What does Sup Forums think about this? Should descendants of slaves get preferential college placement treatment?
'Georgetown Will Offer Preferential Admission To Descendants Of Slaves'
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Oh sweet, some of my ancestors were slaves to the ottomans, can i get in on this too?
Or is it just dindu slaves?
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Are they going to take a DNA sample or something?
"Welcome to Georgetown! We're sorry to inform you however you're DNA results not only confirm your slavery lineage, but you also have HIV."
How will they know?
It's only for descendants of the 200+ slaves that the university actually sold on their own.
does this include people from Slavic nations?
Will Seamus and Ivan get admission?
sensible chuckle.....
Anyone else they can trace their ancestor directly back through the male line to a slave holder?
The Jew york times did this to them, and they are getting 2 boatloads this year, something like 20 of em.
Watch how fast georgetown drops in rankings in next 4 years.
>How will they know?
don't be silly. The Jews were nice enough to spend 6 months tracking them all down and putting them on front page on Jew York Times last year.
We should find One-Drop guys, some 98% hwhite dudes to go waltzing in and saying '1% black, I'm a descendant, that counts'. Then with they higher grades AND their preferential admission, they dance right in, get a whole bunch of scholarships, and slowly de-poz the school.
And if they don't take them, sue. Sue hard and well, claim racial discrimination, run Georgetown to the ground for it.
Do descendants of white sharecroppers, Irish slaves and slaves of Indians count?
How do they even know who they are?
>Descendants of slaves
>They obviously mean blacks
>This is just more affirmative action for blacks
How is this newsworthy? This is what they've been doing for 50 years
>It's only for descendants of the 200+ slaves that the university actually sold on their own.
But you need to extrapolate that for the time since that event X the nigger breeding cycle
The number could be in the tens-of-thousands of descendants
Which would serve Georgetown right; get their nice Liberal Safe Space invaded by feral nigs
Blacks are lucky if they know if their father was L'Andre or Trashone down the street. How would they know if their great great granddad was farm equipment?
Fatherlesness and broken homes are so rampant that I would be pretty shocked if the average black could trace their family back farther than 1950 with any real certainty.
do you think I'm joking or can you not read? The Jew york Times literally spent months and months tracing records of sale and then going through every record in Louisiana to supposedly "find" them on put it on front page and helpfully suggest what GT should do.
My ancestors were kidnapped by the Crimean Tatars from their home in Rostov (Russia) and enslaved, their children were sold to the Ottoman Turks, and when the Ottoman Empire fell they fled to the UK, readopted their original Russian name, and emigrated to the USA.
Reckon they'll give me a place?
Kek. Long live Trashone.
Why would you want to? Place will be chock full o' nogs by next fall.
It's a huge number this year alone, and it's going to be the gift that keeps on giving for decades since they breed like rats.
Being catholic, I'm a bit conflicted but I hate the Jesuits and current pope as much as the Jews.
Wait until they begin the protests for more and more gibs me
Someone's going to fall to the bottom of the college ratings.
Here's how the Jews did it. Nicely timed in april for the next year's admissions cycle...
It's only for descendants of slaves owned by the university
Everyone should sign up for this, make it a nightmare for them.
Because their wording lets you Jew it.
>Father's side of the family was brought here from Ireland as indentured servants
>Demand free college
>File a civil rights lawsuit when they refuse
i guess we finna be college graduates now my niqqas
The Crimean cunts kidnapped over 2 million Russians and put them into slavery. Why do you think Russia is so obsessed with Crimea in the first place? They fucking hate the Tatars (and so should we, they almost overran and slaughtered the whole of Europe under the Khans).
But noooo, blacks enslaving blacks and then selling them to American Jews is far worse and the only slave trade worthy of our memory.
Neither is the Barbary slave trade worthy of remembering, according to liberals - those North African pirates that raided coastal towns and villages as far as Norway and Ireland, depopulating entire towns with their kidnapping and enslaving millions and millions over the years. Not a peep from the history books. No "White Slavery" month.
When I first heard this story I went into full /pol outrage.
But then when I heard the details, I didn't have a problem.
Bad in the old days, this school sold a certain number of slaves to pay for their building, expenses, etc.
This deal is only for the the descendants of those slaves. Kind of like a "hey, sorry about that whole business of selling your ancestors south" thing.
If that's what they want to do, that's their choice.
>be german
>pay reperations to israeli descendants of WW2 victims
>get to see the USA having to do the same 71 years later
>If that's what they want to do
Sure user, everyone "wants" 200 feral niggers with shit grades and who can't pay and will turn their college into a dumping ground.
The Jews didn't twist their arm, not at all. would like to imagine the look on the faces of the legacies whose parents have been donating for 20 years who had to be denied to make room for niggers...
They've been favoring niggers and spics for years. This literally changes nothing
Most of my Irish ancestors were brought to America as slaves.
I'm still waiting for my bonus points.
I'm guessing they would have to provide actual proof and good fucking luck with that.
After that, they better still hold those applicants to standards.
>If that's what they want to do, that's their choice.
No arguments there.
Doesn't make it any less retarded, though. The recipients likely wouldn't have ever they were descendants of these slaves if some white, ivory tower professors didn't spend countless hours researching the genealogy. They are so far removed from this, it's an issue that didn't affect their parents or even their grandparents.
It's irrelevant, and they deserve nothing.
dat ID tho
I descend from Celtic Slaves
Affirmative Action strikes again
>Jamal has 1.3 GPA and 600 SAT score with a drug suspension but his great great grandpappy was a slave so he gets in college tuition free
Irish werent slaves tho
Of course they should. How is it possible to talk about meritocracy when people don't have the same opportunities in life? The society should acknowledge the histórica debt we owe to the slaves.
We have a similar system here in Brazil and it works quite well.
delet this
sweet trips tho
>good fucking luck with that.
lol, It's a done deal. do you think the Jews just published this today?
It's been a project for years. The niggers are already there, you won't see their pics (unless they admit it) bc they won't want to name them so people look into the grades and criminal pasts.
There is an irony here.
>1. You have a gripe with a university built on the sale of slaves.
>2. You get revenge on that university by flooding it with niggers, because they are niggers.
It's that liberal flavor of racism that is just too powerful to stand.
>university built on the sale of slaves
The entire idea is bullshit, Georgetown would have succeeded simply bc of the location.
do you think every big american uni wasn't somehow involved in selling niggers? This is why we can't let the Jews control the media.
One of the Jews had a grudge with Georgetown, this is how they get revenge. Notice it was Baruch College to make up for the Jewish role in the slave trade (which they still deny in face of massive evidence).
>The entire idea is bullshit, Georgetown would have succeeded simply bc of the location.
They have proof of the sale. They used the money to build the campus. you need that "seed money" from somewhere.
Jews did sell slaves like a mother fucker though. Collect "data" on that for this case. Find the descendants.
Why has no one responded to this? Rareflag.
so what, slavery was normal in that time. there's no sense in judging people by current morality, doesn't work.
>They have proof of the sale
Not denying they have it. My point is, if you subjected every uni in the US to same standard of scrutiny, they'd be 99% niggers.
Georgetown was founded long before these nigger sales took place, and would still be there if they had never sold them.
I don't care, actually I think it's great for them to get to know the wonders of the colored brother. and these will be REAL niggers, not even semi-housebroken.
guarantee you a violent rape or murder within 2 years on Gt campus.
I agree.
Enjoy being the most shit-tier school in the country
This is like opening a soup kitchen and wondering why businessmen don't visit on their lunch break
I'm irish, my peoples were enslaved many years ago as well, may I get free college sir?
This is bad because they aren't gonna do it right. Not only is this stupid as hell but it's logistical nightmare. You have to consider who should pay for it. Should families that never had slaves pay? What about white slaves, will they get repreations?
What if someone is descended from both a slave owner and a slave. Of course what's really gonna happen is they are just gonna give more money to blacks for no other reason than a massive PR stunt to get support. This is democrats 101.
>200 feral niggers with shit grades
That would be the progeny of a single slave at this point.
x 287
>who can't pay
GU Alum here.
I'd be annoyed but the amount of "preferential admissions" is pretty small compared to the shitload of kids with rich parents, legacy kids, and athletes who walk into the school and are garbage students anyways.
End of the day, if bad students end up getting in, they'll either fail out or boost the curve for everyone else.
Isn't it a bit racist to still have records of your slaves?
>Expecting a University to not maintain records and history
Come on now
They'll be getting the same preferential treatment that the children of the elite get.
Whats fucked up is that the children of the elite get preferential treatment. Then the children of the elite try to preach about "white privilege" when really its just rich privilege.
Burn this world.
I'm on my way.
About as much as they know that Elizabeth Warren was Native American.
Were all deacendants of slaves
>reverse image search the pic
>'Canadian Armed Forces Jobs'
>kids with rich parents, legacy kids, and athletes
difference being, these types generally don't hold protests at the dean's office and get you shit national press or threaten you in the library if you don't chant for "Black Lives Matter."
Oh fuck yeah! I'm Irish. I get preferential treatment without having to suffer through being a nigger!
I'm pretty sure a lot of you other crackers have been enslaved by Mongols or Arabs at some point. Or if they're going to be racist just claim you're 5% black and will sue for discrimination.
>children of the elite get.
Whether you like them or not, their families pay for libraries, gyms, student centers, etc..
This isn't even AA-- this is random niggers tracked down and pulled out of tree and thrown into GT.
The results will be hilarious.
Georgetown has already given free tuition and most likely perks that violate NCAA rules to dozens and dozens of black basketball players.
Are you Greek? Cuz i am and thought of myself
oh lord, leaf, yes they were.
1654, British were Selling Irish and scots as slaves to farmers going to the new world, to get rid of them. That's how the Macgregors got to America that early. They were particularly troublesome to the British army, so they got rounded up.
>against their will
>to work
>for free
>taken from their homeland
>devoid of possessions
>taken from their families
Indentured servitude is when you signed yourself over to be owned. When you are forced to, and sold by someone else, its slavery.