Russian Cyber Attack False Flag: Psyop Confirmed

Guys, the Department of Homeland Security is pushing the narrative of a Russian cyber attack on our elections HARD so that they can take over the elections. This is EXACTLY what DHS wants and also what Hillary wants.

If the DHS is given authority to oversee US elections, you can kiss all hope goodbye. Once DHS has control it is done. They are pushing this false flag psyop hard.

We need to do something about this. While we know the DHS is behind this, John Q Public is ignorantly asleep to reality.

Other urls found in this thread:

hey don't worry about it dude

This is the real deal, folks.

DHS has been talking about taking over the elections for a few weeks now. On August 28, Politico had an article reasoning why the DHS wants to take over the elections as they view them as vital infrastructure.

This is it, boys. Get in your battle stations. The Dawn is here. they're going to steal the election.

we need to prepare for an economic collapse after they steal the election, too. they'll probably use that to take focus off the scandal and try to consolidate power.

Bugger off leaf

What are we supposed to do?

We need to gather as much crucial information that we can. Any incontrovertible information that absolutely, objectively, proves their criminal scheming. This is an information war, a cyber war and we're the front lines of the cyber war. It is our duty to spread this information like wildfire.

We should probably get /cfg/ on this.

Why can't they just let Trump win


They're very bad people.

What was that original OP post?

>Expery computer scientist here

Kek getd me everytime.

Anyway how the fuck coukd Russia even interfere with a US general election?

If the DC actually took control they would get away with it. Majority of Americans literally only care about celebs, food and niggers.

I hooe i'm wrong though

>Expert computer scientist here

Kek gets me everytime.

Anyway how the fuck could Russia even interfere with a US general election?

If the DC actually took control they would get away with it. Majority of Americans literally only care about celebs, food and niggers.

I hope i'm wrong though

A thread last night that was slided and deleted by mods

>Anyway how the fuck could Russia even interfere with a US general election?
Same way Hillary does

Everything is already fucked markets are killed, she is the key to war or obama will delay the election and do as he pleases.

Hey man it's all good I wouldn't worry about it if I were you

explain Sup Forums getting froze, i was a Sup Forumsmblr tard back then

>the Department of Homeland Security is pushing the narrative of a Russian cyber attack on our elections HARD so that they can take over the elections.

guys I'm going to have to remind you that the entire department of homeland security would not get up to some bullshit like that, but I am quite certain they would do everything necessary to prevent such a thing, ain't nobody in any agencies wants anything to do with the Clinton Trump fight

Not just deleted /pol was taken down for a few minutes

Yes, good goy. #Russiadidnddunuffin

Are you shilling or pretending to be stupid

$0.50 has been delivered to your account. CTR thanks you for your service.

elements within those agencies absolutely get up to shit like that, we need to examine the best government installing units on the globe, thats who they usually hire

Why the womb of artemis?

Artemis was the god of wilderness, wild animals, childbirth and virginity

this has nothing to do with nuclear fallout or Hillary

T. Ctr

Even if that is the case, if Hillary is STILL pushing for this, it might just be coming straight from the top with nobody in the organization wanting to be apart of it.

It fits Hillary's MO, she goes after the heads of departments, and not much anyone else, except for people who learn to much and end up dead.


>dhs doesn't have any political agenda

It said womb of Artemis read the post right and it's a code name for a biker. You can make anything have a code name

The ancient Greeks also believed that death came when Artemis shot you with an arrow.

So the death symbolism could have something to do with it.

oh shit I was in that thread. It's all happening exactly the way that leakanon said it would.

Oh damn


Start a catchy hastag to attract the normies.

>Are you shilling or pretending to be stupid

not shilling, I'm saying the teams who do this work may be wearing uniforms with letters but it is a team specially selected because they are good at the government installation business

just like the one General Edward Lansdale ran in Dallas in 1963

find out who we use to overthrow foreign governments, find out who foreign governments use to over throw governments, keep an eye on these teams of people, and then they will have to use less talented staff to do these jobs, because all their best people are known and thus taken out of action, you already know what orders would have to be given to achieve this, what crimes have to be committed to achieve such a scheme, prevent it from happening, there are millions of you and thousands of them

it's already over

It's kinda obvious trump is burning her in this election she needs all the rigging, all the scandals, and the medias attention to win

still not as bad as the CIA honoring the x-files by posting their favorite unsolved UFO cases

these guys need to stop trying to be popular and do their fucking jobs already

the childbirth thing fits. their womb of artemis is how they're going to survive the nuclear war and repopulate the earth in their image.

>they're going to try to steal the election
Fixed that for you. If we resist their criminality, they'll fail or not even try in the first place.

she's done, we're just waiting for her to throw in the towel and let Biden step in and throw it by molesting teenage girls on stage

Was there when it happened.

Have you read the news user they. Are literally saying we want to take over the election.

This is the bullshit narrative they need to sink trump support. Its sad that they cant attack him on any of the issues, just only on made up lies

I don't think she will throw In the towel someone tells or forces her to, even if she had cancer she won't leave.

That is exactly the meaning behind the symbolism.

Remember, the elite want to depopulate the world. It is impossible to control 7 billion people. But 500 million is a far more feasible number to control. The elite are trying to recreate Babylon with their New World Order. One world. One race. One language. No true identity. They want people to be like cattle without names, only numbers.

>Have you read the news user they. Are literally saying we want to take over the election.

yeah and it's just making them look like retarded assholes not like they needed any help,

trump has this in the bag, everyone is just letting Hillary do her thing and she'll probably have a heart attack and die during a debate and be a historical account of why you shouldn't fuck with people when occult memetics exists

Yeah, its odd. at least once a week Sup Forums and only Sup Forums is down for 15 minutes or so around 2 to 4 am Est.

something is really fucky.

What if we ask really nice to the black hat hackers to go on a hacking frenzy from all corners of the globe. Then when they announce the entire world is hacking the USA, the hackers can show proof that all of them did it from within the US borders.
Literally show them you can fake cyber attack locations.

Because they know she is the most corrupt one of them all, they can't really attack him or defend her, trump will counter both things.

Call it "Operation Strawman" or something, and the goal is to show them how fucking insane it is to threaten military responses to cyber attacks.

we will determine how, I think she should arrive to the debates naked and refuse to be clothed with a lot of ranting and coughing

Because really no one on here knows those guys, and they don't feel like getting whacked or vanned by the CIA.

because trump is putins cuckold which he(putin) uses to launder his billions of dollars.

So you're telling me out of all the 1000's of government employees, none of them are even a little bit worried about this cyber attack = WW3 comment?

What are they going to do? Rig a rigged election?

I'm hoping the only reason they are pushing for this is that they realize it's been rigged and want to step in and prevent it.

But blind hope is for fools. I'm gonna need the DHS to comment.

I'm waiting.

What are they going to do? We are so far down the rabbit hole there is no more light.

If someone really had the balls to do it they will, but for now they probably won't. Wait hang on what about that thing with the NSA tools being sold. I smell kikery.

Ukraine is Russia, gtfo.

the clintons already did that to our uranium, openly

Oh yea you're on to something, NSA tools + voting machines. Those tools are going to come up again soon.

Why not just use paper ballots.................

well, that makes sense. I was wondering what the endgame for this election between two unelectable candidates would be

I think this faggot forgets we have two political parties. The republicans have billions of corrupt money, no way they wouldn't burn down the country to stop Clinton

we have two political parties, but they're two sides of the same coin. Both Ds & Rs are paid off snd bought by (((they)))

*cough* soros *cough*

>hanging chad 2: no escape boogaloo

If they used paper ballots that would mean Trump wins for sure. They would never let the people actually decide the next president.

because then its harder to rig the ellection

only retarded goyim believe the Russia-boogeyman narrative

That's a bingo, fellas.


t. self-hating russian

>implying that russia did not make the donations to make it look like the clintons were bought, in order to discredit them.

you must assume that the parties in the negotiations are fucking retards huh?

>is leaf



Ukraine is a region of Russia that westerners have been trying to take for a long time. The chief defining feature of Ukriane, is the fact that Poland controlled that (Russian) territory for a long time and influenced the culture in an attempt to divide Russia into an eastern Muscovite half, and a Polish western half.

Because its hard to steal elections that use paper ballots because recounts and oversight.

Such a simple yet profound answer.

There is no good reason why we switched from paper ballots.

Since the stakes are high, there is a huge incentive for cheating.

Electronic voting machines are exploitable and made by companies who are cronies to the establishment. I would estimate that the chance of cheating is 100%.

what are we counting down to, comrade?

Nobody knows.

do you know how long it's been up?

what can we do

is it too late?

im willing to sacrifice my own life if I have to

seems like our only saving grace is for somebody to do something covertly that if I said would get me v&

I guess we find out next week.

unlike you faggots we do not have the luxury of being ideologically driven, we do whatever we need to gain and retain stability.

having the current government build relations with the west is important, but what is more important(and what most ukrainians want) is for the west to put pressure on our oligarchs in order to reduce corruption(which putin want btw) to a sufficient level.

populists cannot do any of these tasks so there is no point voting for them.


or maybe you're just some guy trying to lull everyone into a false sense of security so Trump could win the popular vote and still lose the election

according to the JS it runs for 1473894000 seconds.

someone do the math, im looking to see what happens when it clicks over.

DHS can't even handle airport security, the American public thinks DHS is a ridiculous waste of money on overpaid incompetents. We have the edge, the people will not trust DHS with wiping a runny nose let alone running an election.

Our strategy right needs to be discrediting and ridiculing the DHS, expose the DHS as a boondoggle frankenstein of no-work jobs that is sucking our taxpayer dollars. We need to defund and disintegrate the DHS.

Ideas rule the world, not wealth. You can't create state without the idea. No matter how rich you are.

>replacing russkiy oligarchy with E-JEW oligarchs

Dumb хoхoл

If they do this, if the leftists really go through with tampering, halting or otherwise subverting the election I am going to start killing Americans. Fucking 100%. Truckloads of ANFO, burning hundreds of people to death. Any fed that interferes will fucking die.

Leftists need to die. They need to fucking die, there is absolutely no way forward in civilization without slaughtering these leftist demons. This planet will burn and we will never see the stars if we do not kill leftists and kikes right now.

>we do whatever we need to gain and retain stability.
Worked out great for you.

I dont think that means what you think it means

hhhmmmmm says the retard who voted to leave the EU on putins behest.

putin goes in to syria to bomb residential areas using shit like cluster munitions, in order to create more refugees so retards like you would develope and spread anti eu sentiment, which is exactly what putin wants, for a powerful unified europe is not to his advantage, but dumbfucks like you cannot see how you are just a fucking puppet on strings, getting fucked in the ass real hard.

17058 days 23:00:00

I downloaded the page and fiddled with the JS and the clock just stops but there is a protected server call for a new script once the clock finishes.

Looks like we wolnt know until we know.


Americans stop shitposting for 5 minutes and contact your fucking reps and demand hand counted paper ballots. There is no other way.

there was a thread on plebbit that mentioned this facebook account.

facebook com/Mr.T33th/?rc=p

do you know anything about that?

literally assassinate george soros and everyone in his little black book

Say hello to the FBI for us