Well, as of today (if not yesterday), It is now the 15th R-rated horror movie to make more than $250 million worldwide

>Well, as of today (if not yesterday), It is now the 15th R-rated horror movie to make more than $250 million worldwide.


adjusted for inflation?

Sup Forums on suicide watch

>R-rated horror movie
It was a PG-13 movie with one gory scene at the beginning. The entire thing was nothing but pussy-ass jumpscares and CGI, the reason it's doing so well is because apart from one or two scenes there is nothing at all that would push it to an R.


Its a big fat flop

I agree with you that it didn't at all feel like an R Rated movie. More like a PG 15

I haven't paid to watch this. I'm looking forward to the blu-ray rip.

You should pay because we need the sequel to be way better

And you just know they're going to fuck this up, by trying to do more than 2 movies. They'll have some bullshit like a in-between them as children or adults, or do another one 27 years after them as adults, or 27 years before them as children and so on. They will milk it for all it's worth.

Not realizing the only reason it's doing so good is because everyone wants to see Bev in her panties and all the perverted scenes with her.

You're a big fat shitposter.

They should have planned more than two movies from the start desu.
It felt incredibly watered down and rushed.

> The entire thing was nothing but pussy-ass jumpscares

That's all horror can do now a days because gore does nothing, suspense does nothing, monsters do nothing. We've been so desensitized that the only thing that scares us are jumpscares, and even then the scare is fleeting as fuck.

It makes my dick hard how wrong the fat permavirgin neckbeards were and how adamant they were this movie was gonna tank. Remember the tripfag whose name was something like ITwilltank or something. Kek you smelly fucking moron I hope your father open mouth kisses you when you both have festering coldsores and you die of AIDS.

And yet it has none of the fun racism King is known for. You're not going to have Pennywise chant kill the nigger or imitate Mike's dad over the phone with a pickaninny voice in the sequel. How boring is that? Don't pretend making the first movie in the 80s was a good idea.

>total box office is the sign of cinema success!
the absolute state of Sup Forums

It was a safe bet though. Kings movies a lot of the times turn out to be be shit. And who would have thought a movie about a clown would do well in 2017. Then there was the casting choice for pennywise.

Only the trailer made me change my mind about this movie tanking. But prior to that I was sure it would do bad.

It was supposed to make way more than that.

good. hopefully we get more high quality horror movies now that a new market has been realized.

>first movie in 88 for the stranger things audiance and 80's nostalgia
>get to do the 2nd in 2015 and don't have to fuck around with the sets
Such an easy decision desu

+ Critical Rating
+ Audience Score.

Shitting on a movie that is making money, is rated highly by both the critics and the general audience. This is the true state of Sup Forums. Fucking pretentious neckbeard hipster faggots that shit on anything that is highly rated.


Good news, it was kino. Sorry about the BTFO Sup Forums, not even you guys deserve to be cucked like this

>the reason it's doing so well is because

marketing out the ass

IT is a flop . . .

you mean limp dick R

Speak of the ugly nigger Devil. How does it feel to be so wrong you liver lipped baboon?

>gore does nothing, suspense does nothing, monsters do nothing. We've been so desensitized that the only thing that scares us are jumpscares
How about you fucking neck yourself, normalshit? Just because you and the rest of the faggots like you literally only see horror as "that genre with the loud sound effects and musical cues whenever something 'scary' shows up on screen that I watch twice a year with my bros only for a momentary thrill and nothing more' doesn't mean that those of us who are actual fans of the genre can't still be scared by subtlety, good writing/acting, and competent film-making.

>Don't pretend making the first movie in the 80s was a good idea.
It was made in the late 80's so that when they do the sequel (which is supposed to be 27 years later it will be modern.

Sup Forums btfo, hope this means we'll see of best girl

b-but the director grew up in the 80s, y'see. That makes it fucking epic even though nobody had issues feeling comfy reading about the 50s a decade they never experienced (kinda like how most of the movie's audience doesn't know shit about the 80s besides a handful of bad movies).

has there ever been a good horror movie where the villain wins and it just fucking ends abruptly?

feel like IT could've been improved with IT fucking wrecking those kids or at least putting up a better fight and at some point during the fight through a kid's PoV they get knocked out and then it cuts to the two remaining bully kids just smoking cigs on the street outside Bower's house while police have it cordoned off and one of them sees a red balloon.

these happy endings are just too fucking cliche lads

Nah you smelly fucking nigger it isn't. You want to know what's a flop? Check out your whore sewer rat waifu's filmography since she stopped doing the gay vampire movies you fucking bingo bongo.

They murdered Bill's character so hard. Forget hanging around in the Barrens for fun and building damns, everything is 'muh brother'.
Lack of 'Beep beep richie' really pissed me off as well.

It's called Friday the 13th you dumb Jew.

Name one good modern horror movie that is actually scary. Go on I'll wait.

As I said, we've been too desensitized. Movies don't scare us anymore. As a society that is. I'm guessing that there are still some quivering little faggots like yourself that get scared by a boogymonster and someone getting their eyes gouged out.

>dropping trailers on youtube
Wew they sure went broke



Jason dies at the end of every one you dumb faggot.

It's hard to have tension in a movie when you know the losers club are the chosen ones of an ancient cosmic force.

Not surprising considering the enormous hype machine they got running up to the release.

Come on, man, that's too far.

>250 million worldwide in its opening week
kek is that supposed to be impressive?

Modern horror movies are all haunted house jumpscare shit because of retards like you, you fucking norman shitsucker. You are responsible for the pussification of horror. It's not desensitization, it's faggots like you who only want to hear "BOO" at 100 decibels every 5 minutes for an hour and a half once a year around Halloween. Modern horror movies are not scary because of faggots like you. Modern horror movies are the way they are because of faggots like you. End yourself.

It objectively is

>kek is that supposed to be impressive?
For a rated R horror movie, very impressive. People don't seem to realize exactly how much parents bringing their kids to see movies increases the amount of money. It's why movies always go for the golden PG-13 rating.

>Name one good modern horror movie that is actually scary. Go on I'll wait.
Why? The Exorcist isn't scary unless you've been tricked into believing God is real. Otherwise it's a comedy movie no different than Evil Dead.

Why does it have to be personal, man?

I saw parents bringing 6 year olds to IT though so God's chosen people are realizing it doesn't matter at all what the movie is rated.

>so God's chosen people are realizing it doesn't matter at all what the movie is rated.

my parents showed me IT when I was like, 6 or 7.


Never fucking talked to strangers. It was great.

>Modern horror movies are all haunted house jumpscare shit because of retards like you
No they're not. They're like that because as I said. We just don't get scared anymore. Well people who aren't faggots like you don't scare easily anymore.

They've tried countless times to bring back the suspenseful horror... and failed to illicit fear.

They've tried countless times to bring back the gore... and failed to illicit fear.

They've tried countless times to bring back monster / killer horror... and failed to illicit fear.

The only thing that gets any sort of response are jump scares, and even then (as I said) the fear is fleeting as fuck. So they'll go with the only thing that they know will work since they cannot rely on scared little faggots like yourself since there are so few of you left. Even little girls don't scare as easily.

No you didn't. In fact I'll suck a nigger dick on the Golden Gate Bridge if you have left your fucking house in the past week.

>No they're not
Stopped reading right there. You are an uneducated swine and know not what you speak of.

Shit. I can't imagine seeing modern IT at 7. I happened to play half life 1 when I was around 7 and the zombies spooked me so hard I couldn't touch the game until I was a teen.

Those were different times though. When I was a kid shit like that scared me, my kid laughs at that shit. Society has become desensitized. That shit no longer scares us, or our kids.



There was a girl who couldn't have been older than 8 sitting behind me when I went to see the movie last Saturday.

Talk shit get your wig split bruh.

You've actually piqued my interest in the book. What else is cut? Is it worth those 10000 pages?

Nope. Everyone he's in, he dies at the end of.

1 and 5 he's not in.

It's rated R because they say "fuck" more than one time. Blame your retarded MPAA.

Yeah and her parents want her back so you should let her go you sick piece of shit.

>Georgie being Top Tier
whoever made this is fucking retarded, he had less screen time out of all the characters in The Losers Club

It's not worth it. The cool parts of the story that weren't in the movie are all things you wouldn't read a 1000 page horror novel for. IT isn't even a good book, it's just better than it's adaptations.

"It was a different time" is an excuse that might work for Hammer horror films. It doesn't work for the classic horror movies you shill like Exorcist, The Shining, or Nightmare on Elm St. I didn't get internet until 2002. I saw all this shit in the 90s and it wasn't scary besides the startling jumpscares with loud noises. None of your classic horror movies are scary.

The directors cut blurays getting 15 more mins

You absolute nigger, he's still a mortal human being (albeit one with tard strength taken to the max) until Part IV, when he dies for the first time. Then he gets resurrected in Part VI and doesn't actually "die" again, because he's an undead zombie.

Yes it's worth it but Sup Forums is asshurt that the author hates Trump and a Stanley Kubrick movie. Hell listen to the Weber audiobook so you can hear someone act all the nutty lines out with passion.

>awful cgi
>no real suspense
>baiting audience with cliche audio design that gets tense each second for a setup jump scare
>le wacky hollywood jokes that ruin the tense moments kids are in to make normies laugh
>they decided to add 2 final showdown for some reason ruining the build up since it gets stale the second time
>unnecessary tension between beverly and her father
>bad pacing at times in the second half
>kids screaming in an autistic manner and saying witty jokes at pennywise to awake goosebumps in normies
It was pretty mediocre in general.I liked the actor of pennywise but the amount of cgi they slapped onto him ruined his performance for me.The chemistry between the kids felt so forced at times it just couldnt compare to the tv movie on that.Music was nice, i think that is it.I was disappointed alot.It is like they took IT and made it into a generic hollywood horror movie.

>unnecessary tension between beverly and her father
t. never read the book

>He's not in 1

Fuck you, you fucking faggot. You have literally never watched the movie. Who the fuck do you think comes out of the water at the end? Kill yourself twice you subhuman tier mongoloid.

All that money just for it to almost be as bad as a DC movie. It's not surprising since it's from Warner Brothers. I bet you act like that doll movie that came out a month ago is good too.

Too add onto this, the film felt really streched up and dragged on because they decided to split the story into 2 parts.That resulted in the story feeling disjointed and they tried to fill the gaps with horror bait scenes with generic jumpscares.The story should've been told like in the original adaptation where the story leaps between past and future to create a more eerie feeling with suspense.

>"Losers Club"
>literally any given member has 7 extremely close friends, one of them being a hot chick (unless, of course, the given member is said hot chick, but I digress)
For fuck's sake. I fucking wish that I could say that they had 7 times as many friends as I did when I was their age (or any age at all, actually), but I can't because 0x7=0. "Losers" my ass. Fuck this shit.

At least he made a big impression with the little screentime he has

Anyone else really hate the unnecessary tension between Henry and Ben?

>Comparing this to Snydershit

Just fucking stop.

What i meant is, it was too exaggerated like it was from a modern b-movie horror shit.It wasnt the tension between them but how it was conveyed felt unnecessary

Yeah. And the cool bullies were presumably all from white trash families and everybody hated them.

Is this why /reddit9k/ is so butthurt about this movie and said it would tank? Because the movie doesn't represent the fat pussy demographic in the way you think it should? Sad! Get a girlfriend already kid, it's time to just be yourself and stop acting like life is a fucking chink cartoon. Or kill yourselves. Either way stop dragging this thing out.

All opinions and no arguments, as usual

>characters are called "losers"
>they're not actually losers
It is a simple request. Make an accurate film.

> Who the fuck do you think comes out of the water at the end?

Obviously you've never watched it as that was a dream. The girl was fine as she was in part 2.

DC movies print money too actually

whoop de fucking doo

You are retarded since i was making arguments along with talking about my opinions.You cant make an argument without sharing your opinion on the said topic, dumb cunt.

Just because they're not your pathetic brand of loser doesn't mean they weren't losers, they were still losers. They're the kids most people who weren't total disasters thought were losers when they were kids. People like /reddit9k/ posters don't get a movie because no one has, or ever will, given a fuck that they exist. Deal with it bro.

Why is he obsessing over Reddit?

He's in full self-denial projection mode at the moment. Just let him be.

How will contrarians ever recover?

/r9k/ is literally /reddit9k/ crying pussies: The board. A BLOO BLOO A GIRL WAS MEAN TO ME FIFTEEN YEARS AGO AND THAT'S WHY MY LIFE IS A FAILURE A BLOO BLOO! Lel nut up and go work out and crush some pussy you faggot.

Ironic coming from you /reddit9k/ samefaggot. Enjoy dying alone brah.

i supposhe people really love clowns

They won't. And everyday we will remind them.

The second part will save us. It'll be total garbage, and it won't have millennials lining up to check out the sweet new reboot of that old movie they once saw on daytime TV back in 2002.

*tips fedora 20%*

>LARPing this hard.
You are just a r9k shitter in denial who occasionally makes fun of those cunts to make yourself feel a tad better but in reality you are the same type of a loser.

How do you live with being so wrong all the time?

It's easy when you realize that everyone else is wrong and you are correct.