What's a good safe place to move to if Hillary is elected?
New Zealand maybe?
What's a good safe place to move to if Hillary is elected?
New Zealand maybe?
Stay and fight. Some of is are adamant on fighting her.
Canada is totally safe... just stay away from anyone who owns a crossbow.
Run away little drumpster. We need less racists anyway.
You aren't welcome here if you aren't Chinese or Middle Eastern.
I will never live amongst fucking leafs in the most cucked country in the hemisphere. I'll probably go down under
Are you guys really that cucked
Go to Australia, they fucking LOVE Americans.
I'm thinking Poland. Lol (Sup Forumsand)
New Zealand is fucked too many people moving here.
>good safe place to move
Probably one of those heavily segregated, walled, 99% white communities that most liberals live in.
You're a fucking r-selected coward, no better than the "Syrian" "refugees" invading Europe instead of improving their homelands. Get the fuck out of my country right now, don't wait for the election. We don't need your kind here.
The problem is that of our two main parties, one actively supports the influx, and the other supports it passively.
>wanting to move to a place where Dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesiątdziewięćmiliardówdziewięćsetdziewięćdziesiątdziewięćmilionówdziewięćsetdziewięćdziesiątdziewięćtysięcydziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcioletniego is a word
Stay brother we need your for the good fight ... /K/ might have our backs but I wouldn't count on it...
mfw ours is nowhere near bad, i've been living in auckland for years and i still haven't seen an arab.
Though sometimes it seems like i'm living in little Tokyo
into an oven you fucking jew
Really makes me cough.
>New Zealand maybe?
I want to live inna hobbit hole too.
We only have female arabs.
We just call them pregnant tents here.
>people bitching that if someone wins they are going to move
Will people shut the fuck up with that? No you aren't. Practically no one ever, ever goes through with that.
Yes. New Zealand also has the upside of not being full.
Yeah good option, especially if you look nip
>Practically no one ever, ever goes through with that.
Why would they? things are going to be comfy until the big market crash hits.
My best mate works at the refugee center up here and he's been saying some pretty good stuff, it seems we get small groups at a time and they mix all the cultures together so they're forced to interact.
I think what we've got going seems pretty good, if only Germany did this and actually screened their arabs.
She won't be elected lad. I'm certain of it.
Leave like a little bitchinstead of fighting for your nation. Okay.
You can't just move wherever you feel like, retard. Deal with the political scene you created. Hillary is your impending ruler and queen.
Fuck you shitlord. I'm white and educated. I have a wife and kids. I don't want to leave but I have to protect my fucking family
>I have a wife and kids. I don't want to leave but I have to protect my fucking family
I'm married with three daughters, and enough guns to arm all of us four times over. Stop being a pussy and start acting like an American.
>Stop being a pussy and start acting like an American.
You first.
>the record corrected