So you are telling me these critics are not bribed?
>People with a knowledge of film understand it
>The average filmgoer does not
>This means the critics were bribed
It's clear already you're not very bright, but explain why you think it doesn't deserve praise?
There was literally 6 people in the cinema including me. This was marketed as a spooky horror but you got nothing of that sort. It was just another pseudo-intellectual, religious Darron Assmonkey film with trippy visuals.
So you are telling me these people are not bribed?
Why are you suggesting they are?
Why are you larping as opposition when we both know the are bribed
If you don't understand it, that's okay. Anger is a natural response to not understanding something.
only review that matters
Mate look at the capeshit getting 90+ thats the problem not this.
I'm not LARPing as anything. I'm genuinely asking you, for the third time now, why do you think that there is a disparity between audience ratings and critic's ratings?
>hating on Noah
Dumb fucking nigger. Mother is shit Noah was actually great.
Clearly Larping you can't be this retarded
>not understand god is a dick
you have to be a brainlet if you didn't understand a simple, overdone meme trope
You would have to be a brainlet to think that this movie was about god being a dick.
It's very BLATANTLY not about that. kek
>People with a knowledge of film understand it
>The average filmgoer does not
>People set up a site that allows the people with knowledge to critique freely
>Also allow those with no knowledge to do so
>Usually a wide margin between critics and casual consensus
>Can't cry foul because a redditor gets triggered
>But It's okay for them to confuse the issue with personal and professional opinion
>movie has a multitude of possible interpretations
>whine about feminist angle
Armond has become Sup Forums incarnate.
Don't use "LARP" if you don't even know what it is. It's an acronym, not a word. If I'm retarded, what does that make you if you're incapable of creating an argument for what you're trying to say?
It shouldn't be so complicated. I didn't think Sup Forums was so... dumb.
>Sup Forums king is literaly a black guy
>Sup Forumstards are this desperate
If you are not larping then you are fucking retarded
Virtue signalling.
Not that user, but I would like if you were to answer his question
Stop avoiding it
>Can't cry foul because a redditor gets triggered
>But It's okay for them to confuse the issue with personal and professional opinion
Congratulations on your newfound doublenigger status.
After 17 MCU movies we all know studios buy reviews
This film seems like the type that people who think they're above typical conventional movies but have no actual taste will like. Judging by Aronofsky's films in the past as well as the people defending it here. They automatically assume if you don't like it, you just want a bland typical hollywood movie, when if fact some of them do have quite developed "knowledge of film" and find that this film is not to their liking
Oh tell me your headcanon interpretation of this movie you brainlet capeshit lover.
What makes me retarded, and what makes me "Larping"? Fourth? time, why do you think the movie does not deserve the praise it's getting from critics?
Armond is actually an idiot just like Sup Forums in general
On the one hand, a lot of the people not liking probably are plebs that can't handle an unconventional movie. But on the other hand it sounds very dumb and I personally really do not like Aronofsky's movies. I feel like a lot of the people praising it and deriding those that didn't like it are the same people that do the same thing with like Villeneuve. Sure they're competent directors that stray slightly from the typical mainstream film, but I personally find them not good. At best they're mediocre but get way overblown just because everything else around them is so shit. So yeah just a thought; perhaps some people dislike it not because they're plebs, but on the contrary they actually have developed their own taste and find that Aronofsky is not to that taste
>Can't cry foul because a redditor gets triggered
Refers to being butthurt.
>But It's okay for them to confuse the issue with personal and professional opinion
Is meant to highlight that the "People" as user put it, who created the site, are being cunts yet user chose to whine about op calling bullshit on their disconnect.
>current rating
The more people who are not bribed the lower it gets. Stop fucking larping
Its shit you mongoloid.
Christ, no wonder he's stuck writing for a rag like the NR. Half his review is insulting people.
That's not even a high rating. You have some serious autism if a 7/10 rating triggers you.
>Understanding that a religious man who repeatedly puts religious themes in his films and even outright makes religious movies like Noah wouldn't make a film criticising religion and god
>Interpret the film from this perspective and don't see how you could possibly see it as a "god is bad" film when that's incredibly clearly the biggest red herring of the film, maybe after it being about the struggles of women or some shit
>Brainlet tells you this is headcanon
Wow you sure told me.
Now explain how it's a god is bad movie.
It's not surprising in the least that this movie has a major disparity between critic and audience score. You're kind of a dummy, bro.
He's an atheist you fucking mong, LMAO just go back to tumblr. You are so fucking dumb. I bet you are so embarrassed for being this dumb
Not butthurt, surprised at how stupid people are if they think this is a god is bad movie.
>meant to highlight that the "People" as user put it, who created the site, are being cunts
You think the creators of Rotten Tomatoes are cunts? Why? How is that even relevant to what I said?
>chose to whine about op calling bullshit on their disconnect.
Whining =/= pointing out an obvious reason why people with a knowledge of film would get more out of it than people who would rather watch IT or Annabelle Creation for cheap thrills rather than something more cerebral.
What is even your problem here? I don't care about whatever you have against Rotten Tomatoes, but I still think OP is an idiot, especially considering he cannot elaborate on his half baked idea on why he thinks the critics are bribed.
Enough no more larping you's from me
Shut up nerd. You'll never watch this movie anyway.
Okay person who can't differentiate between it's and its.
Can ANYONE here explain why the movie is bad without responding with something like "duhh it's bad you idiot".
Really activating my almonds, I thought Sup Forums would at least be somewhat similar in discussion level to /lit/.
It doesn't even have that. The average rating is 6.7.
That consensus should have been for Batman V Superman.
>He said of his spiritual beliefs in 2014, "I think I definitely believe. My biggest expression of what I believe is in The Fountain".[128]
Still no explanation of how it's a god is bad movie.
And as I expected, because you're seemingly incapable of producing an argument, you just call me dumb.
Something tells me you're projecting.
>The story takes place in the middle of Woman’s renovation of a deluxe mansion, a premise recalling that underrated, slapstick-perfect ’80s comedy The Money Pit.
Kek, you've done it again, Armond.
It wasn't even me who said that to you. lol
Seriously, I think Sup Forums is in joint first position for dumbest board on Sup Forums.
Projecting much
Where they bribed to like it or to dislike it?
71% is a little ambiguous for RT where scores are either too high or too low.
>Reading what I say and saying it back to me
It's truly like a preschool simulator in here. Whew.
Get called a retard in preschool lashes out on Sup Forums because of it
>Not butthurt, surprised at how stupid people are if they think this is a god is bad movie.
Okay, fair enough, apologies but it came across too me as butthurt.
>You think the creators of Rotten Tomatoes are cunts? Why?
Again sorry my heads not on right, at the moment ad shits coming out wrong. My reasoning is basically what I've already said, they enjoy confusing the issue in the way they basically treat the reviews.
On one had you have people that were likely trained and are professional being allowed to critique. Nothing wrong there.
On the other you have amateurs and all sorts of people with different tastes being allowed to share their opinions. This would be fine but it's done right next to the pros. There's a difference between simple enjoyment and the technical's which is what you'd expect a site that has such "influence" to separate, to clear the lines instead of confusing it all.
It was more the way you called out op without giving a single fuck or appearing to give a single fuck that RT are just cunts and any critique on their site is good
The poster spoils the ending.
>has to post outdated wiki post
you lost you fucking retard he has always been an atheist through and through.
>God is narcissistic
>God doesn't care about a single person suffering
>God wants victims to forgive horrible atrocities
>God causes a person to suffer for eternity so he can prove he's right.
litterally fuck off brainlet, you are too stupid to understand this movie has no other meaing, its shitty kike trash
>People with a knowledge of film
>film critics
>people with a knowledge of film
her shown being created removes her agency
minimum of 20 minutes showing the back of jlaws head
'im not touching you' as the mood through the runtime
frustrated writer character (darren as god oy vey)
soft focus digital lack of composition
This seems like it's Aronofsky doing a Lars von Trier movie.
>I thought Sup Forums would at least be somewhat similar in discussion level to /lit/
>discussion level to /lit/
Almost had me until here. 9/10 b8.
Jesus, chill...
Imagine hating a woman you'll never meet this much.
>expecting a discussion from Sup Forums
>Imagine hating a person you'll never meet this much.
>What are Jews and their entire history
Kek. Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums.
>you'll never meet
More like never pay to see her "act" she won't meet my money
Is this an example of autism?
I'll hardly need to do that while so many stunted "men" are prepared to go into pants-pissing hysterics on Sup Forums.
Damn son, shots fired
Single mom detected hows that feminism paying your bills?
jlaw manages to look like a retarded fat blob even in a painting that's supposed to be flattering
I haven't seen this film yet but judging by the score I can tell it's pure Cinemagic
OH VEY!!!!!
>her shown being created removes her agency
Not the other user and I haven't seen it yet, but how do you conflate her origins with a lack of agency?
I agree, I don't understand Nazis
Considering what the different characters are stand-ins for, her lack of agency is not surprising, in fact it should be expected.
Can someone give me a quick rundown of this movie
It tells some stories from the bible from the beginning of time to the world's inevitable destruction and rebirth through a character drama.
A couple has the RUDEST house guests!
It's like Black Swan with biblical allegory and eating babies.
It's Aronofsky's retelling of The Bible, albeit the Cliff Notes version. It's not that bad a film really, but it'll be overrated by people who think it's deeper than it really is, and over hated by people who also think it's deeper than it really is, or just are so stupid they can't even grasp the most basic symbolism.
I'd like to see someone edit together a trailer for the movie as a comedy about a woman who just can't get rude people out of her house.
Movie critics don't have "knowledge of film."
>Aronofsky longs to be thought of as an artiste like Polanski, so Mother! includes cynical sentiments about male indifference (far less subtly than Polanski did). But an obsessive filmmaker doesn’t necessarily rise above schlockmeister status.
>Aronofsky fags on suicide watch.
I feel like everyone in my theater thought it was a comedy.
>Never make a movie starring the woman you are currently dating.
Did Aronofsky never learn fucking anything?
lol I was just thinking this. She looks so dumb in that poster.
I can't fathom how people still think JLaw is a good actress, shes absolutely been the worst part of every movie I've seen her in.
>religious man
>religious movies like Noah
>Making nihilistic trash.
Imagine being this much of a pleb
Please, hit me up on your Letterboxd
>Libcucks get triggered because a conservative black guy criticizes their favorite film.
>is Sup Forums that is super racist.
All this projection...
Do you need to ask? I mean... Ghostbusters.
Yes, that's what we're telling you, you fuckin moron
Naw, pretty sure it was a pile of shit disguised as an art piece. Pure garbage.
There's nothing about God in The Fountain. Spirituality dosen't begin or end with the idea of God.
He really downgraded.
Modern critics=glorified bloggers and nerd culture shills
Modern critics=/=knowledgeable on film