Time for a comfy weekend LOTR thread. Get in here bros.
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Time for a comfy weekend LOTR thread. Get in here bros.
Thread theme: youtube.com
But what about the taxes?
Feanor did nothing wrong.
Indeed, Wows before bros!
Was Gandalf smuggling weed into the Shire because of their low Marijuana tax? What a scumbag.
GoT is a better read. LOTR is a better watch.
diverse remake when?
Post creatures who did nothing wrong.
who was in the wrong there?
Give me the cliff notes. Who won?
Morgoth did. Ungoliant fucked off and gave birth to the giant spiders (Shelob is her descedant) and then ate herself.
Ungoliant won and Morgoth had to scream for help.
>Morgoth did
With the help of Balrog army. Ungoliant at that poin was much stronger than any ainur.
The Silmarillion > Lord of the Rings
And it's not even close, just a staggering achievement.
Silmarillion felt like reading a dream. Things are left vague and abstract enough that everyone feels like they read a different version of events.
Why wasn't he invisible?
Only 3 months until my annual december LOTR marathon.
you mean ungolianth kicked his ass so hard he ended up crying for help and begging for mercy
then she ate herself
Watched the first Hobbit for the first time last night, it definitely doesnt have the same magic as LOTR has. It was a tad dissapointing
My favorite.
why would someone go through the hassle of carving out these gigantic statues?
We just don't know.
who cares. they look awesome. GoT wishes they could illustrate something this epic.
It's been a long time since I read that fucking turtle crusher the silmarillion, wasn't he Melkor still then or am I placing it to early in the time line?
Embarrassing compared to the superb miniatures the LOTR crew built
Comfy LOTR threads are the best thing Sup Forums can offer
Wrong, those are Rome threads.
I still don't understand why the US government would construct such a massive monument in South Dakota, where nobody lives and which nobody ever visits. It's like if France put the Eiffel Tower in the Pyrenees Mountains.
Nah, and I'm a massive /rome/fag. LOTR is just something special
>le comfy xD
I wish reddit would leave
That's actually right after he is given the name Morgoth by Feanor which I think means dark enemy of the world or something. Melkor never "becomes" Morgoth, in his own eyes he is still Melkor well into the end of the First Age. But only he refers to himself as Melkor, everyone else adopts Feanor's nickname for him.
>ROTK ends
>"laaay down..."
I loved that thread so much. Had to find it again: archive.4plebs.org
I didnt read the books(except the first one) and didnt watch the show, only know some corner stuff
Did he himself address any tax policies? Did he do what he critiqued about tolkien?
I love the Silmarillion because I love when the lore is expanded. It's like if GRRM wrote a book detailing whatever is going on west of the Sunset Sea or in Sothorios, or in all those strange places in Essos like the city filled with monsters.
because the ring enhances the abilities of the wearer
sauron is/was strong, so he became stronger
hobbits are nimble and stealthy, so frodo and bilbo became stealthier/invisible
Jesus christ, I've been wanting to go and re-read it, but fuck its like reading the most stale history book about the most metal fantasy story.
The Ringwraiths became invisible too though
I think the nine and the one make you invisible regardless of what you do. The three and the dwarven ones are different and Sauron does whatever the fuck he wants because he created them.
Bilbo was the weed dealer, and Gandalf was the supplier, this is why Bilbo was the richest Hobbit in the Shire.
I loved it but I understand why people find it dense. If you have a vivid imagination, picturing the shit that is happening instead of processing the words like a history textbook, definitely helps. It's fascinating mythology.
Just reading it with some 80s metal makes it much easier to read.
Why was a random spider that came out of nowhere stronger than prime Melkor?
lord of the rings has excellent prose whereas GRRM describes whats happening in dry, weightless bluntness.
>preferring the prose of some fat hack to a literal master scholar and literary master with god-like vision and scope
The dwarves were "incorruptible" but not really, the elves immediately knew shit was wrong as soon as they put the rings on so they fixed that shit. Humans were just gullible and powerhungry.
Basically they were the lotr equivalent of someone who uses windows and turns the autoupdate feature off, while the dwarves left it on.
The elves were on linux.
In his right hand Morgoth held close the Silmarils, and though they were locked in a crystal casket, they had begun to burn him, and his hand was clenched in pain; but he would not open it. ‘Nay!’ he said. ‘Thou hast had thy due. For with my power that I put into thee thy work was accomplished. I need thee no more. These things thou shalt not have, nor see. I name them unto myself for ever.’
But Ungoliant had grown great, and he less by the power that had gone out of him; and she rose against him, and her cloud closed about him, and she enmeshed him in a web of clinging thongs to strangle him. Then Morgoth sent forth a terrible cry, that echoed in the mountains. Therefore that region was called Lammoth; for the echoes of his voice dwelt there ever after, so that any who cried aloud in that land awoke them, and all the waste between the hills and the sea was filled with a clamour as of voices in anguish. The cry of Morgoth in that hour was the greatest and most dreadful that was ever heard in the northern world; the mountains shook, and the earth trembled, and rocks were riven asunder. Deep in forgotten places that cry was heard. Far beneath the ruined halls of Angband, in vaults to which the Valar in the haste oftheir assault had not descended, Balrogs lurked still, awaiting ever the return of their Lord; and now swiftly they arose, and passing over Hithlum they came to Lammoth as a tempest of fire. With their whips of flame they smote asunder the webs of Ungoliant, and she quailed, and turned to flight, belching black vapours to cover her; and fleeing from the north she went down into Beleriand, and dwelt beneath Ered Gorgoroth, in that dark valley that was after called Nan Dungortheb, the Valley of Dreadful Death, because of the horror that she bred there
This nigga knows what's up
its like moby dick, his arrogance made him feel invincible and nature had the last laugh
Maybe he was but he put armor on over being invisible?
How else are you going to dick over the natives?
Tom didn't become invisible when he put it on though
because hes so fucking powerful that its too weak to even have an effect on him. Tom is literal god-tier and the ring is some faggot magic made by like a tier-3 dark lord
It wasn't a giant spider out of nowhere it was some sort of eldritch abomination from space.
>inb4 lovecraftposter
he was severly weakened by that point
The dwarves were driven by an enhanced greed brought on by the rings, and ended up uncovering shit like dragons and the Balrog that fucked them in the ass. Maybe they didn't fall under complete control like Sauron wanted but they were destroyed indirectly by the seven so it was more or less a win for Sauron either way.
This. Prime Melkor was the second most powerful being in existence after Eru himself.
Tom is probably a Valar or Eru himself. He can't be a lesser spirit like a forest sprite or some shit because that's basically what Gandalf, Sauron and Saruman are, and they were susceptible to the Ring.
Yeah, so "incorruptible" but not really.
Tom is just a regular maiar.
They were corrupted. Just not in the way Sauron intended.
His critique wasn't "if a book doesn't have tax policies its bad," brainlet.
no hes not, it isnt ever explained what he is, only that he's older than anything that could tell you.
Source? If I remember correctly doesn't he talk about being involved with creation of the world and shit.
Gandalf is also a regular maiar and he refused to even touch the ring
>Sam is a leper
God fucking damn it, Nasmith.
Every ainur was involved in creation of the world. And Tolkien names all existing Valar in the books, so Tom is maiar.
And the orc babies?
Your logic is flawed.
Gendalf is a weak maiar. He's almost as weak as some elves. And he barely defeated a regular Balrog.
because Tom is far beyond what gandalf and sauron are. He does not seek power or influence, and so he has no use for the ring and so it has nothing to work with when he puts it on. Theres nothing to corrupt, because he represents Middle Earth itself, he's seen all of history and he doesnt care for it one way or the other.
Basically, the ring can only work if you give a fuck about something. Tom gives no fucks about anything.
Valar are just Ainur that came down to Arda. There are plenty of Valar-tier Ainur still up with Eru. Tom can't be a maiar because of the way he interacts with the Ring, so that only leaves us with Ainur or Eru himself.
Imagine being this retarded
Tom is not an ainur, he is never mentioned. Nobody knows what he is or where he came from, probably only Eru if that.
>Eru himself
You are retarded.
He does give a fuck about stuff like his hippy shack in the forest and his river sprite fuckbuddy. So he might not care about conquest or becoming a king but there are things he cares about. Like Sam, who only cared about his garden patch and a tranquil life in the Shire, but was still vulnerable to the Ring.
He is far beyond Gandalf, because he's not a maiar.
Both Sauron and Saruman are powerful maiar and both are still affected by the Ring. Sauron is implied to be the most powerful maiar.
Thinking he is a maiar is even more retarded but thanks for the (You)
"giving a fuck" has a different meaning for a mortal, because they are mortal and what they care about can be taken away. Nobody can touch Tom or anything in his realm, he has nothing to fear and so "caring" to him is a different concept than what a mortal could comprehend. We are what we do, not what we think. Tom is what he thinks, and doesnt do anything. In any case, his "care" for nature is not something that the ring can work with even if he was weak enough to be affected by it.
>There are plenty of Valar-tier Ainur still up with Eru.
I don't think there's any, Eru sits largely apart from everything.
she never really died though, immense legacy alive and well in shelob and general darkness / spiders in the world.
>Sauron is implied to be the most powerful maiar
He isn't. Eonwe was much stronger, for example.
He is maiar.
galadriel feet
>Morgoth did.
Morgoth shat bricks so hard when that cosmic terror of pure unlight and nothingness turned on him that the region where that happened you can still hear his faint scream still echoing in that mountain place.
It is literally said in the book that he is not entirely untouchable and that in the end Sauron would defeat him. So he is not invulnerable, at least the wisest in Middle-Earth don't think so, but even then not even the Valar are invulnerable.
Nah he's chilling in heaven with all the Ainur that said fuck that and decided to hang with him.
god youre dumb. Tom was just thrown into the story willy nilly, like another story he just shoved into his book to give the hobbits something to do before they got to rivendell. Tolkien NEVER specified what he was, and his interaction with the ring proves he is above what a maiar is.
>but even then not even the Valar are invulnerable.
The Valar are invulnerable, though.
For fuck's sake, no
the ring makes you invisible to men because it effectively makes you a wraith, and men in LotR don't have any sort of earthly spirit like elves do.