
Shit, was Fassbender in 300?

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thats his twin brother

I really don't get the flak 300 receives about using historical inaccuracies, it even uses historically accurate phrasings. Sure, Greek historians loved to blow shit out of proportions, but there are no other sources to base opinions on.

Also, what the fuck is this meme that the Persians, an invading army, were the actual good guys?

>Also, what the fuck is this meme that the Persians, an invading army, were the actual good guys?
maybe it's a Swedish meme


>Our BEES will blot out the sun!

Wasn't nearly gay enough to be historically accurate. Which can surprise people since it was pretty fucking gay.

One of the most overrated pieces of shit ever

Maybe you just don't have testosterone?


fuck little boys and kill their malnourished youth
first empire with a human rights code and religious tolerance

hmm, idk? its a tough one isnt it

Don't ya know that the Persians were multicultural and the Spartans were fascist xenophobes? This is literally the argument made against this film. Never mind that the Persian empire was built on slavery and conquest, never mind that the Spartans had adopted such a war centric mindset specifically because they were always being fucked with.

Do we have a 'can't xxx the xxx' for based Fassbender?

>horde of screaming niggers and arabs want to erase your culture and history or else enslave untold masses
>but the spartans are the bad guys!

>I keep it 300, like the Romans
What dd Kanye mean by this?

I just interpret the movie as being the representation of the storyteller's own dramatization. He's retelling the tale of the battle between the 300 and the Persians to inspire the Spartan army, so he's exaggerating aspects of the Persian empire. Xerces wasn't twice the size of a regular man, the Persian arrows didn't blot out the sun, the Immortals weren't demons, the Persians didn't employ strange sorcery or command abominations of nature; that's just him embelleshing the story to inspire his soldiers.

I didn't realize either
last time I saw it was before Fass was famous

he was implying that he's a dumb nigger who didn't even bother to look up whether 300 was based on greeks or romans before writing down this "masterpiece" of a lyric

>the scene where they're all laughing about his quip while 100000 arrows are raining against their shields
Man Kino. Kill the retards that call this movie gay.


No part of it is gay. People who say it is are just really insecure when they look at men with fit bodies.

Sexless manchildren and prudish women with warped views think that Snyder's celebration of masculinity is homosexual fascism


>fuck little boys
Pederasty was practiced by all Greek states, as well as by Persia and Rome. Pederasty rarely involved anal intercourse in any of these cultures; "over there, they fuck little boys" is a common insult historically that plays off the high standing youths were held in. The accusation tends to stick to Sparta the most because they have less surviving literature to disprove the notion that they spent their days fucking kids in the ass.

When is the last movie coming out?



Nu-males will never understand it. They only see gay references everywhere as conditioned to do so by liberal media.

The toppest of epic keks! Shadilay, my brother and good sir!

Socrates was a fat cunt who moaned and bitched about everything and everyone just because he thought it was funny

literally ourest of guys

was he /fit/?

no because he had morals and a general ideal

Diogenes was /ourguy/


>all that propaganda
Christ I hate millennials

Spartans were the most brutal slavers of their era. They were so dysfunctional, they literally couldn't do anything other than war without slaves. They were the closest thing to Klingons in human history.

>never mind that the Spartans had adopted such a war centric mindset specifically because they were always being fucked with.
Yeah they were pretty scared of their slave populations


sweet lord this bugman needs to go in a fucking oven

>Persians were multicultural and the Spartans were fascist xenophobes
This is true though

Can't fuck the ass of the Fass.

how are you so stupid to not realize what this means? he's not saying that 300 is about romans

Can't Hassle the Fassle


Pathetic beta Italians

>The Persian side, on the other hand, looks like a lot more fun; the orgy pit, which we’re apparently supposed to see as some sort of appalling gender-fluid hell, looks like a more pleasant place than anywhere in Sparta



300 in roman numerals is CCC

aka Calm, Cool, Collected

stop being a pleb for once in your life, please

300 in roman numerals is CCC

CCC=Cool, calm and collected

not that hard mate

It's still retarded lyrics though

The cuckhold's nightmare.

it's alright, not the best not the worst

hip hop lyrics don't always have to be deep or profound. one of my favourite lines is "got more soul than a sock with a hole"

>Never mind that the Persian empire was built on slavery

Wasn't slavery actually illegal for a period of time in the Persian empire? They let people keep their own gods and traditions too.

DUDE WHAT THE FUCK loloollolol

At what factory do they produce these things?

American """"educational systems"""""

Diogenes was an irl shitposter.

This guy gets it.

t. Didn't fuck 300 bitches while wearing Trojan condoms

He's fucking based as fuck thats what he meant
I miss you yeezy


I'm surprised more people don't get this, but then Snyder is forever misunderstood. To smart for dumb people and too "dumb" for "smart" people.

Nigger this isn't an interpretation. That is literally what it is.

The truth is he actually did use the 300 movie for this, but his agents/managers/etc found a way to relate it to the Romans. He's a fucking moron

muh they let ppo have their own beliefs

so did a lot of totalitarian states that would kill millions.

300 is a great movie. I saw it twice in the theater when it came out. So many badass lines
>he is your son
>I have others to replace him

>you are a good friend, but a better captain, there is none

Meanwhile, Snyder is spending late nights in his cavernous office working on the upcoming Justice League movie. He’s also thinking about making films that aren’t comic book adaptations. Sort of. One of these days, he’d like to make one about George Washington in the style of 300. He has a picture in his office of the Revolutionary War hero crossing the icy Delaware on his way to decimate the British in the Battle of Trenton. “We were talking about it,” Snyder says. “The first thing we asked was, well, how are we going to make it look? I pointed at this painting. It looks like 300. It’s not that hard.”

>revolutionary war movie in the style of 300
Yes please.


no need to be rude senpai, last time I saw this movie I was 16


that's pretty good, but if there's one historical setting that deserves a 300-type adaptation it's the conquest of Mesoamerica by conquistadors

>was he /fit/?
As fit as the doctors who publish their monthly articles, suggesting that adults should work-out for at least 30 minutes a day.

>I pointed at this painting. It looks like 300. It’s not that hard.”


300 was great because it was about a state defending against a much larger enemy. Conquistadors in that case would be the Persians.

The Conquistadors themselves numbered only a few hundred, desu. Pizarro conquered the Incan empire with less than 200 men.

I remember the days when Cracked was good. I can't believe how far they've fallen.