Cinegrid thread
Cinegrid thread
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Ok but stop posting garbage
I'm not the one posting capeshit
Spider-Man 1 and 2 are pure, unadulterated capekino. Spider-Man 3 had some kino moments too.
You need to go back.
nu-Sup Forums, everyone.
Say what you like about Spiderman 3, it was the best lovecraftian superhero movie.
Faggot everyone
Sounds like you migrated from Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>black bars
It was a little too kubricky to my taste. I'd prefer something more nolanesque with a slice of Lynch
Yeah, this one is good.
very nice
anyone got the french DKR one?
This looks like shit
No it fucking doesn't this Looks like shit. Get some taste autist.
sad that you cannot appreciate the horrible beauty of Italian giallo
r/eddit is the other way faggot
Back to >>>reddit M'lady
Italians aren't worth appreciating
fuck off with the chink movies fucking retarded Sup Forums rejects
I love the colors in this movie but I feel like it goes on for about 30 minutes too long.
You sound mad
No, it really does look like shit
>everything is way too dark
>that horrible bloom effect on all the highlights
>no depth due to the lighting
If a movie isn't shot with black and white in mind, it's most likely going to look terrible when you apply a monochromatic filter to it.
where is the fatkino grid?
you sound 5 foot
tfw my cinegrids are still getting posted
>yellow filter on the b&w scenes
Criterion just had to go and fuck it up somehow
It's sepia user
And it was sepia from the beginning. The non-criterion scans are extremely bad
Mosfilms scan is amazing and doesn't have the piss filter but it's only available on youtube.
thanks user
>This is the devil's playground.
Fuck man that shot really is amazing
>Mosfilms scan is amazing
It's VHS tier
Wrong on all counts
I'm talking about the new one you silly goose
>"Le Etrange Docteur"
"L'étrange Docteur"
I actually still have my original Fox Lorber VHS of Stalker. I refuse to believe that anything is worse than the quality on that.
Iunno, it's still restricted to a youtube video, which is gonna fuck up the bitrate
Is there one for Slacker?
The episode where they go to that outdoor museum is absolut kino.
kill yourself white flag
Altman is probably my favorite american director
I'm ashamed to say that was my first Altman film, but it was great
actually no wait, I've seen Short Cuts as well
Now watch McCabe and Mrs Miller, Nasvhille and Vincent and Theo
Will do, Nashville has been on my watchlist for a while