Useless eaters to be squashed.
The future is transhumanism through augmentation.
180 IQ psychopaths are working on this.
They are right.
People are doing nothing , they are reproducing and consuming for the sake of it.
The elite must seize what is rightfully theirs.
The scum must perish!
Reminder that your all dead soon
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree with this.
Mean mr mustard man
>he's a go getter
Its gonna be beautiful!
Abolish electoral college
Abolish Federal Reserve
>"I realized right there.. I gotta stop these guys... I gotta do something"
>right after he admits there is nothing anyone can do and that is far too late
guy probably went broke and is making all this shit up trying to make a quick buck
>your all dead
Castrate yourself and choke on your flaccid cock.
Ha, I've been to the guide stones. It's in the middle of nowhere. It seemed like something that should have been in the desert. Was kinda of funny to see the red Georgia dirt on the bottom of it.
like its not happening tho.
Albert Pike 3 world wars 1871.
Its going to happen and its going to be beautiful.
Embrace the void.
And yeah, we are all going to be dead soon. Get your lols while you can.
>500 million people
Pretty much everyone on here will make the cut, considering we're well to do middle class whites.
They're just going to cull all the Indians and Africans because they breed like rabbits and don't contribute to the human race, except shitting in the street and getting AIDS.
Why do we hate globalism again?
Because Globalism means AIDS and street shitting everywhere.
Wrong they want a mongrelised Asian/nigger hybrid.
They are literally splitting into two separate species through Eugenics.
This was shown in A Brave New World.
If you survive you will be a servile Zeta toilet washer.
No user, you're better than that. Embrace the shadows with me.
Take ....The bllllluaaaack pilllll
So deus ex / ghost in the shell? Yeah because clearly those work well and have no backlash or problems whatsoever.
I was shitposting. I understand their plans.
But in any case, didn't some scientists prove that overpopulation is a myth and that the entire population of earth could live comfortably on the island of Cuba if it was well developed?
hurry up already i don't wanna go to work anymore...
start by killing all the Jews Muslims and Christians and we'll be getting somewhere
But we're useless.
Look outside. See everyone running around like busy busy bees?
What the fuck are they doing? Whats it for?
If they are using all that energy working , what is the mission?
What as a species is the goal?
To consume more shit?
Humans must take control of their destiny and transcend biological restrictions through augmentation.
The best should go on without us.
We are dead weight now. We only existed to be workers , now they can automate.
Don't feel bad though , because those that go on ARE you.
You are related to every other organism on the planet. They literally are a variation of you and by holding them back we're holding ourselves back.
Humans are a part of the planet that has become conscious of itself and we must unleash that consciousness through augmentation, to think faster live longer and see and do more.
>like its not happening tho.
>Albert Pike 3 world wars 1871.
>Its going to happen and its going to be beautiful.
>Embrace the void.
I agree I believe it will happen,
but this guy is kidding himself if he thinks he was part of the insiders
CRC here:
Im going to have to ask you all to leave my stones alone! I dont like weirdos touching my stones. I dont like having to clean my stone after a bunch of people touch em. My stones are sensitive, despite their texture in your hands. Try to message my stones softer, okay?
>didn't some scientists prove that overpopulation is a myth and that the entire population of earth could live comfortably on the island of Cuba if it was well developed?
Not familiar with what or who you are talking about, but if that was the case there would need to be about 175K humans per sq mile to fit into the surface area of Cuba.
I guess if energy and food could be highly optimized it could be feasible. Seems very unrealistic in real life circumstances though.
If you feed, provide shelter, and pretend to care after the cows, pigs, sheep, horses, and any other variety of mammal it becomes complacent even with the fences in place they rarely try to run away. This makes them easy to slaughter. This is similar to modern day society. When they lead others to the slaughter house many will never even question why so many have disappeared, and even when they are lead themselves to the chopping block it will not hit them the until the environment overwhelms them, and they see the blade before it falls. At that point reality becomes clear but it is too little, too late for the realization to set in.
The reality was never to get caught by trappers to remain free. Too many will never give up the privilege of materialism, and cannot find a way out of debt to break free. So they walk around in pastures waiting on the masters to sell them for the slaughter whether they want to realize it or not.
If we abolished the electoral college democrats would permanently run the federal government. You're retarded.
I agree on abolishing the federal reserve tho