>finally get to watching Black Mirror after hearing it how it's the Twilight Zone of our decade
>it's not as good
>every episode has an interracial couple
Finally get to watching Black Mirror after hearing it how it's the Twilight Zone of our decade
>falling for the modern tv shows are good meme
>every episode has an interracial couple
the giant netflix logo didn't tip you off? How's it like being retarded
it's like the twilight zone, but they release a fraction of the episodes per season and every episode is too long.
I've heard the first episode is not as good as the others.
I hope it's true because the first episode was absolute fucking dogshit I had to turn off halfway through and a friend of mine told me how it ended which was even worse.
The first 3(?) seasons weren't made by Netflix
>the Twilight Zone of our decade
people who say this have either not watched the twilight zone or have only watched meme episodes of the twilight zone. The twilight zone wasn't anywhere near as Luddite as Black Mirror
>inb4 someone mentions last stop at willobougy
>every episode has an interracial couple
If that's your biggest issue with the show you can fuck off.
How about non autistic reasons, like the show being bad.
that wasn't a bad episode though?
it's a push push push
I thought it was one of the better episodes
Fifteen million merits and Waldo is pretty okay
I'm not even wh*te and I can notice it.
It's being FORCED
>he gets triggered by black people
The social media shit was too much for me. I turned it off after the scene where they're in the police situation room HQ or whatever it was trying to find ways to locate the kidnapped princess(?) and the intern barges in saying "SIR WE'RE REACHING TEN THOUSAND TWEETS PER MINUTE".
It was so desperately written by old men trying to appeal to youngsters.
>>every episode has an interracial couple
That's Britain for you.
BLACKED mirror
>that wasn't a bad episode though?
It was one of the only episodes in Twilight Zone about TECHNOLOGY IS EVIL the other episodes had a bunch of mystic and fantasy shit going on, most of the twilight zone wasn't even sci-fi
First two.
It's pretty ridiculous with how frequent it is in the show. I do not watch it to see Brooker's fetishes.
>reddit spacing
>complaining about people not liking interracial couples
He was probably thinking of the Christmas special.
>falling for bait
Sup Forums needs to be gassed
t. butthurt Sup Forumstard
If not for jews you would still be living in mud hunts
damn mud he took our jobs im gon hunt it and im gon kill it
Just stating a fact that you niggers need to be gassed
>If not for jews you would still be living in mud hunts
lel, schlomo got you good.
Reminder that Sup Forumstards are on the bottom of the food chain
Well Sup Forums is full of amerimutts, kikes and niggers so your estimation is probably true for the most part.
i had a nice wank during fifteen million merits
I've not watched the latest season but from the ones I've seen the only decent episode is the one where they have to earn credits on the stationary bikes and he uses all his money to go on the talent show.
Its weird how it's trying to be futuristic enough to say "In the future, black people and white people get together and it's super common" but not futuristic enough to have a ton of mixed people of slightly different shades of brown which will be our actual future.
>which will be our actual future.
He did nothing wrong.
It's mostly written by Charlie Brooker, who dispises social media. Especially when it's used by Companies or Government Organisations trying to appeal to da yoof, with the modern news media eating it up and reporting on literal tweets and facebook posts.
How many times have you seen a news headline "Donald Trump tweets x"?
I stopped reading the news even before Trump's presidential campaign.
>It's mostly written by Charlie Brooker, who dispises social media. Especially when it's used by Companies or Government Organisations trying to appeal to da yoof
Then why does he do the exact same thing? Imitation isn't satire.
I watched the first 3 eps. They told me there would be a twist in the tale, like Tales of the Unexpected. There wasn't. It just played out, and it bored me and I dropped it.
Yeah, he was only an innocent pedo.
Death to all degenerate scum.
Shut the fuck up, you retarded nigger.
ep1 the pm has to fuck a pig; the pm fucks a pig. No twist.
ep2 the establishment dictates what you do, the establishment dictates what she does. No twist.
ep 3 your wife is a lying, cheating whore, oldest story in the world. No twist.
This type of posts are the reason of why love to fuck white chicks that already have bfs, lol.
>show about dystopian future
>interracial couples
I wonder if that's an accidental red pill.
I get the rest but how are interracial couples a valid criticism?
Nice meme, kike. There are millions and millions of whites, including even most Gen Z social memeia faggots, who will never reproduce with non-whites.
It has some good episodes.
>a show is actually bad
>Is too hung up on dumb shit like interracial couples to make any actual criticism
sad desu
This. I don't know how people can watch a show that has literally zero substance to it. All stories are just a dumb idea someone brought to the office and when they were done filming 50 minutes on it they just said "and here it ends".
Literally not even trying to make it good.
meme show with hardly any good episodes, and even then they squander potential
and the constant interracial(white girl every time) is pretty weird
I think that they have good ideas, but the episodes drag on for too long and get too repetitive
If I had to tell someone to just watch a couple of episodes, I'd recomend s2e2, s2e4 and s3e3. Then if they like those s3e5, s3e2 and maybe s1e1, s3e4