If I shouldnt ask about it, just say so

If I shouldnt ask about it, just say so.

Dear Sup Forums, I have two little questions about Matrix that bugs me a little after I lately rewatched the movie:

1) If humanity blocked Sun access to surface, it surely killed all plant life and all animal life as well. Then how humans still breathe? What they eat?
2) Given that Matrix plugged humans have not only main "brain" plug but also several others around their bodies - does it makes them basically cyborgs? Because I assume that such network couldnt be grafted into already grown human and would rather have to grow along with it since earliest stages.

Thank you for replie!

Its probably possible with high enough tech to create machines that create oxygen. They probably eat mold or bacteria sludge or something. Answer to your second question is yes.

>Its probably possible with high enough tech to create machines that create oxygen.

And for some eason "free" humans didnt realize that they are kept alive by machines? Because they dont walk around in sealed environment and such machines would otherwise require to work worldwide.

You are thinking too much about a flick created by two mentally ill faggots.

They did. They have their own oxygen generators in Zion. It was a quite long sequence in Reloaded where the leader of Zion talked to Neo on how machines are dependent on humans, but humans are also dependent on machines.

what if in the real world oxygen is not everywhere but in patches and breathing at all times everywhere is because of being attached to the matrix machines

>after all these years only now do I realise Zion was just another simulation

>For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watched them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living.

I assume the other cables are to stimulate the nervous system?

yeah but like you get enough from just the brain plug so like what's the deal

The robots are farming algae on the moon. It's all in the book.

They just put plugs in there and replace them during puberty.

You're welcoem.

the whole thing is still pretty disturbing

Could be that that's another method they feed people with. Like blood scrubbing or something?

1. Oxygen generators, breaks down water.
2. Yeah they are pretty much cyborgs.

Thanks for playing.

How do they go through puberty while being a tube baby their whole lives? Neo irl should be a crippled abomination

because their mind and muscles are stimulated from the matrix.

what kind of faggot op is this

go practice your english somewhere else.

That wouldn't work, the same way you don't get results from those electro shock muscle things. Plus, going your whole life with a breathing tube and never using your jaw should make you an absolute chinlet, your bones would be made of glass as well. I hate this movie now

But how they can farm on the moon, if sky is covered by barrier that eats away any machinery?

SF for the masses doesn't care about these problems.
People can't even understand the scientifical absurdity or don't care, it's always difficult to say which is which.

They built spaceships made of humans.

I assume its the method they use to farm energy

Well since earth is flat and basically a disc, they just dug somewhere near the rim and went around the sky barrier that way.

>Comparing sci-fi tech to mordern tech
You're focusing on the wrong things. The main issue with the matrix pods is conservation of energy.

When Neo takes a walk with the senator, they literally talk about the machines that filter their air and produce food and water.

You underestimate how much energy mass has. One kilogram contains the same energy as burning 695 million gallons of gasoline.


nothing you see in the matrix movies takes place outside of the matrix. the "real world" in the movies is just another layer of the matrix. all the "history" that the humans know is supplied to them by the machines and it's mostly bullshit.


>implying modern tech
>implying modern methods of generating energy
this is the movie where blood shoots out of your mouth irl when you get punched, you have to suspend disbelief for the sake of the premise

Because the Robots took over literally 3 weeks before the events of first matrix movie

That scene in the OP picture was the peak of the entire movie, everything else just kind of got silly after that.

what if I told you that morpheus was a machine

Makes sense since machines needs to remove "unfit" people from Matrix and secodn and third movie proves that machines-grown humans are cyborgs and their bodies nothing more than a shell, as easily inhabited by actual human mind as AI.

Its explained that the dead are processed back into substance.

>Then how humans still breathe?
How do you think people on the ISS continue breathing you mongoloid?

Im not talking about supplying space station with some people on board, Im talking about supplying oxygen to entrire planet and 250k+ people since Zion doesnt look like sealed space.

you think the technology in the matrix hasn't advanced further than what we have today?

i don't even see the plotholes, all i see is blonde, brunette, redhead

>Its probably possible with high enough tech to create machines that create oxygen.
It's possible with today's tech. Hell it was possible in the 18th century. You just run a current through water to split the hydrogen from the oxygen.

there's a machine that looks like it could create a sun in the engine room of zion, I'm pretty sure they've figured out the oxygen thing. I swear this website.

Actually, when I think of it, hmans that live in Matrix are more than cyborgs - they are like biological androids and their minds are basically software. Their memories can be added, replaced or removed, their bodies are blend with machinery, Smith was able to simply "upload" himself into one of such guys in first place.

They are like next step on the road to bio-mechanical beings.

why would the UN permit sentient robots to build a city in the middle fucking east