Why do republicans hate women?

Why do republicans hate women?

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Why do women hate babies?

Dems lost the 2014 elections


Not that it mattered since Ryan is a total cuck

the jews told them babies are evil parasites and they actually bought it


>in 2014 the women will hit back


Why am I obligated to like women?

Why am I obligated to like anyone?


fuck you.

What a fag

>in 2014 the women will hit back

Ouch, I think?

Sorry senpai I've got immunity cat I don't have to repl- wait

Why exactly do women act like abortion laws are entirely about them? Since when do men have zero responsibility for the children outside of nigger ghettos? Anti-abortion legislation is meant to keep whites nondegenerate. Shame about the niggers though, they'll fuck either way.

Women really would run the world much better than men.


You fucker

Really makes you think

Mods mods mods

Let's call a spade a spade- Republicans don't hate women they hate socialism. You fucking cutnt

Republicans realize women are just children with tits, and need to be controlled.


Why do liberals like to say that republicans hate women? Throwing the word "hate" around isn't an argument. Women have been pushed into roles they can not preform or understand correctly. This is bad for both men and women.

shills out

Immunity cat bby

>January 10, 1878
U.S. Senator Aaron Sargent (R-CA) introduces Susan B. Anthony amendment for women’s suffrage; Democrat-controlled Senate defeated it 4 times before election of Republican House and Senate guaranteed its approval in 1919. Republicans foil Democratic efforts to keep women in the kitchen, where they belong.

wtf i'm a democrat now

they don't hate women, they don't think its fair women have it easier and they just keep wanting it easier and easier


Jokes on you I read the cloud in panel 1


at least my mother is not dying tonight

why do women hate life and themselves?

Go fuck yourself, you fucking faggot.

How's that for a reply?



The Saudis are big contributors (up to $25 million) to Hillary's Clinton Foundation

You're not even trying.

Go suck an egg faggot

Republicans really have nothing against women, well the good looking ones at least.

Republicans only hate the ugly women/women with mental problems.

They only act like this to make it seem like it's directed towards all women, but all the sexy women know they can use their looks to get what they want.

Do you ever see any ugly Republican women? (Excluding the old redneck women, who clearly hate niggers, Jews, and spics.)


Why do women hate me?

>Why do women hate babies?
Because we're already overpopulated, and someones gotta pay for that little leech. No one is entitled to anything, and a fetus sure as shit isn't entitled to life.

Fucking shit up quietly.


Huma Abedin's family connection to the Muslim Brotherhood specifically Huma's mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, a sociologist known for her strong advocacy of Sharia Law. Even the nasty part regarding female genital mutilation. That's your Dem feminism for ya.


Right wingers love women more because they don't want them to be whores and undermine and weaken society with feminism.

This is retarded.

Identity politics. It's losing its power/

Western women are the most coddled, privileged, life-on-easy-mode creatures ever to have existed. Not even those monkeys in Indian temples or Hindu cows have it better.

And still they bitch and moan and complain. Their grasping selfish shortsighted actions and emotions based decision making are destroying civilization that man built.

Shouldn't have given them the right to vote.

God damn you! Fuck yourself!

>Because we're already overpopulated

By what standard/measure?




Why do women hate women?


