Russian here. Why you, amerobros, have over 20 men in suits doing the same late night shit? Are you genuenly enjoing it or is it something plebbish and belongs into the trash? Explain this phenomenon.
Russian here. Why you, amerobros, have over 20 men in suits doing the same late night shit...
>Russian here.
Why did you hack our election?
It's called freedom of speech and satire Ivan, you wouldn't understand.
The fact that you grouped Jimmy /ourlad/ Fallon in with that filthy no talent pickaninny larry wilmore is repulsive
>Are you genuenly enjoing it
No, just as with any country, there are a majority of idiots that like garbage and nothing breed excess like capitalism.
Not my pic.
I just don't get how this concept got so big.
What kind of person actually watches any of these?
Because nobody was talented enough to replace Letterman, and Conan got screwed. If you're genuinely interested read about Conan getting screwed. Everyone else is irrelevant.
*blocks ur white supremacy*
It used to be just comedians interviewing interesting people. Now it's turned it's al about appealing to the masses but making overused political jokes and referencing pop culture.
Trash. I creative networks clinging to an outdated concept that was once extremely popular. Still gets them millions of viewers (presumably dead people or sleeping elderly people that didn't turn the tv off). All that said; I don't know a single person of any age group, gender, or race that watches any of these shows.
Uncreative *
the american latenight shows used to be cool, 90s and early 2000's i remember
now it's all just "fucking drumpf"
Yep even Graham Norton exposed Colbert for being such a fucking hack.
At least norton gets the guests together and allows them time to interact with each other only filling in for quiet time with twitter memes. The american shows tend to guide the audience and be way too controlling to the point where it's obvious they are only there for a promo.
>Are you genuenly enjoing it or is it something plebbish and belongs into the trash?
It's the latter.
The only idiots who watch these sociopathic bootlickers are the same type of people who voted for Hillary in the election. You will also notice that the election did not go in their favor, which says a lot about their total numbers versus everyone else in the country.
The vast majority of people who watch late talk shows are baby boomers libshits who are close to their 70s by now. Most millennials and other youngish people just get their political shit from youtubers.
It was pretty comical when Ted Cruz and Oliver Stone humiliated him too. But don't worry, the drones clapped in time such that if you didn't speak english you would think Colbert won!
>if you didn't speak english you would think Colbert won!
yh i think it's mainly pajeets and spics who are trying to fit into western culture watching it
Funded by advertisers based on the incredibly inaccurate viewership ratings that are Nielsen ratings and fits (((the))) agenda.
Colbert just might be the most cowardly human being in this country.
Has he ever expressed a personal viewpoint outside of the confines of his studio space? Has he even spoken to a person of middle class background in his life?
all that matters is ratings
>Has he ever expressed a personal viewpoint outside of the confines of his studio space?
Yeah. In Russia.
OP here. That was пиздeц, honestly.
Our primary TV networks are slowly dying in part because they're too afraid to take risks. To them, the safest thing to do is to stick with whatever worked decades ago. And while it does work to an extent, I couldn't tell you who actually sits down to watch these shows. I think they're mostly background noise to most people now.
Has the target audience change due to recent events? I've always percepted these shows as a middle class night entertinment, amirite?
uhm, sweetie...
as Netflix and other streaming providers started appearing, viewers began to splinter off
also there's no need to view things live if you can just DVR them and watch later
Jews need jobs, too. Even if they are not funny, the laughtracks will say at which point to laugh.
He is the ONLY person in that genre here.
фaк дpaмпф иeнд фaк вхaйт пипл
Is it only my computer that shows a bunch of weird symbols in this post or have I been hacked?
Are you an antisemite or what?. You need at least 10 more of him.
>Drumpf did a thing
So this is the power of political commentary...
They are cheap to produce and attract decent viewership, making them profitable, for now. Live tv is dying, not just cable. the money demographic is streaming and playing vidya. The late night talk show will go the way of the variety show.
By the way, for those delusional youngsters who worship Putin, you'll never hear a joke about Putin that does not imply his superior intellectual and physycal superpowers. It's literally that bad.
Boomers got to greedy with their 500+ channels with nothing on.
As a result, there's a lot of air to fill, so they do it with this cookie cutter bullshit.
Doesn't help that absolutely all of it is Marxist propaganda.
>Why you, amerobros, have over 20 men in suits doing the same late night shit?
Trump is ratings baby.
That's something I've noticed as a bong, the word "late" must helping ratings in america. Loads of these shows have late in the name.
No. It's propaganda. What they do is try to blur the lines between comedy and news to expand the limits of what they can get away with saying.
>the money demographic is streaming and playing vidya
And people say late night is shit...
Because it's fun and informative. Specially John Oliver.
am i the only one here who thought jimmy fallon and kimmel were the same person?
It's this.
You're mistaking them with Alex "Ironical Rolex" Jones.
He's completely unbiased and only tell the truth. Him and Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern, Mike Cernovich and Milo Yiannopoulos told me that MSM is marxist propaganda channel and they are right because I can think for myself.
Do you even redpill?
I used to search for Fallons skits by typing "Jimmy Kimmel ..."
I think they even did a gag in some award show about it
>He's completely unbiased and only tell the truth.
Swallow the red pill and wake up to reality, you fucks. It's staring at you directly, so don't shy away and hide in your Sup Forumstard echochamber.
Really makes me think.
Jesus Christ.
>the walter cronkite of shrieking batshit gorilla clowns
y'know Sup Forums, if you weren't so triggered you would probably be able to admit that this is funny
I think late night shows got a second wind because of YouTube. Brings in a new revenue source and new people interested in the show
It's plebe normie garbage. Entertainment industry executives trying to socially engineer whilst placating.
The meme is real.
the gay frogs thing is 100000000000000% fucking real, you daft cunt, and it was real way before Alex Jones started talking about, and it still took even longer for it to show up in MSM
>t. a fucking herp biologist
Is this the new term for dumb frogposters?
>Sandy Hook was a hoax
>Literally every shit he says is for scare mongering and pushing his overpriced tard products.
I would laugh at you if it wasn't so damn sad.
It's misrepresented by Alex, that's what it is. Like everything he says.
Most of what he says is true, even if he spins it in a completely insane way. It's all part of his act. The gay frogs thing is real and worrying, it's very likely there's shit like that affecting humans too
Illusion of choice
>Most of what he says is true
How much Super Male Vitality™ did you drink?
Say one truth the one million of nonsense, if said truth is enormous than big then the nonsense will not appear nonsense.
Containing Sup Forums is not enough. We need a final solution to the Sup Forumstard question.
>Jimmy /ourlad/ Fallon
Who linked you here and when do you leave?
As previously stated the only one worth watching is Conan.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. I'll check it out sometime.
russians arent white
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic.
I meant that there are many good ones to say that the only one worth watching is X, but I got genuinely curious, so I'm actually going to check it out.
They are pale as coke.
So are most of the chinks and japs, still not white
>most of the chinks and japs
What kind of universe is that?
People like to feel assured of the righteousness of their beliefs and the sharpness off their wit by vicarious means.
Why are Europeans unable to wrap their heads around the idea that we've got 350 million people? It's borderline impossible to saturate a market here because of the sheer number of people, so you can have huge numbers of shows doing essentially the same thing and all doing well.
okay, maybe not most, but a big chunk of them has really pale skin
regardless russians arent white, even by slav standarts.they are full of turkic-mongolo-chink blood and even some sand nigger in the south
I just love how these people trigger some of the idiots here
They are also having bears as pets.
Okie dokie.
I've been watching the other ones during my lunch breaks at work, I haven't even gotten a chuckle.
Some of them are pretty good at conversing with their guests.
But if I want a laugh Conan has always been pretty good. Even then I only watch periodically.
What about Conan? I enjoy his self-deprecating humor and goofy demeanor amongst other things.
Is he still alive?
totalni pizdets. Colbert mudak
calm down and learn some english, ivan
networks have gone full globalists propaganda mode.
man whoever is president after trump is going to be a million times worse. all these late night people are going to feel like idiots for criticizing dumb stuff like covfefe and calling him le orange man.
Thats rich comming from 56% white country
60 percent of russia is mongol sheep herders
>Americans get told what to think every night by old men in suits.
>Their only choice is which old man to listen to even though they all say the same things.
I've always thought talk shows were pathetic excuses for TV, why the fuck would I sit and watch clowns talk to each other?
>hurr but they're celebrities they're cool
Fuck them, put the makeup back on and get back on the movie screen. I will never see the appeal
>le everyone is american
dumb turkoslav
I can't believe he also hosts Cмaк now it was such a great and comfy show but this fag ruins it with his fake late night show comedy attempts fucking hack cyкa
>implying americans understand satire
they're mindless lemmings with terrible taste, not much else to it
It's common knowledge that americans are dumb sheeple also overweight
>I'ts weird that a comedian makes a lot of jokes about the sitting president.
No, it's not
Amerimongrels arent humans
he stopped being funny when he went full left.
if he was sperging "alpha dog of the week" and being the satiric defender of trump and the right, he'd be the best and a genius in television. but hes basically a jew mouthpiece
Learn some ethnology.
only old people watch TV. young people use hulu, netflix, youtube, etc. maybe its different in fly-over states