Bye bitch

Bye bitch

Other urls found in this thread:

fake news
she was never acting to begin with

Based Aronofsky

What kind of autism is that? Is it correlated with those kids that use greentext in the youtube comment section?


Leave now and never come back!

Such a garbage actress and face

And Breitwart was never engaging in actual journalism to begin with.

This was Aronofsky's plan all along.

Cbs reported it too

You have to go back


>Box office poison

She's been in 4 of the ten highest grossing female led action movies.

Don't blame her, she looked old and haggard in passengers, seeing that giant turkey neck in the big screen nearly lost my lunch

Does Breitbart unironically use kek?

Is this the news site that Sup Forums loves so much?

Hunger Games was highest grossing because it was a popular teeny bopper novel. Not because of Jennifer Lawrence.

How does that help your argument? If she was poison, they would have failed.


Is mother! the most powerful pleb filter of the decade? My theater had walkouts.

Yeah. Only plebs pretend to like it

This is cultural appropiation

The last hunger game underperformed immensley because her star power had already faded

She also has ruined the xmen movies. Passengers was a bomb.

Also calling Hunger Games action movies is hilarious.

i cant tell if you are meming or just dumb, but kids would watch any shit if its based on something they like, it dosent matter the actress, look at twilight, that did great in theatres, and it has that monster kristen stewart in it

Yet every other YAshit has flopped


Hey fag not that user but I know you're new here bc we've talked about the last hunger games doing shit at the box office compared to the first two.

Xmen apocalypse passengers did shittily
Yea pleb filter as if if you like that shitfest starring jlaw you're a pleb

Why is Breitbart so fucking BASED



holly reddit

Beats reading the Clinton News Network any day

good riddance
i hope she never returns

No other YA shit other than Twilight was nearly as popular as Hunger Games. Still shit like Divergent and Maze Runner spawned sequels.

Upvoting this. Breitbart is BASED


Your wife's son needs picked up from jail you fucking liberal faggots. C ur way out of here and don't come back

How is she going to pay her bills after being so woefully underpaid during her career?


t. triggered libcuck


who uses the term "kek" outside of Sup Forums?


Sup Forums

pretty sure kek originated from a subreddit on reddit called /r/the_donald

filthy mudslum Horde do.

>that objectively inaccurate box office poison statement
>reporting along with the mainstream media that they claim they are so different from, such a non story as an actress in her twenties fucking her director saying she will retire from acting

Breitbart has seen some shameful moments, but this is near the top.

it originated from world of warcraft, you subhuman shit breathing Normie assbirth Redditurd.

He's right. Praise kek

Ok libtard

Fuck you, Stewart is cute.

No, it originated from WoW. Whenever someone in the Horde said lol it would appear as kek for Alliance members.


>Actually posting kek outside of Sup Forums

I heard breitbart was fucking ridiculous, but this is a new level of embarrassing

outside of that /r/the_donald were the first to popularize it a long with pepe

it then spread to Sup Forums and the rest of Sup Forums then the internet

End yourself, you literal white nigger

I still dont know how that shit was popular but I guess it's kinda normal for americans to steal ideas.

You don't need to be ok with it, things will remain as they are regardless of your feelings. Learn that.

Ok Berniebro

She's repuslive you have shit taste

Are you new to life? It was around Sup Forums way before that

>breitbart actually posting 'kek'


>I still dont know how that shit was popular but I guess it's kinda normal for americans to steal ideas.
Steal ideas from who?

>N-name calling
Pic related

ITT we summon kek

i want to rub my fuzz on her fuzz

He can still win!


Fucking Nazi scum watch real news cable news channels like CNN are real news. Sources familiar with his meditation regime confirm that CNN is the only true news source. We must not speculate on the motives or identity of the perpetrator of a Muslims style terrorist attack in London lest we offend the 1.6 billion minority Muslims group. Also the recent Muslims terrorist attacks in Spain were in fact a copycat of Charlottesville (nothing similar has ever happened in Europe before.

use the repeating numericals

>He can still win!

The fuck are you on about?

Literally fucking kys

Am I jiggy with it yet, you Sup Forums kids?

>Libcucks unironically get triggered by a word
Who /Kekistan/ here?

based bannon



are normies using this term now?


Wow how they ruin everything good

looks like the beta mommy issues CO from orange is the new black

You came to the wrong board Nazi scum we alt left here. Merkel pays for me to smoke weed and play video games all I have to do is feel guilty for me ancestors sins.

How slow are you? Youtubers have been using that and kekistan to pander to children subs for months now.

I don't know, I've been saying kek for years and was one of the founding members of kekistan but now its full blown normie

even libcucks and redditors are saying it now


right here


do you ever read what your typing and feel embarrassed

t. triggered numale



Formerly Sneed's?

This post earned you another 7 years of virginity and protecting m'ladies on the interwebs.

>was one of the founding members of kekistan
You must smell disgusting

projecting much?

The alt lite skeptic cucks are more diverse, peaceful and inclusive than the rabid communists who accuse them of being Nazis. As CNN would say war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength.

I'll let you in on something

Back in the 2004-2006 days, "Epic For The Win" was common parlance on the 4channals

See, this is the kind of gaslighting cunt that the average liberal is. kek has been around for ages, fuck off

Seeing normie kikebart use it does induce cringe, however.

absolutely lovecraftian with a sprinkle of lynchesque

>being a part of autistic youtubing roleplaying
No, it's a very safe bet.

Nice dis-info there man, bravo.

It's almost like there is a coordinated effort to associate things certain groups don't like with Reddit, to try to chaqnge Sup Forums

#notmypresident #notrealsocialism #resist #inbredmuslimrapebabies

whait what? she acted once?

It always makes me laugh how non-white Sup Forums posters are.

I wonder if you're being ironic or you're really trying to pull a fast one.

You're on Sup Forums. Ask yourself maybe, and save the rest of us the boring rhetorical pantomime.