Is Star Wars an embarassment to mankind at this point?
Is Star Wars an embarassment to mankind at this point?
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Did anyone else read the Entertainment interview she did? Apparantly she had a never ending period during shooting and Boyega goes on to say he could even smell ''it'' during heated scenes.
Star Wars was always crap. Always.
Mediocre stories, mediocre acting, mediocre physical sets, decent effects. It's always been fucking shit.
>that quote where he says he pretended to have a cold so he could sniff loud and hard around her without her getting suspicious
Picture holding the gun looks like a young, shaved, jack black
just goes to show the toll great acting takes on women. men just don't understand...
yep. she should see a doctor
>Is Star Wars an embarassment to mankind at this point?
People actually celebrate shit by pumping themselves full of sugar? Why? Just grab a couple beers, jeez
Theres another with boyegas quote during a video interview but im searching for it now.
So happy I never saw this movie
Why? Its awesome. Fuck what Sup Forums says, they also claim game of thrones is bad lol, it goes to show how retarted they are.
Game of Thrones is literally a terribly written acted and directed shitshow and TFA is the same.
If you aren't baiting you're a pleb.
why not both
>Not now mom, someone is insulting Star Wars on Sup Forums
>an embarassment to mankind
Um sweetie, Star Wars doesn't have to pander to boys.
Because processed sugar is super terrible for the human body on the quantities people seem to like
If this isn't bait you should find your grandads pistol and do yourself in.
Pretty much yes, desu. But I guess it doesn't really matter, since most of people embrace this degeneracy. It's ultimate at this point to admit that the only Star Wars which had meaning beyond political jewish agenda are two trilogies created by George Lucas. That's it. Well some of old Expanded Universe had great stories, unlike todays shit with it's XHE trash.
>Perfect girls don't exi-
>look at this lips
>look at this jaw
>look at this forehead
>look at these fishy eyes
But by shopping an image to make her look ugly you're proving his point.
Well this isn't shopped and i was referring to this. The shopped pic was just another layer of irony.
Like my post if u get the reference & comparison lol
What an ugly little lad
Why did God give her child size lips, but gorrilla sized teeth and jaw?
oh ok now i love star wars, two things cannot be embarrasing at the same time
>putting 50 cent stickers on your 2000 dollar laptops
This angers me more then the stickers themselves
Oh God yes, it's an embarrassment of lovecraftian proportions
Yeah this shit triggers me too. Totally runs the brand aesthetic of the computer which is like 99% of the cost of a macbook.
a cute
It was always an embarrassment
a barren
Farse Awekens and Rogue One were worse than prequels
there is no hope for this franchise
SW is dead now
Star Wars embarrassed itself with ROTJ and then the prequels forever cemented Star Wars as a joke. Only people who were six when TPM came out would disagree. TFA had its problems and tv/ loves to nit pick it to death, but was a step in right direction.
inb4 leddit[\spoiler]
inb4 disney shill[\spoiler]
inb4 autism[\spoiler]
Who wants to live well into their 90's being a burden on their loved ones?
>hating ROTJ
You must live a sad, lonely life.
Of course The Force Awakens is good, it's just remake of A New Hope
My grandad is 89 and just took a trip to hike around Thailand, you don't have to be an invalid if you don't live like a hedonist
Imagine making this image. Cutting out individual expressions of Daisy from the film and then plastering them all together into one collage. Imagine that user.
Jabba's daughter in episode 8
shes so fugly
>you don't have to be an invalid if you don't enjoy the good things in life
>hiking in foreign lands is the height of good times when you're 89
Probably this guy.
It's the height of good times for people of all ages, dunno what you're bitter about. You're not seeing failing health in your 20s are you?
it has been since 1977
That must have been a strange experience
Imagine being around someone who bleeds for days on end and doesn't die
How am I bitter? You're implying that hiking is a good time (and apparently the height of good times) as if that's a quantifiable fact. If I see any failing health, I can die knowing I won't have to spend the waning years of my life wheelchair bound, shitting in adult diapers and forgetting all those times I hiked around places instead of eating cake.
>not practicing hedonism means cutting out all the good things in life
Computers were a mistake, made people into binary, fart sniffing morons
This post was dripping in venom and bitterness. Don't worry buddy, I'm sure you've got a solid 50 years left in you if you spend all your time in front of the computer eating cake.
I bet you call women roasties. If you grow up now, you might be able to get a nice woman to give your parents some grandchildren.
Have you smelled my glorious flatulence? It's practically divine!
Not bitter at all, broseph. I'm content with the life I live and I'll die the way I always wanted, choking on a whole sheet cake after I've unhinged my jaw. Enjoy your kale smoothies and longevity. It's not like you can die from outside forces beyond your control.
Not him but obviously the people who do that enjoy the benefits of being low weight more than they do gorging on cake. No one would really care if I was an obese manwhale but I like being at a certain weight
uh oh, someone is triggered!!
Again with the binary lifestyle. If you're not x you're y, why do I have to be an ultra vegan kale enthusiast if I'm not a couch potato junk food disposal unit? You realize you're spouting huge red flags for massive depression, right? And then you want to imply you lived your life to the fullest?
All capeshit is embarrassing.
Nu wars is no exception.
>taking that post seriously
Do you really think someone is going to unhinge their jaw to swallow an entire cake?
it's metaphorical
>in 2017 a 90 year old man went for a hike on a vacation
>a young anonymous user on a Tibetan basket weaving tips and tricks forum learns of this, and subsequently has an existential crisis
>hijinks ensue when the user spends an hour defending the lifestyle that keeps them from truly loving themselves and enjoying life
>the thread soon 404s, ending the already dead conversation, however, the user remains on this forum long into the night
>late that evening, the user will cap the night off by eating too much and masturbating themselves to sleep, perpetuating the cycle that keeps him full of hate and regret
Mite b kino, but who plays user?
But the kale smoothies aren't?
Actually, crippling debt and living paycheck to paycheck is what's keeping me from enjoying life.
Why does Hollywood try convincing us someone like her is a 10/10?
Most loan places can't do shit about credit card debt if you're American. It's scary but just stop paying that shit. If you're looking for an apartment or car in the near future though, you're fucked. I stopped payment on like 15k in credit card debt about 6 years ago, statute of limitations in my state on collected debts is 5 years, my credit score is currently 646 which isn't bad considering I welched on a ton of debt.
As for student loans I got a 4 year and keep deferring that shit, nothing they can do. I got serious one year and said fuck it all and threw away my debts, usury it's the ultimate evil and it's our duty to teach the younger generation not to fall for it.
110% yes.
No red wings for you user?
no because that's Disney's nu wars.
Just TFA and that was all down to JJ
Not as much as this thread.
>ROTJ bad
>TFA good