"He is exercising his constitutional right to make a statement, I think there is a long history of sports figures doing so" said Obama at a press conference at a G20 meeting in China.
Obama: Kaepernick is protesting "real, legitimate issues"
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And we will use our first amendment right to criticize him.
He looks like Zach Delarocha.
This is for the people of the sun!!!!!!
Heh...niggers have no self control.
Look at him melt down when yet another nig can't mentally handle the Qb position.
Is Kaepernick a sand-nigger or just a nigger? I cannot tell.
This isn't news. Nobody on the planet expected Obunga to say anything otherwise.
He's a shitty football player, good luck after getting suspended for being a shitty sport.
He has time for this muzzie fag, but not Duterte? Is that supposed to be an insult?
community agitator in chief
Good. I also don't stand for the pledge because america is no longer america
Didn't he say something about Hillary being unfit?
42DD Harpoon hex map wargame
Mixed I believe. (White, black)
You should write him a letter. And tell him how you feel
he's setting himself for post presidency work, he's going back to "community organizer"
What a fucking piece of shit. Fuck him
we should write it together!
here I'll start
So this nigger who sat during the anthem,
has become a WORLD problem?
Fuck the starving kids, fuck the economy, fuck Venezuela dying in the streets and WW3 coming up,
The dude who was sittin at the athem? He da real important issue.
- Please KEK let Obama be arrested.
give me a gun and ill do it desu
Illuminati psyop just look at his hair.
Obama is doing everything he can to incite civil strife, or worse. Why?
I don't think he's doing anything to incite it, but he sure isn't doing anything to stop it.
I don't believe he supports Kaepernick's decision to sit during the anthem, but, since he decided to be an ideologue he trapped himself and now has to dodge questions for fear of alienating folks. Congrats, we neither have a man nor a principle in charge of the country. Instead, we have Obama's ideology.
He despises America, wants to crush the American spirit and kill the American dream.
did you forget what country your in?
go buy one
>Das my son right there
Except he doesnt necessarily have that freedom. I cannot use company time to make personal political statements and im not under contract for millions of dollars.
Of course it is a legitimate issue, how is this even controversial?
Look at these two shitskin, black eyed mongrels. They're not even human to me, Kaepernick looks like a typical beady black eyed muzzie psychopath.
When the founders created this country, they didn't create a cult of personality, they created a country where you could freely express yourself.
Choosing to not stand for the Pledge is incidentally just as American as choosing to stand for it.
I think any active duty or retired service member will tell you that protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States includes actions such as these.
Just like Louisiana eh boss?
"The government is oppressing African-American!"-African American Presidential
Lol Obama should stop oppressing black people.
>two guys abandoned by their black fathers and raised selflessly by white people grow up to blame white people for all of their problems
>Act like a huge faggot
>Make it topical
>Get universal praise and even praised by the president
Yeah, sums things up pretty well
You don't speak for any service members. Most would argue that they do support people saying what they want, but they are not about to support sedition and people who have no intention of protecting America or it's rights. Fuck you if you support these two seditious cocksuckers - turning America into an islamist-apologist commie pisshole is not American, kill yourself.
fuckin boooom
Can't wait for this stupid nigger to finally be out of office. It's been a long 8 years.
Both of them are OREOs hilariously trying to outnigger themselves to the average basketball-american
holy shit praise kek
>niggers supporting other niggers tribally
i envy them for this.
>a fucking ball of hair
can't make that shit up.
>A boy like Kaepernick could have been my son.
but he's not a starter even tho
I absolutely do speak for them. If you agree to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States", a part of that is protecting the right to freedom of expression.
Seems you are more interested in only allowed people to express your opinion, which is extremely unAmerican. Perhaps you should be the one killing yourself.
He has the right to not stand during the pledge of allegiance, just like his sponsors have the right to pull their sponsorship. Unless #BLM or Correct The Record has a deodorant bar or cereal, he is only dooming himself. Typical nigger.
Obama has been siting down during the National Anthem his whole life.
In 1981, young Barry and his Pakistani boy friend celebrated Ramadan in Pakistan.
Bambam is a complete stooge at this point. His voice even has developed a faint shake and he stutters every fucking time he said Trumps name.
This idiot only makes it worse by backing Colin freaking Kapernik. He thinks he's pushing violence but he forgets his marxist group is shrinking by the day leaving only the craziest select few.
It's gonna be some revolution, lads, trust meh.
>'black people are oppressed'
>makes millions playing a game
Sedition is not protected by the constitution. Did you even take that oath you fucking faggot? I did. You're going to sit here and run your fucking mouth, pretending like you own me? Fucking WASP scum, I can smell you from a mile away.
I'm seriously ready to start killing Americans.
that nigga aint even black
Should we write it in cursive?
If you took the oath, then you know what it means. This isn't sedition by any form, Kaepernick is not calling for an overthrow of the government. If anything, he probably supports the current President.
Don't be a jackass because someone disagrees with your opinion. The whole point of the 1st Amendment Constitution is being able to disagree without killing people.
>I'm seriously ready to start killing Americans.
It's been my anecdotal experience that anyone who has Obama or progressive proclivities on their facebook/instagram/twitter or even bumper stickers does not get hired.
White females are the largest group of whites who put Obama into the White House.
If God Emperor loses, white females should "pay"
Fuck you scumbag. These people are working towards the end goal of destroying western and white civilization. It absolutely will end in killing, and I would absolutely fucking kill you.
You speak for no one. Don't ever be this arrogant in public, thinking that you speak for "service members" or the constitution, or you're going to end up in the fucking hospital
Subversive sack of fucking shit. You will pay ten fold.
Hell, I support people that are white leaning, ethnically. That's what we have to do. Specifically, part white and caucasioid.
If you took the oath, it's quite clear you certainly don't believe in it. It's very clear that defending the Constitution means defending all of it - not just the parts you like.
This is easily interpreted and why I do speak for you in this case. If this were ambiguous then maybe you could argue that I misinterpreted the oath. But it is very clear what it means.
American Civilization is based on the principle of open debate and free exercise of expression. Killing people over their opinions is what the Founders were fleeing.
And I have the right to cut a huge fart during a wedding ceremony
These things are technically allowed but they are still dick moves. That race bating retard knew exactly what kind of backlash he would get and he id it anyway because he knows he's a shit player and he had to do something relevant to keep from getting replaced
Expressing left wing ideas is literally the least edgy thing you can do right now.
"He is exercising his constitutional right to make a statement"
Yes, I agree with that.
But he is not protesting "real, legitimate issues". What he's doing is just stupid.
kek no such thing. 1/2 nigger is essentially full nigger
They also wouldn't have considered Kapernick to be a human being. They were right about that, too.
Does niggerdick taste like maple syrup, canacuck?
Perhaps. But the Constitution has been amended, giving citizenship rights to those descended from the slaves.
fuck off with your website you dumb piece of shit shill.
The president that is defending his "constitutional" right is the same one that wants to abolish the constitution.
Yes, I'm sure a Brazilian pardo is an expert on American Constitutional law.
Yeah and? Actions and words always have consequences. At least that's what the violent liberals preach. I hope this faggot gets absolutely no endorsements and gets put in place for bringing the wrong side of politics into the sports scene. It's more than likely it was publicity advice from his publicist because he knew he was going to get cut.
This liberal rhetorical slight is so fucking annoying. No one said the government should arrest Kaepernick or the government should fine him. Literally fucking no one. Mr. President, you are just pandering to the Democratic base which is full of fucking idiots. Absolutely shameful.
I'm saying what he wants, not what he can do.
Legitimate race issues like why 68% of NFL players are black when blacks only make up 13% of the United States.
Half white jew half nig
>two successful niggers raised by whites complain about how the white people are oppressing them
Fuck this world.
The national anthem is a complete joke and just an opportunity for some singer to jerk themselves off for two minutes. It used to be considered disrespectful to clap after the national anthem but I bet most all of you do so. Who gives a shit?
I support his right to not stand, but I also support the right to say I think he's an attention-seeking faggot who's maximising his publicity as his career is ending
can he read??
OK, fine, he exercised his first amendment rights. Fine. That isn't anything that anybody has taken issue with. The content of the protest ("The state still uses violence against black people") is what's retarded.
No, I'm not saying that gunning down unarmed black kids is a fun and cool and moral thing to do. I'm saying that having a police force is a condition for the possibility of living an ethical life in a modern state. A police force that can't use force isn't a police force. A state that doesn't have a monopoly on violence, and which doesn't ever use violence, is not a state. A state which excludes one race from punishment because it is that particular race, rather than another, is a racist state.
White people are victims of police violence, too, but guess what? White people, proportionally, seem to have a better understanding of the function of the law and law enforcement: protection of life and property. The police aren't there to make you feel comfortable. They're there to prevent you from stealing things and murdering people. If you steal things or murder people, and then threaten the life of a police officer while he's on duty, then you should, by all rights, be shot. No, it isn't pretty. No, it isn't how you want it to be. Yes, that's how it is--criminals are criminals. The law is the law. Let God sort them out.
Fuck you, the first thing I did this year was sing the National Anthem at a New Years party, the entire party sang along, it's the only thing Americans have in common at this point. Stars and Stripes Forever, niqqa