlie"

Still gives me nightmares to this day

why does the army dog movie poster have a russian t-72 in it? did the army dog take part in the ukrainian war?

game: wolfenstein, new order, and the new shity walking dead one kinda

>when the squad are slaughtering an iraqi village, and a small child tries to crawl away

Not on my watch!