Redpill me on monarchism/traditionalism

Redpill me on monarchism/traditionalism.

Is this the meme for me if I want to return to traditional values and gender roles?

>Redpill me on monarchism/traditionalism.
It's the best, most natural, and most beneficial system for humanity.

Give me the sources.

>Sources on opinions, however observable

For the Europeans, monarchy is probably the best option. They are not culturally advanced enough for Republicanism.

For Americans, we should not degenerate back into monarchy. We should just reaffirm our Republicanism.

Monarchism is for you if you want to be a fucking retard. And if you want to be a dumbass monarchist get the fuck out of America, go to some shithole that has a king for you to worship.

Weak b8.

Democracy: The God that Failed
By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Defense of feudal monarchism, which is distinct from absolute and constitutional monarchies.
Very enlightening red pill, highly recommend


brit here

just would like to point out u no

we err

we kinda had the biggest empire nnnn sheeeeeit

under a monarch

so theres that an sheeeeeit


What's up with the royal families and the NWO?

Will they just die with the gentiles?

Is this some kind of joke?
Republicanism is fundamentally shit. It's resulted in what we have today, the most politically oppressive era in human history.
It was a mistake from the start, we need to go back.

>Democracy: The God that Failed
Wikipedia tells me the book shifts into an argument for An-Cap?

the Hapsburgs were inbreds

more seriously tho

constitutional monarchy>absolute monarchy>anything else>anarchy>"republics"(pro tip they are just slightly altered monarchy in their own right)

>Rule of law is a joke

Abandoning our Republican roots and shitting on the Constitution is what led to our current political situation.

Oh no!

Hoppe is ancap, and argues that feudal monarchism is the end to ancap means. In other words, feudalism is the result of the natural order being allowed to prevail.
The beginning and majority of the book are criticisms of publicly owned governments (I.e. Democracy and republics) and defense of feudalism.

This is the only way for it to work

Monarchism is the only chance we have at truly preserving conservative values. It's also the most healthy form of government that exists. The people are fundamentally TOO STUPID to rule themselves.

Today's "Democratic Conservatism" allows gays, fucking homofags, to be part of their movement.

Until we realize that democracy is a Leftist notion and therefore evil, we will never survive.


Monarchism is for cucks

I agree that the constitution is good framework, but one must reconcile the disconnect between what it says and what we have.
Expecting a constitution to curb the nature of political leaders is where it went wrong. It's effectively meaningless, disregarded when made inconvenient.
Is it right? Hell no, but it has been and will always be that way with elected officials

Could a Monarchy of which the people being armed and able to overthrow the King at any time with the express purpose of instating a new King ever work?

>constitutional monarchy>absolute monarchy
Constitutional monarchies are the height of Redpilled governance, just look at the great nations of Sweden, Canada and the UK :^)

In all seriousness maybe if only land owning white males voting, modern constitutional monarchies are shit

Not like that. If it was a matter of ventilating him to bring the heir to power, yes. Because you can be dang sure he's going to try and do better.
But there's the risk of a bunch of pissy malcontents ruining it by offing an otherwise good king.

There is only one way to do this, and your digits are showing you the path.

Would ISP companies be allowed to continue making people pay large sums for last generation internet under a monarchy?