post your go to "fuck you, i liked it" movie
Post your go to "fuck you, i liked it" movie
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Are you impying The King's Speech is critically unpopular?
It won an Oscar
You're not allowed to like it because of Fincher fanboys
I liked the Jason Bond direction it took and the lower stakes it had. But plebs couldn't see past the fast cuts so we got Skyfall and Spectre, two of the worst Bond films tailored for the non-Bond audience.
I really liked that fight scene in the beginning where he just starts throwing shit at the guy. That was classic bond with more modern budgeted choreography.
It's widely liked now though
Why didn't he just listen to music when he gave final speech?
casino royale and quantum of solace was GOAT
rest was pandering to normie audience
I get that it isn't a well made movie, but the whole film is just a vehicle to get you between great jokes. Provided that you can enjoy stupid humor.
EVERY RESIDENT EVIL MOVIE IN THIS FRANCHISE. its nonsense but i never get tired of any one of them. plus alice is hot and a badass
This a guilty pleasure for me too. I know they're garbage but still enjoy them.
but that movie got rave reviews you dip
Duncan deserves another chance considering what he could do with this garbage fire of a setting.
kek me too. i understand they are terrible but at the same time they are so damn fun. i honestly dont know how we got 7 of them but i am truly thankful. im 23, so i only got to see the last one in theatres though, bummer.
>garbage fire of a setting.
Kill yourself. The (old) setting had incredible adaptation potential.
colin firth gives one of the most fascinating performances in an english speaking film iv'e ever seen
I'm sure, but I'm also positive he had make sure all the modern garbage was set up too .
this was kino
I enjoy QoS and I love QoS when I watch it immediately after Casino Royale as an epilogue.
you are sick
The scene where they're just sitting as a family eating on the Ark while outside hundreds are drowning and screaming to be saved alone is worth the watch.
yeah a sick fuckin' puppy dvv dvv
I love it, better than waterworld.
I'm genuenly surprised to see someone likes that utter shit.
Jet li's - The One
Still waiting for my 'The One' TV show adaption with it being a mix between sliders and time cop, multiple episode arcs in different universe, returning to previously seen universes and having renegade cops playing quantum leap using tech to fix up bad universes causing moral dilemmas... Somebody fund it please
i didn't realize til later the american movie guy got a cameo and then did nothing else ever. what an odd choice.
That was a really fun movie. It had such a dumb premise but was really good.
Now you're trolling, a shit-ton of people love these movies
Dredd is wildly celebrated on Sup Forums.
Stop posting.
Man of Steel
Scott Pilgrim
Final Destination (except the 4th one)
Some people hate them too. I thought Dredd's 3rd act was disgustingly bad.
One of the worst movies ever made. Also hands down one of the funniest movies ever made.
This and Hackers but I don't know anyone that didn't enjoy Hackers.
It was Oscar's bait trash we've seen thousands times before
Any Clooney film for some reason. I'm not even a Clooney fan but Three Kings, Solaris, Gravity, Burn After Reading, Oceans Eleven, Ides of March, Michael Clayton, Dusk Til Dawn, Syriana, Ocean's 11, Hail Ceaser, fucking even Money Master and Batman and Robin I liked.
Fuck you Sup Forums, I have never seen a bad George Clooney movie, suck my dick.
Some people hate the original Star Wars and even The Lord of the Rings. Dredd is almost universally loved here.
Because that's not solving your problems, it's dodging them
I've also got a soft spot for Clooney but Monuments Men was fucking awful
Normies hated the ending but I loved it
my nigger
underrated jem, watching it with my friends was one of the funniest nights ever
this, on the other end, sucked ass imo
not even so bad it's good, just annoying
for me it's pic related. it's fine if you don't like it, but the hate it got is totally undeserved. outside ot the MARTHA line which is retarded it's doesn't have that big problems, a personal 8/10
It's kind of getting shit on, but I saw it last week and thought it was hilarious.
The Fall of Arthas would be a legitimately good story for a trilogy
They'd never do it though cause it would end on a sour note
Is there anyone who hates this? It's one of their best ones.
I really enjoyed it, I really don't get the hate people have for this movie.
Well, in that case, time to add this.
He literally apologised for how bad it was. It's a really shame because all the ingredients were there.
> Fall of Arthas
Muh edgy Anakin
I watched this with Mother last night
I know Travolta is a train wreck closet faggot and Scientologist crazy
but I always enjoy his presence on screen
I love Nic Cage movies
This film is good old fashioned COMFY
Me and my friend quote this all the time
I never understood the hate it got... I know it wasn't great but it had some pure comedy gold in there
I halway have the impression that those movie with all those A list stars are actually shitty flicks that have to rely on casting to attract viewers.
No idea why. It avoids a lot of the pitfalls of modern movies but on the other hand, the 3D gimmicks take it down a notch and even then it's not something to write home about.
Yeah I liked it as well, but the directing was too much for me. But overall storywise I prefer it above the later ones.
Also pic related is my movie of choice.
I liked that this movie showed the aliens right off the bat and actually built up to something, rather than just being nothing until the last 5 minutes.
Almost perfect racing sequences
The film knows its strengths and plays on them(i.e the action scenes, not the drama and the relarionships between various characters)
Even when taking into the account the previous point, this film managed to get plenty of emotion out of me, which is more than i can say for movies whose main goal is to be "serious" dramas
I find all the bigfoot lore to be real comfy and the tent scene was genuinely well done.
This movie hits hard and has great visuals
Pure kino
My nigga.
As bad as this was, it was still a thousand times more watchable than the sequel.
The start is great but it loses its momentum in the second half, I feel. I was always psyched when it was one tv, though.
I know it's a semi-remake but I don't care
Unironically my favorite movie if 2016
Fuck y'all this movie was great.
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
And the vermin of the world inhabit it
And its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit
And it goes by the name of Sup Forums....
What? Monuments Men was great! Definitely not because of Clooney, but still. Maybe it's just because I love the subject so much.
>It's Rocky with robots...
I must have missed the focus on father-son-bonding angle in Rocky...
>I must have missed the focus on father-son-bonding angle in Rocky...
Rock V
The worst pies in London
Clooney has the charisma to make all of us non-rejects if he shared some of that.
Skyfall was kino you au contaire
>t. fedora
Yes finally someone acknowledges this
Agreed. Came to post this
I have no clue why this gets so much flak
This forsure. So underrated
>wolverine acts like a total retard
>the kid has the most punchable face I've ever seen
>the way the robots are controlled makes no sense at all
That movie irritated the shit out of me.
pic related
excellent taste my nigga