Tell me more about this thing

Tell me more about this thing.

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dildobot turned bountyhunter, there were 4 of them but now apparently there weren't. maybe.

Why is it so strange? Why it need a hole between his eyes?

Even two holes.

The head was made from part of a Derwent Rolls Royce engine
It was originally used as a drinks dispenser in the Mos Eisley cantina
You can also see a white version of him in the trash room on Bespin

He was the one who really destroyed the death star as part of the robo revolution. He uploaded his consciousness into the thing and hit self-destruct, coincidentally in the same moment Loook shot his lasers in the thingy.

How this trashbot became as the second-best bounty hunter in the galaxy?


He scared me in Shadows of the Empire.

How can we go from this...

Nigga was hard as fuck to beat in Shadows of the Empire.

espresso machine that became sentient

Way harder than the boba fett fight.

Just a reminder sweetie, All EU is no longer canon
So whatever you see in the movies is all that is true


What does the 14 even stand for? A D? N? Arrrr Dolf Heil Hitler?

still, i loved the tales books as a kid, except jabba's spider cyborg man story

That's fine. The only books I really liked were the Rogue Squadron books.

It was sentient even in the cantina, watching han and chewbacca for jabba and watching luke and obi wan for vader, all the while releasing sweet tatooine beverages, keeping an eye on other desirables for his future bountry career. It was there from the beginning. Later it managed to build itself a body, steal a blaster from a drunk patreon and shoot its way out of mos eisely and go seek Vader. Read the books, it's all in there.

Didn't you have to fight Slave 1? That shit sucked too.

Scientists create a super intelligent AI robot which kills them seconds after being activated.

He uploads his intelligence to 3 or 4 other IG's, they head out into space hellbent on universal domination.

If I recall Boba Fett kills a couple in a space dogfight.

One uploads itself into the second Death Star and spends its time trolling the Emperor by shutting automatic doors in his face until he gets blown up by the rebels.

Yeah that game was pretty tough. The Hoth levels were GOAT though.

I actually liked the short story where IG-88 interfaces with the death star and fucks with Palpatine by closing the doors on him all the time.

Infact the Boba Fett short story would've been a great movie.

those were really good, but I started liking them a lot less once Corran became a Jedi

Because the head is actually repurposed set decoration from the Cantina scene.


i thought he was in death star 2 and he got blown up right before he started droidagedon

that crazy Jawa that went school shooter outside the cantina was sad

You retards do realize this has nothing to do with the canon and is merely an example of the production designers using the same part/piece of junk for different purposes?

It was written into the EU based on the limitations of the film, really quite clever considering. They account for the films weird thoughtless props & shit with fun stories.

>autistic SW fag can't recognize a joke
Don't you have a Wookiepedia article on breasts to edit?

Boba Fett complete fucks up Slave I's engines by taking out two of them in orbit over Tatooine. Kills one with an ion cannon on Bespin and then the last one gets blown up because it uploaded itself into the Death Star to start the Droid takeover
its all in "Therefore I am"

to this?

>close up pic
>his legs are directly welded to his hips

What if the cantina owner had killed 3 of these bots and set their heads up as throphies, huh? What then?

Slave 1 is a shit just keep strafing that slow fucker.

Damn I played this game way too much. All for the rush of that bombing mission at the end.

Good old Wuher did hate droids.

Fun fact he also fed Greedos corpse into a blender, made it into a cocktail, and served it to Jabba the Hutt.

for some reason i was never really attracted to these killer robot droids, i never understood the fascination for hk-47 and the like.

what's so cool about them?


why the fuck would a droid be a bounty hunter

what could they possibly want to do with the money, they aren't human so they aren't pleasure seeking creatures, luxury items mean nothing to them, they can't reproduce or feel pleasure, so why??

>taking the bait this hard

>trolls the emp by shutting automatic doors in his face
This cant be fuckin true holy shit

The BoMar Monk thing?

Tales of the bounty hunters. Look it up.

This fanfiction is great. This is my headcanon for what happened to IG88 during ESB.

They need to earn credits to get their hydraulic oil fix and shit.

A droid can buy upgrades or other parts for itself.

Either that or it was programmed to be a bounty hunter's assistant or something and then somehow became free but continues to enact its programming.

Back in the day, I figured he belonged to Boba Fett or Dengar. But then years later, writers dumber than 5 year old me came along and set me straight.

>Can't feel pleasure

C-3PO damn near came when he was about to get that oil bath. That droid who was getting tortured in Jabba's palace could feel pain. Luke's robot hand, etc.

Fun fact: NOT CANON

What, you WOULDN'T do that to people if you had the chance?

Troll/bait post? Come on. They're ROBOTS. They're PROGRAMMED TO KILL. Just like we're programmed to eat.

if that was the case it'd be killing everyone in sight, but it's an autonomous independent robot without a master that makes the decision to specifically bounty hunt for money

>Caring about Canon in Disney's shitverse

M8 I'm glad they put a clearly defined line in the sand where things go from decent to hot shit.

What would a droid even do with the bounty? Buy upgrades?

>master programs it to kill certain targets
>master dies
>robo killa 9000 still has that certain level of programming

Maybe IG88 was programmed to kill high level enemies of the empire or some shit.

buy more parts to build droids

It didn't want money, it wanted access to Vader's capital ship and its capabilities. So it answered Vader's ad. All Iggy had to do was stick his dick in a data port unnoticed, and copy his mind into the ship.