Fucking urinal users.
Sit down to pee for your feminist girlfriend
Women are so jelly
How is it a privilege to stand? Isn't it a privilege to sit on your fat dumb whore ass and relax while overflowing in WIC. standing is the next thing to working, something women wouldn't know about.
>yfw you realize this stupid slag is a millionaire
>standing up to pee is privilege
>standing up to pee is privilege
>standing up to pee is privilege
>standing up to pee is privilege
>standing up to pee is privilege
So fucking done with this shit.
>yfw an obese millionaire jew tells you you're privileged
How else am I supposed to pee on your face then?
Lol fuck that women should stand up and pee.
>standing up to pee is privilege
>urinal use is lazy
>urinal use is rooted in gender inequality
Only the last of these could even remotely be considered true, since it's true that men can more easily pee while standing up than women. By the same token, PMS is a female privilege.
Standing > Squatting > Sitting
Poo in loos get it
Lena Dunham is racist against Indians.
I actually prefer toilet stalls to urinals.
1. They're private.
2. You get to sit down (for someone like me who works on his feet 8 hours a day, that's awesome)
3. They're dual-purpose. Where I work, the men's rooms only have 1 urinal and 1 toilet. If someone is taking a shit and I need to take a shit, too, I have to wait. If it was just 2 toilet stalls, everyone could win.
Honestly, who even told women we have urinals?
i just piss in the sink since im not a manlet
id also piss in lenas mouth if i ever saw her irl 2bh
>TFW women peeing standing is your fetish
Why don't women use these more often?
>Making products to simulate peeing with a penis
Penis envy lol
I'll just piss in the sink then.
>2. You get to sit down (for someone like me who works on his feet 8 hours a day, that's awesome)
>implying this makes you special, in any way
>Expelling urine
And we will be called sexist for pointing out this cunts bullshit. The things feminists are willing to bitch over is almost amusing.
Y'all niggas are stupid... Clearly it's satire.
The right has no sense of humor
We should remove tampon vending machines and bins from all bathrooms for the same reason, fuck privileged females for getting their own convenient accessories. Mah equality!
Aesop's tale of the dog in the manger.
Who the fuck would complain about a urinal. Silence, hog!
Those who eat from troughs shouldn't cast stones!
Men, this is our call to action to piss all over women's bathrooms. For equality.
Standing burns more calories than sitting, something dumb-ham does a lot of.
What the fuck is wrong with this country?
And secondly, why isn't Lena Dunham dead yet?
Toilet takes twice as along, minimum, and that's when standing at it. If you drop trou and sit to piss the time goes from 45 seconds to at least 2 minutes if not more.
> tl;dr waste of time.
>urinal use is lazy
Stupid women being ignorant again. Urinal are economical and space conserving. It's not like we can just piss anywhere we want to anymore without becoming sex offenders
It's not men's fault that she's too fat and disgusting to support her own weight to stand to pee.
You don't have to, womens' bathrooms are much dirtier than mens' bathrooms.
Fuck off jealous whore
No it's not satire. Some SJWs think that.
Your not a millionaire? Wow go to /r9k/
>Doing things your male body allows you too is an unnecessary privilege
Next they will be saying that being naturally stronger than women is a privilege and we will all be required to take estrogen pills.
Fine get rid of em. Gonna really effect my aim though. Women can clean my piss off the seat then.
>You don't have to, womens' bathrooms are much dirtier than mens' bathrooms.
yeah you're right. women are disgusting.
It's like feminists are begging me to use their gender neutral bathrooms and piss/jizz all over their gender neutral toilets
Why are feminists attacking standing to pee now? What possible impact does it have on them?
I have a narrow urethra and if I'm not standing to piss I simply can't get a decent flow going.
Example, involuntarily piss while shitting, finish, feel a bit more piss still there, finish standing up
How dare they suggest sitting be the default for everyone simply because it's easier for them? Why is my comfort not considered?
Actually raged. This cancer needs to stop.
>Why is my comfort not considered?
As a white male your comfort is privilege.
Because you are a FUCKING WHITE MALE
>What possible impact does it have on them?
Ugh, fucking white males don't get it. When you stand to pee you are OPPRESSING us by putting that image in our minds. I don't want to think about how you get to pee while you are standing, that isn't fair for me.
They don't really need it unless they're out camping where squatting down is a bad idea (predators tend to attack squatting people)
If she's not joking then this woman is deeply mentally ill.
desu its not hard to be loaded when your parents are
They start taking away urinals, I'lls start destroying toilets, It will look like a 100 poo in loos used it as a designated shitting street.
I can't tell if she actually has autism or just that delusional
>tfw shy bladder
>tfw I can't piss in urinals
I pee sitting down when I wake up in the middle of the night
Got tired of cleaning up after I miscalculated my angles
Way ahead of you bro.
me too bro
>urinals are significantly cheaper and more efficient than stalls
>every bathroom in the world spends more time, money, effort and resources to make women's bathrooms as accomadating as men's
>this bitch doesn't recognize that SHE is the privileged one
If we treated women's rooms as we do men's, women would be pissing in a hole in the floor like the japs. Imagine the shitstorm from THAT
I kind of want to date like a hardcore feminist that wants to destroy my masculinity but loves me for the woman she will force me to become
the degenerate excitement will push me to do more and more until i have a breakdown and run away and post from my hidey-cabin while yankin to crazy memories
wasn't she the crazy bitch that recently accused Odell Beckham of body-shaming her based on some conversation she had in her head?
I have an intense fear of peeing while standing up due to petty childhood trauma, and have been sitting down to pee ever since I've been In kindergarten.
[spoiler]Am I a good feminist ally?
Don't you mean...
>yfw an obese millionaire sister diddling jew tells you you're privileged
>yfw people actually go along with this shit
Western civilization is doomed
Why does anybody pay attention to this delusional whack-job?
>blaming nature for making men better
I want to use a woman mouth as a urinal
I like to piss in toilets with the door open.
you sit down so she can toss your salad first.
that's because their piss goes everywhere
Yes. Also:
>...based on some conversation she had in her head?
The best description of women ever.
>Sit down to pee for your feminist girlfriend
Who's the girlfriend now tho?
Holy hell. She is actually engaged to someone. I can't imagine the punishment that fucking cuck goes though.
I would poo and pee all over her if you know what I mean
I sit down to pee but only at home and only because I hate cleaning my bathroom
it prevents it from splashing about
Me too buddy. Makes no sense. I am confident as hell in all other aspects of life, but I am so piss shy it's ridiculous.
In a self defense situation, I would kill Lena Dunham and her faggot father too.
if you miss the fucking bowl first clean that shit up, second get some damn glasses you blind asshole.
Marking out the territory. a strong scent for a strong man.
can't have strong men in a cucked nation.
Gotta weed em out before they lay eggs.
Removing urinals will not eliminate a man's ability to urinate while standing. How can they not see this?
not to mention falling over
you don't even have to turn the light on, just find the toilet, sit down, don't sit on your balls, and go for it
Urinals are quick, hygienic, and water efficient. No doubt this sister-fister is butthurt that women are the wasteful ones in the bathroom (both time, water, and paper), not men.
I know exactly what you mean.
Women aren't open fields, though.
Without urinals guys are going to just pee standing at the toilet which is unhygienic as fuck.
Ill sooner begin a mass genocide of women and numales before im forced to sit piss
Penis envy all day long. It's almost sad, feminist have made it so all women are just inferior versions of men, instead of being women.
You forgot to add how it is easier to wipe your vagina if you are sitting.
sticking pebbles up your sisters vee jay is a kind of privilege too
Who /peesstandingupinthestall/?
This isn't real. I checked on her twitter, and that guy that she replied to, and it is not there.
You sure that you aren't just getting messed with, op?
Urinals make it easier for us with arthritis.
Meanwhile I bet she enjoys being in fucked the ass with no lube while getting punched in the back of the head.
i just cant it anymore
I sit down to piss so I can shitpost.
do you pull your pants right down to your ankles?
Americans that don't understand this is satire, it's like people who love blazing saddles because they say nigga, no you dumb fuck their laughing at you.
it's called the dunkey punch
Yes, but it would make male life slightly more inconvenient, thats all that matters
Having tits is privilege, you man-hating B-actress pig fucker.
Why exactly can't women just use urinals themselves?
Couldn't they theoretically aim their clit so it goes into a urinal? Clits are already like mini-dicks so it doesn't sound too unfeasible.