Which one was objectively the best written villain?
Decision time
the middle one is the only one that seemed realistic and had some sense of fidelity to the original movie. Malvo and Verga are both quip masters
I have a fondness for Varga myself.
I'm just like malvo
What if we fuse them?
Varga was the best villain even tho it was the worst season
Milligan was the best acted and most tamed
Malvo and varga went to heavy on all the quirky/philosophical ramblings
Milligan was great, and the best thing about him is that he won, but realized he'd have been happier if he hadn't
Malvo was the most threatening/villainous and gave me a feeling of being on the edge of my seat when he was in a scene.
Milligan was a much more vivid/interesting/compelling character and I enjoyed his presence a lot more than Malvo.
Probably Varga, but Billy Bob's acting was really captivating.
So why was Varga eating ice cream in a toilet?
I really can't get into the 3rd season. Is it as bad as it seems or am I a pleb?
some metaphor about how he eats just for the enjoyment of consuming and not to actually sustain himself.
How was Milligan the villain? He was more-so the Wrench & Numbers part of the season.
Hanzee was the Malvo/Varga of season 2.
Both of Ewan McGregor's characters are annoying. They're neither admirable nor particularly hateable, so it's definitely the season you most have to drag yourself through. What's her face shows a lot of skin, though, so it makes up for it.
hanzee only became the villain at the end though
Season 2 of Fargo is perfection, and so is Milligan.
The whole reason why Fargo the show will always be inferior to Fargo the movie.
he was the scariest threat to the Lesters of Season 2, as were Varga and Malvo to their respective Lesters
Have you even watched the series? OP just used a stupid word, neither of those is a villain.
OP used the right word. Malvo and especially Varga are the villains of those seasons, Mike a bit less so. Still, the writing in Fargo is inferior to Coen script, simply because it needs a villain to drive the story forward.
I enjoyed Varga the most. Even though Season 3 was weak.
It starts off kinda iffy but becomes amazing after like episode 4
Just watch it for Varga, the rest sucks.
Lester was a fucking moron, I wanted him to die the whole time. If you mean protagonists then I'd say molly and that other cop guy are more accurate.
Milligan is the only one who had an interesting arc. Best acted and written two. He feels like an actual character instead of plot devices, that Malvo and Varga are. But I can't say that he was the best villian, since he was one villian in a season full of them. Dodd was good too, for example.
It was perfect except the UFO stuff
I guess the nigger one since he was the most realistic. Besides, season 2 was the best one. Season 3 was utter shit, season 1 was just fine but le edgy villain because he is evil is too retarded.
Episode 8 of season 3 is pure kino
Is season 3 worth watching?
They tried too hard to make Varga seem like this powerful mysterious force when all he really seemed to have was two men. Milligan was a fun and intriguing character until it seemed as though every line of dialogue he had was some philosophical speech. Malvo was, I believe, the best one of them all. The reason being because he was just a dangerous man who wandered into this guys life and decided to help him because he gave him a Faygo. There's no forced complexity on his part. But Milligan is a close second, then Varga.
I'm pretty sure Varga is show given status reports to superiors over the phone at some point. And just because we aren't shown his organization, doesn't mean it isn't heavily implied there is one, and that he's just one small part of it.
Yeah, I agree with you there. I know he has some power, after all, he had a bunch of other men at Emmit's house at one point. Believe me, I loved the character of V.M Varga but he wasn't as strong a villain as Malvo was to me.
will there ever be a more pleb opinion?
Wasn't that the widow? Pretty sure that Varga's whole thing is making himself look mysterious, while actually being as con man with access to some grunts.
Oh, Malvo was my favorite as well, so much so that I was disappointed he died, and in such a "cheap" way, at that. I also wished he'd at least have been the one to put Lester down.
I know what scene you're talking about, but I think in an earlier scene Varga is talking to superiors while in the back of the semi. Also, he has a mobile command point with loads of high end tech and a team of grunts armed with assault rifles; he's definitely more than an enterprising con man.
It's the best season imo
Yeah, both Lester and Malvo had the most dissapointing deaths. Malvo killed by gus, the worst and least interesting character, and Lester falling through the ice of some literally who lake in Montana? What a letdown
In my opinion they succeeded at making Varga a mysterious force of nature. In the show he's always in control of the situation. He's got capital, manpower and intelligence. It is never explained where he came from, who he works with or where he went.
I just really like how he came out of nowhere, took over the whole company, ran it to the ground and then disappeared.
t. neckbeard
milligan is a shittier even cartoonier malvo and literally the BASED BLACK MAN trope, just look at all the redditors praising the character ITT
varga was easily the best probably because of a great performance and the writing was toned down for him, despite season 3 being the worst
Which one was the most Lovecraftian?
Gets better, though I liked it all.
It just can't touch the excellence that was S1.
>Milligan is the only one who had an interesting arc. Best acted and written two.
>Milligan was a fun and intriguing character until it seemed as though every line of dialogue he had was some philosophical speech
>lewis carroll quotes
>philosophical speech
>name a character mike milligan after nonsense-poet spike milligan
>have him quote other nonsense-poet, lewis carroll's poem apropos of nothing
Milligan, easily. Well written and well acted throughout.
>Lester had a disappointing death
That entire scene is literally woven into the entire arc he goes through the whole season. He runs on literal thin ice and keeps going even though he could stop at any time and people tell him to give up. And if he did, in either case, he would still be alive.