I'm really drunk

I'm really drunk

I woke up and only have 1.5 shots left and 2 beers. Even if I chugged all of it I bet I wouldn't feel anything. Pretty disappointing I forgot to watch good movies when I was drunk all I did was waste my time watching Baby Driver on some stream.

I wish I watched I watched a good movie too

Show penis

Dude just sleep


Sneed's Feed and Seed

>tfw gotta wait 10 hours until i will start drinking

wew chinese bants are shit

>get 7 bottles of dirt cheap wine delivered every three days
>house looks like a bottling plant
alcohol is disgusting

That is really true!!!!!!
Meme is old yawn
Yeah it is but seems to be the only thing to set free

Opinion on pic related?

Nom nom nom

His hour should be up by now.

Looks Photoshop




poor guy

I have some vodka imma poor in some milk wirh my pbj sandwich ive also had like 7 montucky cold snacks

Warchin gordan ramsey on jewtube

What is montuckey?

What am I looking at here?

post funny faces


Im scared